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- Research Fellow position in the field of experimental fluid dynamics – Singapore,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research Opportunity: New Position in Volcanology at UNAM, Mexico City,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 August 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Ph.D. position at Rutgers in the petrology and climate consequences of Earth’s largest magmatic system,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Mauna Loa 2022 - Bulletin of Volcanology Special Collection,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 August 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 July-1 August 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in igneous petrology and volcanology at the University of Georgia (USA),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship opportunities,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cities on Volcanoes 12 Updates and 2nd Circular,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-doc in physical volcanology at Lancaster, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 July 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 session V025 - Seismic and Acoustic Signals of Volcanic Unrest and Eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MSc in Volcanology at University of Bristol (UK) | Applications close next week (International - July 31st, UK - August 4th),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 session, V022 - Ocean Island Volcanoes: From Quiescence through Eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session V019 - Modern Submarine Volcanism and its Impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 July 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session ED033 on Quantitative Skills in Geophysics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session V006-San Francisco, CA: Session on mantle plume geochemistry and mantle derived magmas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session V015: Explosive Eruption Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session V005: Are we recording? Challenges, comparisons and advancements in measuring and interpreting magma decompression rates,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session V009 - Data Driven Science Applied to Magmatic and Volcanic Systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fall AGU 2023 Session A019: Atmospheric and climate impacts of the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Thematic issue proposals - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session: NH004 - Advancing Subduction Zone Science: Collaborating Across Borders and Cultures,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position in experimental studies of geo-inspired flows in soft materials,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE response coordination for Iceland,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 July 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D Presents: Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Virtual Workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session V029, The Archean: Crustal Evolution and Planetary Habitability,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023 Session V004 - A Jack of Small Trades: Zooming in on the Nano and Micro Scale to Better Understand Magmatic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4Grads Session at GSA,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- REMINDER: SIMS Community Facility Workshop Survey: Looking for feedback!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 June-4 July 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PCW3_INQUA Workshop - Reconstructing the Quaternary explosive volcanism of Turkey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2023: NH007 - Applied Science and Applications Supported by the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) Mission,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job: Director, NASA's Disaster Response Coordination System (DRCS) Program Office (permanent),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 June 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- VIPS Commission ECR rep,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session - V011 - Distributed Volcanic Fields: Science, Histories, and Hazards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fall AGU Volcanology Symposium: Volcano Science and Volcano Crises: Success Stories and Balancing Act,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position at the University of Perugia,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Position available - Assistant or Associate Faculty Specialist in Isotope Geochemistry - University of Hawaiʻi,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 June 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D Virtual Townhall Meeting | June 28 11AM PT,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA 2023 Session T110: Creative Contributions in Volcanology and Petrology: In Honor of Katharine V. Cashman,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Diffusion Chronometry Seminar Series June 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 June 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SIMS Community Facility Workshop Survey: Looking for feedback!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Next CMV 2023 Monogenetic Volcanism Webinar soon,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue of Bulletin of Volcanology on the past, present, and future of volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NSF/Earth Sciences Rotator Position open,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 May-6 June 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Elections for renewing the IAVCEI Executive Committee in 2023-2027,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Submission of proposals for workshops and fieldtrips pre- and post- COV12 conference,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MSc in Volcanology at University of Bristol (UK) | Open to UK, EU and International students | Applications close late July-early August,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Extended deadline "Volcano Seismology and Acoustic" Workshop (Ischia),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Visiting Asst. Prof. In Earth & Env Sciences at Denison University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- "Fire of Love" scholarships--Call for abstracts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts: DPS-EPSC meeting Oct. 1-6, 2023 (San Antonio, TX, USA),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline update: Workshop-Volcanology Infrastructure for Computational Tools and Resources (VICTOR),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop: Open Data in Geochemistry,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty position: Natural Hazards--Cambridge (UK),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DCO-EarthChem Melt Inclusion Expert Dataset,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Diffusion Chronometry Seminar Series May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline Extension: Hutton Symposium (10-15 of September) in Northern Italy (Ivrea Zone),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD positions in Space Geodesy/Volcanology at the University of Miami,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop recordings and report available for "Modelling volatile behaviour in magmas",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop announcement: Computational Tools for Volcanology (VICTOR),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Connects 2023 session -T 69. Disabled and Neurodivergent Perception, Community, and Identity in Geoscience,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lab Manager Position in Earth & Environmental Sciences at Vanderbilt University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event - Navigating a Workplace Hierarchy - May 19th 1530 UTC,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Annual Workshop 2023 IASPEI/IAVCEI Inter-Association Commission on “Volcano Seismology & Acoustics”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE Scenario Building Workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 April-2 May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SOEST Early Career Research Fellowship Program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- OCEANIC VOLCANISM Workshop at GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany - September 12-15 2023: Registration and abstract submission closes May 5th (Friday),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CALL FOR ABSTRACT - Italian SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV Joint Congress – P83. Multidisciplinary investigations of volcano-tectonic processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline Extended: COV12 session proposal submissions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two fully funded PhD positions in Iceland - the ISVOLC project,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2-year postdoctoral research position at Durham University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 April 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at Smithsonian NMNH,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully funded PhD project at University of Exeter (climate-volcano interactions/data science),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two postdoctoral positions in magmatic petrology at the University of Manchester, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc wanted: petrology of Archean volcanic rocks,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research Fellow in Volcanology at UCL, London, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Tephra Hazard Modeling Commission survey and subscription information,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE Scenario Building Institute (CSBI),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 24 month Postdoctoral Research position at Durham University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Teaching position: Earth Sciences--Windward Community College (Hawaii),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 April 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The "International Mineralogical Association" Working Group is pleased to announce the SUMMER SCHOOL on “Biominerals And Environment” in Cagliari, Italy, 05-08 September 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD positions in volcanology and igneous petrology at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SIMP-SGI-SOGEI-AIV Conference 2023 - Call for abstract Session P58 “Unveiling the evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere through the study of mantle rocks, primary melts and crustal sections”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Next Diffusion Chronometry Seminar Series: 27 April 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ECROFI2023 conference - Extended abstract deadline to April 20th,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty positions at St Andrews, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 April 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Birth of kīpuka, a French popular science magazine about volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position: ISTeP, Paris,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two postdoctoral positions at Cornell,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV12: Call for session proposals is now open,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 March-4 April 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to participate in the XVI Chilean Geological Congress 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Launch of 2023 Monogenetic Volcanism Webinar Series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE Webinar: Advancing Science during Volcanic Crises,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Doctorate Student (PhD) fellowships in studying the dynamics of transcrustal magmatic systems at ETH Zürich, Switzerland,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral or Research Fellow, aerosol modeling, Washington DC,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event: Academic Faculty Interviews, April 18th 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Teaching-focused position in Economic Geology and Mineral Resource Management, UNLV,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DEADLINE EXTENSION--10 April 2023: 2023 INVOLCAN Summer Science Training Program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 March 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ECROFI conference - Call for abstracts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Session 80 - "From continental rifting to break-up: tectonics, magmatism and their variations in space and time " at the next SGI, SIMP, SOGEI and AIV Joint Congress - Potenza (Italy), 19-21 September 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CALL FOR ABSTRACT - Italian SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV Joint Congress - P28. Geodetic observations and multi-source data for the analysis and modeling of Earth's surface deformation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Seismology & Acoustics: Annual Workshop in Ischia, Italy, October 1- 6, 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Updated links: Two postdoc positions in modelling volcano deformation / magma reservoir processes, University of Exeter, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two-year postdoctoral research position in Global Volcanic Risk--Univ. of Twente (Netherlands),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 8th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas: Bolzano-Bosen, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc in Rock Mechanics Lab (Portsmouth) on NERC funded "Forecasting Eruptions at Volcanoes after Extended Repose" (2.5 year) project,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 March 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UTCT Short Course: Quantitative Analysis with XCT June 28-30, 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two postdoc positions in modelling volcano deformation / magma reservoir processes, University of Exeter, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seeking applications to join the IAVCEI Early-Career Researcher Network working group,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE webinar series -- session #3 -- 3/21,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- igneous minerals game (demonstrated at IAVCEI2023),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EMPG 2023 - Deadline postponed to 27th of March,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Updated: 2023 INVOLCAN Summer Science Training Program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Pre-Goldschmidt Workshop - Lyon 2023 - Ore-forming processes and metasomatism: combining experimental and modeling methods to interpret field observations | 2-DAY IN-PERSON WORKSHOP,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-doc in experimental volcanology--Lancaster Univ (UK),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI: International Workshop: Genesis and dynamics of large active calderas: the case of Campi Flegrei and the Campanian Plain,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for proposals to the Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research – deadline extended to May 1, 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2023 Gübelin Gem Lab scholarship Dear all,,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 March 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-doc position ETH Zurich,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- postdoctoral position in volcanic petrology at Université Clermont Auvergne,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- fellowship opportunities for GRC on Geochronology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The Earth Science Women's Network Silent Auction is back!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2023 INVOLCAN Summer Science Training Program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc in Machine Learning - University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Teaching position--Western Colorado University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Session P50: "Reconstructing volcanic histories" at SIMP/SGI/SOGEI/AIV conference, Potenza (Italy), 19-21 Sept. 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 March 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SIMP/SGI/SOGEI/AIV session at Potenza 2023--P65: "Processes of volcaniclastic sedimentation: analytical, experimental and modelling approaches for stratigraphic record and modern environments",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fixed term research position at INGV Pisa,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special issue: The January 2022 Explosive Eruption of Hunga Volcano, Tonga,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 February 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UK volcanic Gas Meeting: NEW DATES June 22-23, 2023 in Oxford,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Update: [Deadline: 8 March] Call for Participation: COVID-19 impacts on volcanology researchers,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NSF-OCE Search: Program Director in Marine Geology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Update: 2023 trip to Katmai, Alaska,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Women's Webinar: Miss Cindy Lim, Dr Lin Shen, Dr Samathan Engwell, 08 March 2023, 4PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 February 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Upcoming deadlines for CVL-11 Workshop on Volcanic Lakes, Azores, Portugal,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Reminder: Call for nominations to the IAVCEI Executive Committee for the 2023-2027 term,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- WLF6 Session: Landslides in Subaerial and Subaqueous Volcanic Environments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event: Navigating a Workplace Hierarchy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Commission on Monogenetic Volcanism (CMV) election results,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ICP-MS/MS at Goldschmidt: Session 6c,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position, University Clermont-Auvergne, France,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MELTS, GLASSES, MAGMAS 2023 workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA MGPV Early Geological Career Award - call for nominations,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty position-Energy Resources, Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Volcanology Position at UH Hilo,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism: search for new leaders,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2023 Session 5b: Dynamics and timescales in magmatic reservoirs, conduits and dikes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8 February-14 February 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcement: OCEANIC VOLCANISM WORKSHOP Sept. 12th-15th 2023 at GEOMAR,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG 2023 Deadline Extended - Inter-association symposium JG03 Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG 2023 Deadline Extended - Session V04 "Integrated approaches to investigate pyroclastic density currents",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt2023 5e: Fluids and volatiles from source to surface: analyses, experiments and models,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI: Call for the 2023 second-round Walker Award and Wager Medal,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Diffusion Chronometry Seminar Series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG 2023-New Abstract Deadline-Session V05: Interactions Between Volcanic Eruptions and Climate,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG23 Session V11 - Planetary Volcanism - extended deadline Feb 21,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt2023 Special Session 3F: After the arc: What are lasting influences of subduction on mantle geochemistry?,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 4k: Crystal to crustal perspectives on mush systems and volcanic-plutonic connections,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Registration is NOW open for Hutton Symposium, September 10th to 15th, 2023, Baveno, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran 2023-Session T1: Evolution of Transcrustal Cordilleran Arc System,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ACE satellite Tonga plume analyses,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAS session on the impacts of volcanism on sedimentary systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 February 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Kevin Wong, University of Leeds / University of Bologna: 20 February 2023, 3PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Volc2clim online webtool,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG2023-Berlin--Invitation to contribute to inter-association session: JG03 - Remote sensing and modelling of the atmosphere (IAG, IAGA, IAMAS, IAVCEI),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG2023-Berlin--Invitation to contribute to session: V04 - Integrated approaches to investigate pyroclastic density currents,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI meeting during IUGG General Assembly, 15-19 July 2023, Berlin, Germany,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop: Genesis and Dynamics of Large Calderas - Naples 2-5 May 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Participation: 'Reviews in Volcanology 2023',
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral researcher / engineer positions at IPGP in Paris (France),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EMPG 2023 - Milan Registration and abstract submission will be available soon,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Position: Univ. Clermont Auvergne,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 January 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AOGS: Abstracts deadline 14 Feb: Volcanology sessions at the 20th AOGS meeting in Singapore, Jul 30-Aug 4,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE workshop in Portland Oregon, USA,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA-NorthCentral: Abstract reminder--Petrology Sessions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2023--Call for abstracts: "Petrological and geochemical monitoring and impact of recent volcanic eruptions",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Monogenetic Volcanism - Election reminder and Meeting Notice,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI2023: Submarine Volcanism Reception: 7 PM Thursday Feb. 2,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 January 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG 2023 session on climate-volcano interactions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI2023: INVOLC Commission Meeting at IAVCEI2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc opportunity in volcanic hazards and risks at Millennium Institute on Volcanic Risk Research - Ckelar Volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI2023: Commission on Statistics in Volcanology business meeting 30th of January,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Webinar: Navigating NSF,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UK Volcanic Gas Meeting: 20th – 21st March 2023 in Oxford,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023: UAS for volcanology workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to participate in survey - COVID-19 impacts on volcanology researchers,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI-CVL11: Second circular now available for IAVCEI-CVL11 workshop on volcanic lakes, Sāo Miguel, Azores, Portugal,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 January 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG 2023, IAVCEI Symposium V06 - "Geochemical and Geophysical Responses of Magma Feeding Systems and Eruption Dynamics at Active and Quiescent Volcanoes" - IAVCEI Symposium,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Bulletin of Volcanology Special Issue: The January 15th 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha-apai Eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI: Call for nominations to the IAVCEI Executive Committee for the 2023-2027 term,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- International School of Volcanology at Aeolian Islands - 2nd circular,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Papers: Uncertainty Quantification in Volcanology: Observations, Numerical Modelling and Hazard/Risk Assessment - Special Issue,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cord 2023 session on different sized and shaped plutons,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Modelling volatile behaviour in magmas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Field trip to Katmai - June 4-17, 2023,
Pavel Izbekov
- GeoTenerife La Palma #VolcanoStories - Out now!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Pre-IAVCEI combined workshop: Coping with volcanic ash, gas and acid rain AND Analysing the risk for farming systems from tephra,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI post-conference workshop - Developing the future visions for seamless multi-hazard warning for volcanic eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IUGG 2023 Joint Symposia announcement,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran session T2. Drivers of Cordilleran Magmatic Processes and Geochemistry,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Nominations to the 2023 IAVCEI Thorarinsson, Fisher and Krafft Medals,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Professor Heidy Mader,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Sam Wimpenny, University of Leeds: 25 January 2023, 4PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Workshop: State of the Volcanic Hazard Map 5,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- teaching position at the University of Pittsburgh,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 January 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques to Study Volcanic Hazards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran session T13: Interdisciplinary insights into the ecosystem, paleoclimate, volcanology, and tectonic framework of Mono Lake, California,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DUST 2023 conference - Call for abstracts - submission deadline extended (15 Jan),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Employment Opportunity: Instrument Support Specialist at Towson University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2 Computer Scientist Openings with the USGS Volcano Science Center,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Volcanic Hazards NH program!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Associate Professor position in Economic Geology at the University of Nevada - Reno,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SSA23 Special Session - Volcanic Hazards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano Communications Short Course Jan 28-29!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Kīlauea 2023 eruption: CONVERSE Center coordination of science activities with HVO,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 December 2022-3 January 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- International School of Volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New 2023 Deadline for CJES Special Issue Canadian Cordilleran Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for 2-years position as Technologist at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, section of Pisa (Italy),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023, GMPV10.3: " Interdisciplinary studies of the European intraplate volcanism: origin(s), links with Variscan structures and Cenozoic rift systems, and present activity ",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 session NH2.6 “Scientific – operational interface in volcanic crisis management: integrating national and international contributions”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 session NH2.5 The role of cultural and geoheritage in volcanic risk reduction,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 session TS10.2 - Magma migration and emplacement through different points of view,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2023 EGU - Permanent gas emissions in volcanic areas – a silent hazard - call for abstracts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Specialist in Geoscience Education and Outreach - University of Hawai‘i,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Expressions of Interest for Postdoc and Tenure-track Researchers in the Canary Islands (Spain),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- International Course on fluid geochemistry - Chile,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 December 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Prof Heidy Mader,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for cities and volcanoes commissioner nominations for 2023-2026,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023: Session GMPV1.2/CL1.1.6/GM2.10/SSP2.9/TS9.2 call for abstracts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 December 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New USGS report on volcano remote sensing,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023. Call for abstract for session NH2.7/GMPV9.5,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazards and Risk Newsletter,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Another post-doc opportunity at Lancaster University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 - GMPV7.2 - Architecture and dynamics of volcanic and igneous plumbing systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2023 Session GMPV7.3: Linking modelling, experiments and observations of magmatic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2023 – Call for abstract Session GMPV2.1 “Evolution of the Earth's upper mantle” Dear colleagues,,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 session GMPV8.2 on volcano deformation modeling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU Session: Volcanic hydrothermal alteration and fluid-rock interactions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 December 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The CONVERSE Center,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Election for the leadership team the SCAR Antarctic Volcanism (AntVolc) Expert Group,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 GMPV8.1: Volcanic Processes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy, Unrest,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- LIPs-Dykes-Rodinia conference, May-June 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop: Modelling volatile behavior in magmas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position at DisTeGeo Uniba,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 November-6 December 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU session ITS2.4/GMPV7.1: Physics of mushy regions: partially solidified systems from various perspectives,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Elections at the IAVCEI Commission for Monogenetic Volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GRC on Geochronology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2023 GMPV7.6: A holistic view of the timing of magmatic processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2023 Session GMPV8.5: Volcanic plumes: insights into volcanic emissions and their impacts on the environment, atmosphere and climate,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Graduate program in Petrology and Volcanology at Vanderbilt University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Meet our lecturers Vol. 1 - 4th International Workshop on Electron Probe Micro-analysis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2023 EGU Call for Abstracts-- GMPV9.3: Geochemical monitoring of volcanic systems: methods, findings, and perspectives,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research staff position in volcanology at Lancaster University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MS position in igneous petrology/geochemistry at Western Washington University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-IAVCEI workshop: Towards a standardized method of analyzing juvenile pyroclasts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 November 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE response to the Mauna Loa eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UPDATE: Deadline approaching for abstract submission to the Paricutin Conference,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc positions at University of Idaho,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two PhD positions in Volcanology, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for hosting the First International Monogenetic Conference, 2025,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhDone? So, what next? IAVCEI ECR-Net career paths workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI/IACS VIIC December Seminar - Magnús T Gudmundsson - Volcano-ice interaction in Iceland, how to monitor and what we have learned in the last 30 years of frequent eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor--U Hawaiʻi at Mānoa,--Geophysics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geochemistry technician opportunity--Univ. of Auckland, NZ,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2023 - NH2.4 Co-organized by GM9 - Slope instabilities in onshore and offshore volcanic environments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Atmospheric Dispersion Positions at the Met Office,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- INVOLCAN and ITER (Canary Islands, Spain) seek researchers to join their applied research programs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Junior Professorship in Volcano Seismology, University of Mainz,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop on Volcano Remote Sensing,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 November 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Master/doctoral theses and scholarships for women from low- and middle-income countries,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call to host Cities on Volcanoes 13 (~2026),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Edna Dualeh, University of Bristol: 01 December 2022, 4PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AMNH Mineralogist,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geosciences - Towson University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor of Economic Geology at Cal State Fullerton,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research and Development Scientist and Engineer in Laser Ablation ICP-MS (Stanford SIGMA lab),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Additional IAVCEI Tephra Data Workshop Information,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two PhD positions in Petrology/Volcanology/Mineral Resources, ETH Zurich,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9 November-15 November 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event - Careers Beyond Academia: Careers in Government,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Position at the University of Geneva,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New book release: "The Blessings of Disaster: The Lessons That Catastrophes Teach Us and Why Our Future Depends on It",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Symposium on Submarine Volcanism of the Canary Islands - FREE Registration,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 November 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-IAVCEI 2023 workshop on Feb 4: Coping with volcanic ash, gas, and acid rain,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD opportunity at ETH Zürich in Volcano Seismology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts: Volcano-ice interactions, IUGG Berlin, July 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2-year postdoc at University of Cambridge on the climatic impacts of large volcanic eruption clusters,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lecturer position in Geology at Queens College, City University of New York,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Submit to the special issue of European Journal of Mineralogy "Probing the Earth: magma and fluids, a tribute to the career of Michel Pichavant",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD opportunities at the University of Manchester,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc position in Volcanology and Granular Flows at Lancaster University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Workshop: Modelling volatile behavior in magmas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI pre-conference workshop on UAS in volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Nature Geoscience seeking a permanent Associate or Senior Editor (preferably solid earth science or hydrology),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure-track position in solid earth geochemistry at Northern Arizona University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcement and Call for Abstracts for the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8) Rotorua, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue | Challenges in Seismology to Our Understanding of Volcanic Islands and Their Magmatic Unrest,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2022 Condon lecture at Oregon State Univ,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Subduction Zone Science Workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 October 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geodesist-geophysicist position at OVSICORI, Costa Rica,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- nominations requested for officers of the IAVCEI Comission on Monogenetric Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- post-doctoral position at INGV Pisa in volcano modeling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Ian Pierce, University of Oxford: 26 October 2021, 4PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Obituary for Robert L. Christiansen,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lava Bombs: Truths Behind the Volcano film- US Release!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 October 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Course on Volcanic Seismology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ClerVolc: Postdoc fellowships,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ECR Research Symposium November 8/9 - IAVCEI Commission on Submarine Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 4th International Workshop on Electron Probe Micro-analysis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc fellowship--"natural disasters and socio-economic vulnerability",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Expression of Interest for leading IAVCEI Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Parícutin Conference (Feb 19-24, 2023): Second circular,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 October 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral researcher in high-resolution geochemistry at The University of Queensland, Australia,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Science outreach job opportunity--USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt Session Proposal Deadline this Friday 14 October,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully-funded PhD position in Geochemistry at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (in collaboration with the University of Utah),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UAF Database Developer Position,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Open Rank Faculty Position in Critical Elements and Minerals Geoscience--Cornell University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ECR Volcanology Reading-Rendezvous,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two faculty positions in Planetary Science / Planetary Systems modeling at the University of Texas at San Antonio,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 September-4 October 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UK postdoctoral fellowship opportunities for early career researchers,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET InSAR Training Workshop 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Associate/Full Endowed Professorship in Geochemistry/Geology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 September 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New book: "Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seeking new leadership for the IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modeling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Loper Professorship – Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Alabama,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program applications open,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event - Demystifying the NERC Independent Research Fellowships: Interviews,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two PhD scholarships in volcanic eruption forecasting in the Southern Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor of Economic Geology--Cal State-Fullerton,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 September 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event - Demystifying Narrative CVs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The deadline to sign up for the International Field Course on Physical Volcanology is almost over,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 10th Hutton Symposium September 2023 - Ivrea Zone, Northern Italy MARK YOUR CALENDARS,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 field trip,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D 2022 Community Meeting, November 14-16,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geoscience editor position at Nature Communications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position in seismology at the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 September 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Event - USA Academic Applications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in Antarctic Seismology at Colorado State University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty positions at Indiana University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Field Trips,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano teaching workshop at IAVCEI 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NASA Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Community Workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 August-6 September 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023: Late-breaking special session on the eruption of Hunga volcano,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Professor David Pyle, University of Oxford: 21 September 2021, 4PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc available at Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts--"Women in Volcanology" collection for Frontiers in Earth Science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session--Statistical Eruption Forecasting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Save-the-Date: SZ4D Community Meeting - November 14-16, 2022 - Houston, TX,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Notices,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Opportunity to help develop new USGS-Smithsonian daily global volcanic activity report,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Updated deadline: IAVCEI 2023 session: Impacts of volcanic emissions within atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanofest social events for IAVCEI 2023 New Zealand meeting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI session on Chemistry, Mechanics, Geophysics, and Timescales of Magmatic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 August 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 - Session: Proximal and distal remote sensing observations of volcanic eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Lava flow hazard modeling, risk assessment and uncertainty quantification,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Interactions between volcanic eruptions and climate,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA workshop: Computational petrology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Health hazards associated with volcanic eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Session--Volcanic surface flows: Linking processes to impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstract - IAVCEI 2023, 30 Jan - 3 Feb | Rotorua, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 tephra-oriented sessions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 August 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Traditional Knowledge and its value in understanding past and present volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Source to surface magma transport, eruption processes and deposits at small-volume intraplate basaltic volcanic provinces,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 SESSION: “Calderas and geothermal energy”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session "Processes and Products of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session on dynamics of explosive eruption columns and clouds,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Session - Volcanic Electrification and Lightning: Causes and Effects,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI session on Tephra Impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session on volcanic processes across the Solar System,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session on multidisciplinary approach to understand effusive-explosive mafic eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor Position in Natural Hazards and Climate Change at the University of Oregon,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ICDP workshop CALDERA just before IAVCEI - application for participation by Sept 2,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Session invitation: Advancing science with stakeholders – from engagement to co-creation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 August 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Abstract call: let's talk about microtextures and physical properties of erupted materials,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI2023 Session: Analysis, Monitoring, Modelling of mass-wasting in volcanic areas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI2023 session: Global Applications of Volcano Geodesy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lab manager job search, Central Washington University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Volatiles and metals in volcanic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Session: Never enough discipline(s): Linking geophysical and geochemical observations in volcanic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Identifying analog volcanoes, unrest, and eruptions for comparison and forecasting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Understanding and utilising melt inclusions to elucidate magmatic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Session: Architecture and dynamics of volcanic plumbing systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Grand challenges in understanding large silicic magmatic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully-funded PhD position in early terrestrial melt petrogenesis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Abstract call - for the people who love distributed fields, maars, and other monogenetic volcano type things,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Comms session - Communication can be Tuff! - submit your abstract : ),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunities,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 August 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session--Volcanism in subaqueous, emergent, coastal, and glacial settings,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Office Hours on the NASA Earthdata Forum - August 17, 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Magmatism and Volcanism in Continental Rifts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Small Islands, Big Challenges: Hazard assessment, monitoring and mitigation on volcanic islands Dear Colleagues,,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcing 2 Geothermal Sessions--IAVCEI 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: “Demystifying large caldera-forming eruptions, their build-up and associated unrest”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Ph.D. studentship in basaltic volcanism in SW Utah, Univ. at Buffalo,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to the IAVCEI 2023 session:"Phreatic and hydrothermal eruptions: occurrence, triggers, magnitude, and hazards",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: We invite submissions to our session, “Sudden explosive eruptions: understanding, forecasting, and mitigation”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Lava flow emplacement and dynamics: field and remote sensing observations, experiments, modeling, hazards, and mitigation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Nominations call for the 2023 George Walker Award and Wager Medal,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- "Constraining the stress evolution of magmatic systems..."; a multi-disciplinary IAVCEI 2023 Session,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 July-2 August 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 'Unlocking the mush: Integrated approaches to track the lead-up to volcanism' at IAVCEI 2023 NZ,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Rotating opportunity in NSF/EAR,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for IAVCEI2023 session "From shape to process: geomorphology as a tool to unravel volcanic processes",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Landscape evolution in volcanic terrain: magmatism, climate, hydrology, and life,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Session notice IAVCEI 2023-Volcanism in Antarctica and the Southern Oceans,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Three USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowships in active volcanic processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2022 Granitoid Session (V009),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 session: Bubbles in volcanic and magmatic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Openings at INGV Pisa - volcanic system modeling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for IAVCEI2023 session "Management of the Volcanological Data",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session v017 on LIPs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 4-year PhD position in Dublin: modelling resurgent calderas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to Submit Abstracts for the IAVCEI 2023: Volcanism and Volcanic Hazards in the SW Pacific: Management of the Effects on Local Communities,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Lakes Webinar Sessions- Part 1,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2022 AGU Session V012--Submarine Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 July 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI session on volcano geodesy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly Session on Volcanic Lakes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2022 session V006: Explosive eruption processes and their deposits,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU V007 - Lessons Learned from Eruption Scenarios and Hypothetical Exercises,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- "The Crystal Chronicles" Session at 2023 IAVCEI Meeting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session V010: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on the Structure, Dynamics, and Evolution of Large Silicic Continental Magma Reservoirs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2022 V022: Interdisciplinary session on Earth processes, plumes, and the mantle,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New PhD Position at the Earth Science Department – University of Turin (Italy) in thermal remote sensing of volcanic activity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2022 session on interdisciplinary approach to understand magma storage, transport and eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Pal(a)eoPERCS Inclusive Fieldwork Series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in experimental petrology, Institute of Mineralogy, Hannover,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 July 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Early Career Researchers plenary session - applications now open,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Office Hours on the Earthdata Forum,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Extension Special Issue "The Fate of Volatiles and Metals in Magmas: Volcanic Eruptions, Plutons and Ore Deposits",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position in Mineralogy at Miami University (Ohio),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2022: Contribute to V002 Chemistry, Mechanics, Geophysics, and Timescales of Magmatic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seismology position, University of Iceland,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in igneous petrology/economic geology - University of Nevada, Reno,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Position in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Volcanology at Physics Dept, Pisa University (Italy),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fall AGU Session V004 - 2022 HTHH eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 July 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Parícutin volcano (Michoacán, Mexico): Preserving our heritage and preparing for future eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session V020 - Volcano Seismology and Acoustics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor position at Miami University (Ohio),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Papers - The January 15th 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption - Bulletin of Volcanology Special Issue,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 June-5 July 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The 2nd Edition of the International Field Course on Physical Volcanology is coming!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Topical session GSA 2022: Source to Surface Magma Thermodynamics and Transport,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Closing date for Drivers of Volcano Deformation model verification and validation execises,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special GSA Session on the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Short Course on the Application of LA-ICP-MS to Earth Sciences - Sept. 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Wildfire and Urban Smoke webinar series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 June 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New outreach book: "Antarctic Volcanism: Explore the Remotest Volcanoes of the Planet!" (AntVolc - SCAR),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MSc Volcanology at University of Bristol (UK) | Open to Home, EU and International students | Applications close late July-early August,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CaV Membership, CoV11 success, and CoV12 ahead,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Talk this Wednesday about the atmospheric impacts of extreme wildfires and volcanic plumes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Revised Deadline for Special Hunga Volcano Issue of Geophysical Journal International,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network hosted event: Demystifying the NERC IRF: Applications, July 13th 2022, 1000 UTC,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 June 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NEW: IAVCEI Submarine Volcanism Webinar Series | Thursday June 23rd, 17:00 (GMT+1) | Dr. Eugenio Fraile-Nuez, IEO - El Hierro (2011/12) and La Palma (2021),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Join us at an interdisciplinary meeting for Galápagos science!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- LAST CALL: Seminar Announcement: The Cosmic Billiard – Meteorites and Their Impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for participation to ICDP workshop "CALDERA",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Chapman on Distributed Volcanism - Abstract Deadline Update--June 28,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New IAVCEI working group on Volcanic Risk to Agriculture,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Science Women's Network Careers Outside Academia Webinar, June 22nd, 4pm UTC,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 June 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI - INVOLC : Best-Engagement Protocols for International Collaboration,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position in tephrochronology--School of Archaeology, Univ. of Oxford,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Executive search at the University of Hawaii: Dean of SOEST,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Join now - serve on an SZ4D Committee,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 June 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Master of Science program in Volcanology--Naples, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seminar Announcement: The Cosmic Billiard – Meteorites and Their Impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Yellowstone Volcano Observatory 2021 annual report,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully funded PhD studentship: Transpressional transforms and plate tectonics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- “Discover volcanoes: Enjoy with the Volkis their volcanic adventure”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD, Post-doc, & Assistant Professor positions in volcanology and petrology at the LMU-Munich,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seminar - The cosmic billiard - Meteorites and their impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 May 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts - Rittmann Conference, 29/09 - 01/10 Catania, Italy - session 08 - Towards a multidisciplinary approach to understand the origin and dynamics of paroxysms at basaltic volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Rittmann Conference 2022 - S03 Tephrochronology session (29/09 - 01/10 Catania, Italy),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Italian Association of Volcanology Rittmann Conference Session S05: Behind the scenes: advanced methodologies to unravel the architecture, dynamics and timescales of volcanic plumbing systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 May 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Session S19--Rittmann Conference: Volcanic risk management in built-up areas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE in-person workshop application,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CALL FOR ABSTRACT - Rittmann 2022 - S06 Equilibrium/disequilibrium processes during magma ascent,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts--Rittmann Conference, 29/09 - 01/10 Catania, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 Pre-Conference Workshop 1 - VOLCANO ALERT LEVEL SYSTEMS,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 May 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UPDATE IAVCEI: COV11 Conference in Heraklion (12-17 June 2022),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lava Flows session at GSA '22 — Call for abstracts!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Department manager position, Geology, Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EMPG XVIII is arriving! SAVE THE DATE!***12-15 June 2023***,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Corrected dates/deadlines: AGU Chapman Conference on Distributed Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Open position - co-Editor of Applied Earth Science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 May 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Chapman Conference on Distributed Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for the infrasound session at LACSC IV Assembly in Quito, Ecuador,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr. Alessandro Novellino (British Geological Survey)--18th May 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 April-3 May 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 3 fully-funded PhD projects available at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) in volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position--Massey Univ, NZ,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two Ph. D positions available in experimental volcanology--,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ESR position at LMU within IMPROVE on permeability in geothermal systems an seismo-acoustic patterns,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano video entires: Earth Futures Festival,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 1-Year Visiting Assistant Professor Position in Mineralogy/Petrology at Bates College,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 April 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13 -19 April 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call "Society and Volcanology (SOVOL)"- Please forward,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Visiting assistant professor position in Colorado, USA,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS geologic mapping positions - Denver, CO,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- "Women in Volcanology" article collection--Frontiers in Earth Science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6 -12 April 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Bulletin Volcanology special issue - Call for Papers - Improving interactions and communications between the Volcano Observatories and Institutes, VAACs and aviation - Special Issue,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 March-5 April 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Three-year post-doc position available at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- BSSA Call for Papers: Special Section on Seismoacoustics and Seismoacoustic Data Fusion,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano deformation model verification and validation exercise launch,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- *** Four lectureships open for applications at UCL, closing date 31 May 2022 ***,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 March 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc of 2 years in Iceland on IS-Tremor project,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MELTS, GLASSES, MAGMAS 2022: in-person event in Munich, Germany, from 30 May through 3 June,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IMPROVE/Nordvulk network school on "Geothermal and magmatic systems" at Krafla (Iceland),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2 post-docs in Natural Hazards--Uppsala University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU22 Proposals are now open!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research Fellow Position - Leibniz University Hannover,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [no subject],
- SEAK2022 Workshop posting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SGI-SIMP 2022 Session P42: From magma reservoirs to volcanic eruptions: insights from integrated field, experimental, laboratory and modelling studies,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 March 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Microprobe Specialist position at Univ. Hawaii,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Registration Open for the NISAR Science Community Workshop, Aug 30 - Sep 1, 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SGI-SIMP 2022 Session P47: A journey into Earth's upper mantle,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-Doctoral Position--JPL,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seminar 24 March: "What would happen if the last caldera-forming eruption in Tenerife were to happen again in the future?",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IMPROVE network school on Etna: time series and massive data analysis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 March 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AIV school for young researchers - applications of paleomagnetism to volcanology - June 8-11 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 March 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AIV Workshop/School June 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully supported PhD,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Opening: Assistant Prof.--Department of Geography-Univ. of Cambridge,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Second Summer School on Volcanic Lakes, Lago Albano, Rome, Italy, 29 Aug-2 Sept 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI 2023 Save the Date,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Research Associate position at Durham University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc in Volcano Deformation Available--Volcano Tectonic Laboratory (Geneva),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DEADLINE EXTENSION: Goldschmidt conference session 5c - Exploring the physical and chemical evolution of magmas in volcanic plumbing systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seeking a software developer to build Volcano Cyberinfrastructure,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23 February-1 March 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline extension: Frontiers in Earth Science "From Magma Generation to Surface Processes in Monogenetic Volcanism",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job opening, geochemist in USGS Denver TIMS and LA-ICP-MS labs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2022 2e: Hydrogen in the Earth's Interior,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline update 1 March 2022 23:59 HST: Goldschmidt 2022 Session 5k - Volatiles in volcanic systems: mantle to atmosphere,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline March 1: Goldschmidt 2022 Session 5f - From source to surface: Characterizing magma generation and ascent,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Philip Benson (University of Portsmouth). 9th March 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt Session 2f: Deep and ancient Earth,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt abstract call | Session 5h - Submarine volcanism and hydrothermalism: Fluids, melts, and eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Slots Available in 2022 Iceland Volcanology Field Camp,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-Doctoral Position on the Effect of Volcanism on the Martian Climate--JPL,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2 PhD positions in rock-fluid interactions and permeability evolution in volcanic systems--EPFL,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Goldschmidt session honoring Fred Frey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 February 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Geoscience Lessons for and from Other Worlds,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- VGP Kuno Award - Call for Nominations,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Bowen Award - Call for Nominations,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SSA late breaking session: The 15 January 2022 Tonga Eruption and Tsunami,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- pre-Goldschmidt workshop, “Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS): recent advancements and novel applications in geochemistry, biogeochemistry, cosmochemistry, and nuclear forensics”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 February 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 abstract submission deadline extended to February 20 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2022 Goldschmidt session 3g--Non-traditional stable isotopes as new windows into the evolution of the silicate Earth,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI/IACS VIIC Seminar: Subglacial Volcanism and the Formation of Glaciovolcanic Cave System with Linda Sobolewski and Christian Stenner,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 - Call for abstracts - Session S1.5 "Reconstructing the topography of active volcanic areas by using Geomatics techniques: volcanic phenomena investigation and hazard mapping",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2022 Session 5k - Volatiles in volcanic systems: mantle to atmosphere,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 February 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV 11 session announcement "1.11: Large- to small-scale instability-to-collapse processes and mass wasting: dynamics, models and hazard implications",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts COV11: Volcanic health hazards and environmental impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- First announcement: Searching for a new Director for the Volcanological and seismological observatory of Martinique (OVSM-IPGP) at Institut de physique du globe de Paris,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Second announcement: Searching for a new Director for the Volcanological and seismological observatory of Guadeloupe (OVSG-IPGP) at Institut de physique du globe de Paris,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research - apply by April 1,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MVO Scientific reports fort the periods 01 October 2020 - 30 March 2021 and 01 April - 30 September 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Ethics and law session at CoV11,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Position open for applications: Director for the Advanced Instrumentation Lab at UAF,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geophysical Journal International: Special Issue on Hunga Eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Feb 24th, 2022: A seminar series on diffusion modelling to determine timescales of processes (Diffusion Chronometry),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 January-1 February 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV11 - Sessions 2.06, 3.05 and 3.09 (uncertainty quantification, numerical modelling and hazard/risk assessment),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt session 7c - Kinetics of formation of crystals from nanolites to megacrysts and their effects on magma properties, dynamics, and ore-forming potential,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline: 28 Feb 2022--Frontiers in Earth Science issue dedicated to monogenetic volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Diffusion at Goldschmidt 2022 in Honolulu: session and workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts - Cities on Volcanoes 11 - Greece,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Laboratory Manager - Geosciences Department and Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at CSU,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Early Career Researcher (ECR) Webinar Series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Statement on the Status of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 28 January 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 January 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 50% off - A Hero on Mount St Helens,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Opening: Analytical Instrument Specialist, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Florida,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for CoV11 session S1.9 "Management of the Volcanological Data",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 late-breaking special sessions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcan-Early Career Reading Rendezvous,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Position advertisement: AXA-funded Chair at Bristol (UK),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- VICS session at Cities on Volcanoes 11 (12-17 June 2022),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NERC-funded Equator Mentoring Network launch,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two Island webinars,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2022 - 5g: "Influence of Ancient Interpretations of Volcanic Phenomena on Modern Volcano Science",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt conference session 5c - Exploring the physical and chemical evolution of magmas in volcanic plumbing systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 January 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special issue on remote sensing of volcanic gas emissions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcement of new COV11 schedules,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-doctoral opportunities at the Faculty of Earth Science of the University of Barcelona (Spain),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Lakes CVL-11 Workshop on São Miguel, Azores, Portugal,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position in modeling magmatic systems - Savoie Mt Blanc University, France,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Global Geochemistry Community Survey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Luke Wedmore - "Seismic hazard in East Africa from continental rifting of thick lithosphere",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for nominations to the 2022 IAVCEI Award for Volcano Surveillance and Crisis Management,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tephra Fusion 2022: 4-part workshop series Febr 10, 18, 25 and Mar 3,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 January 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MDE Draft Report Chapter for SZ4D - Input needed by February 10,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2022 Deadline extension: SM6.4 - Challenges in seismology to understanding volcanic islands and magmatic unrest.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU (GMPV9.4) Volcanic Processes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy, Unrest,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Denver - Geophysics job opportunities,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2022-GMPV9.3 'Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally’,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2022 Session: GMPV10.3 - Volcanic Plumes: Insights into Volcanic Emissions and their Impacts on the Environment, Climate and Health',
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DEADLINE 15 JAN 2022: MS position in igneous petrology/geochemistry at Western Washington University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position in volcanology/petrology at Rutgers,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU22 session on Making Geochemical Data Easier to Find, Access and Reuse,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts EGU 2022: Session GI6.1 "Remote sensing for environmental monitoring",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU22 call for abstracts - Session GMPV10.4/NH2 Advances in numerical modelling of volcanic hazards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ession: Advances in the Use of Seismic and Acoustic Methods to Constrain Physical Processes at Volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 December 2021-4 January 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline June 2022: American Mineralogist thematic issue: Experimental and Petrologic Investigation of Halogens, Sulfur, and Other Volatile Species in Igneous Systems: In Honor of Jim Webster,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2022 | SM6.4 - Challenges in seismology to understanding volcanic islands and magmatic unrest.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cluster hire in mineral resources: Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Position opening: State Geologist/Director of the Colorado Geological Survey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Goldschmidt 2022 Session honoring Fred Frey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU Session GD6/GMPV8: Igneous intrusions and induced host rock deformation as probes of the Earth crust rheology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts - SM6.1 @ EGU2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2022 Volcanoes calendar--IAVCEI,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Save the date - tephra fusion 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU22 SSP3.1: Volcano-sedimentary processes in broader geological environments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2022 dates for International Volcanological Field School at Katmai, Alaska and Mutnovsky, Kamchatka,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 December 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position in modeling volcanic plumes--American University--Washington, DC,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty cluster hire in geohazards - NTU / ASE / EOS in Singapore,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2022 session on geomechanics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New IAVCEI Early Career Researcher (ECR) Webinar Series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt session 3d: South Atlantic Evolution,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD studentship, Imperial College, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Open Rank – Postdoctoral or Associate Research Scientist - Volcanology—LDEO,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seeking Copy Editor for Elements magazine,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc position in seismology applied to geothermal prospecting--ISTerre/IPGP-Paris,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 3rd virtual Workshop on EPMA developments and applications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NE GSA Session: North Atlantic Arcs, Rifts, and Plumes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- seeking Visiting Professor Mineralogy/Geochemistry--Whitman College,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully funded ice core volcanology PhD at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of St Andrews),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job vacancy: Permanent Lecturer in Geophysics, UK, University of Exeter,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 November 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Open Rank - Postdoctoral or Associate Research Scientist at LDEO,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI/IACS Volcano-Ice Interactions Commission Seminar 8th December 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Economic Geology, UNLV,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Position: Cornell Center for Atmospheric Sciences and Planetary Research,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Position in Igneous Geochemistry at the University of Hawai’i,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 November 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI VIPS commission webinar series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2022 “Synthetic Aperture Radar and Volcanoes: successful applications and recent advancements”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Multiple MS and PhD positions available at University of Nevada Reno,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job opportunity Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 25 Nov 2021: A seminar series on diffusion modelling to determine timescales of processes (Diffusion Chronometry),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seeking instructors for Iceland Volcanology Field Camp,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cities and Volcanoes Commission Members Survey 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Consultancy Opportunity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Associate or full professor position in geological hazards, University at Buffalo,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure Track Faculty position in Petrology at Colorado State University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- two faculty positions at the University of Utah: 1) Environmental Earth Science; 2)Petrology/Geochemistry/Structure,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 November 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD studentship and Postdoc opportunities in the Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two fully funded PhD studentships at Trinity College Dublin,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 November 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Session T9. Battery and Energy Metals: Mineral Potential of the Southwestern USA,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volatiles from Source to Surface, a GeoPRISMS Workshop - Apply Now!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Alabama,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- JOB OPENING: Volcanic Deformation Technician (Hawai'i),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Position in Magma Rheology at NCSU,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Early Stage Researcher positions in volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
[Index of Archives]
[Earthquake Notices]
[Yosemite News]