Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Parícutin volcano (Michoacán, Mexico): Preserving our heritage and preparing for future eruptions

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From: Marie Noelle Guilbaud <marie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear members of the volcanological community.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Parícutin volcano
we are pleased to announce an in-person conference to be celebrated from
February 19-24, 2023 in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.

This commemoration provides us with the opportunity to not only remember
this incredible geologic event, but also to raise the awareness of a
possible new monogenetic eruption, as hinted by the recent occurrence of
seismic swarms in this region. Furthermore, the ongoing destruction of the
rich natural and cultural heritage associated with monogenetic volcanism in
this region also requires our attention.

The conference will open with 2 to 3 days of scientific sessions on
monogenetic volcanism and broader related aspects (archaeology, history,
ecology, geoheritage), followed by field excursions to the Parícutin
volcano and the Zacapu and Pátzcuaro areas, where there are archaeological
sites on young lava flows of great interest.

Please visit our webpage for more information and to register your interest
in the conference and field trips, so that we can improve our planning and
send you updates.

Webpage:  https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://paricutin80.geofisica.unam.mx/en/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!aY5I7ltVYHg87AWLmUgEKD3t9Pz5QDq0kkSh2bI_9bXr70CWQTkugSTpsVfrh6M_jQeAxtOySZgGaX9o$ 

Email: paricutin80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

See you soon in Mexico,

Marie-Noëlle Guilbaud, Giovanni Sosa Ceballos, Claus Siebe, Jose Luis Arce,
Lucia Capra & Jose Luis Macias; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Martha Gabriela Gómez Vasconcelos, Isabel Israde Alcantara, Pedro Corona
Chávez, Ana Teresa Mendoza; Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de
Hidalgo (UMSNH)

Jacinto Robles Camacho, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)



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End of Volcano Digest - 6 Jul 2022 to 11 Jul 2022 (#2022-71)

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