CONVERSE Scenario Building Workshop

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From: Michael Murphy <murphmic000@xxxxxxxxx>

CONVERSE Scenario Building Workshop

The goal of this yearâ??s CSBI is to bring together students of volcano
science to develop a scenario for the science response to the run-up to and
eruption of an arc volcano. The development of eruption scenarios is
important for volcano science because they advance our understanding of
pre- and syn-eruptive processes and highlight the open science questions.
Participants of the CSBI will work in an in-person and interdisciplinary
setting to develop the geophysical and geochemical signals that lead up to
the simulated eruption and the observables that will represent the eruption
as it evolves. The eruption scenario will be based on a realistic framework
of events but students collectively can determine the evolution and outcome
of the eruption. The resulting materials will be used in a community
exercise in the future (later this year or early next) and the CSBI
participants will be encouraged to take leadership roles during the
exercise. As part of the CSBI, participants will have the opportunity to
complete the one-day FEMA-certified course on Volcanic Crisis Awareness.

*The Deadline for application is May 8. You will be notified by May 16.*

*Dates: *University of New Mexico Campus from July 9 (evening) to July 15
(morning), 2023

*Eligibility: *We will aim to have a broad representation of the
subdisciplines of volcanology. We hope to pair experienced students with
less experienced students, to encourage peer-to-peer mentoring. Special
consideration for applicants from institutions without volcanology programs
and those without R1 designation.

*Accommodations: *CONVERSE will support travel to Albuquerque, lodging on
campus (single rooms in 4-bedroom apartments), meals, and a $500 stipend
for up to 14 participants.*3A*2F**2FfiAXyq4d7PBr56WN6&data=05*7C01*7Cmmurphy1**7C487373cb79934ed91cbe08db44e396d6*7Ca3ec87a89fb84158ba8ff11bace1ebaa*7C1*7C0*7C638179516516755532*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=zxSOvDwpr5gDX8JBiunQNtZtV3tIB5zaMRZW*2B4gvFfM*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!fvQ11_6wOKYOdwaSgEvAdyjyf7YWWyP_hXR94IF6yz8R7slmjiJ46PaCHYqFMEg5EsCdQ_3qk8w99dWF$ 



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