2023 EGU Call for Abstracts-- GMPV9.3: Geochemical monitoring of volcanic systems: methods, findings, and perspectives

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From: "Maria FB. Viveiros" <Maria.FB.Viveiros@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear all,

 We would like to draw your attention to geochemical monitoring of volcanic

In order to promote fruitful discussions on the topic, we warmly invite you
to submit an abstract to our session at the 2023 EGU General Assembly
(Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023).


*Geochemical monitoring of volcanic systems: methods, findings, and

Convener: Marcello Liotta | Co-conveners: Fátima Viveiros, Carlo Cardellini

The understanding of geochemical processes occurring in volcano systems is
the driver for the scientific community and Civil Protection agencies
towards an effective geochemical monitoring of volcanic activity. Volatile
emissions provide the opportunity to infer information on magma degassing
that drives the unrest, the eruption activity and its style. In light of
this, scientists study the chemical and isotope composition of different
types of gas emissions (volcanic plumes, fumaroles and soil emissions) and
waters (groundwater, crater lakes, geysers etc.). Many valuable monitoring
activities are carried out all around the world by the members of the
scientific community thus contributing to the volcanic risk mitigation. In
addition, the study of volcanic gases represents a valuable tool to
evaluate the impact of volcanic emissions into the atmosphere, characterize
the geothermic potential of the areas, identify and characterize outdoor
and indoor gas hazards.

We are seeking contributions from any geochemical studies on various topics
including (but not limited to):

Soil degassing;

Fumaroles emissions;

Volcanic plumes;

Dissolved gases;

Thermal waters;

All methodological approaches, from the most traditional to the most
innovative ones are welcome.

Our session will also have an invited talk from Giovanni Chiodini.

For further details on our session and to submit an abstract, please click:


*The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET.*

Any abstract on the topic is welcome!

Kind regards,

Marcello Liotta

Fátima Viveiros

Carlo Cardellini



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