2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: Andrea Luca Rizzo <andrea.rizzo@xxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues and Friends, We invite you to submit an abstract to the theme â??*The message from fluids: from Earth's mantle to the surface*â?? at the upcoming IAVCEI 2023 in Rotorua, New Zealand (30 Jan-3 Feb; IAVCEI 2023 (eventsair.com) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dQe8hIgqU0JLVH1E0CPuUtx3JszNV6w4tyfk6Wilv82-F2z9H9lCdH405iu48EIetv8i2J6xAuf3GrIBTAqXZw$>). The abstract submission deadline is *September 2, 2022*. Symposia: Magmatism and tectonism Theme: *The message from fluids: from Earth's mantle to the surface* Conveners: Andrea Luca Rizzo, Alessandro Aiuppa, Tobias Fischer, Peter H. Barry *Theme description:* This session addresses the fundamental role that the study of fluids plays in constraining Earthâ??s mantle composition and evolution as well as in tracking magmatic degassing and in triggering volcanic eruptions. One of the major challenges in the study of volcanic gases derives from the impossibility of a direct access to Earthâ??s interior. The investigation of fluids trapped as inclusions in minerals of different origins (mantle xenoliths and/or cumulates) provides this opportunity, allowing reconstructing of mantle features and the processes (partial melting, metasomatism, refertilization) that modified its original composition. As magma rises from the mantle, decreasing pressure allows volatile species to partition into the gas phase. A small part of these fluids are trapped in growing-minerals and their study may aid in tracking magma depressurization, storage and contamination within the crust. The majority of these gases reach the surface and are released into the atmosphere as volcanic plumes, in some cases diffusing through the soil or bubbling in water-pools or hydrothermal-springs. The composition and flux of volcanic gases may change with time in response to active magma dynamics occurring in the feeding system of volcanoes or to shallow hydrothermal activity. Therefore, measuring volcanic gases and volatile budget constitutes a powerful tool for monitoring and understanding volcano evolution. However, to develop rigorous models of short- and long-term eruption forecasting, the integrated study of magmatic and volcanic gases is necessary, as well as the development of new techniques for gas sampling and analysis. We welcome multidisciplinary contributions based on analytical approaches, as well as thermodynamic modelling, to study fluid inclusions in minerals and/or volcanic gases, linking deep and surface observations. Researchers presenting novel measurement techniques as well as direct and remote sampling advancement are also encouraged. We specifically aim to discuss studies with the potential to improve our ability to forecast eruptions. To submit the abstract, go to the following link: IAVCEI 2023 (eventsair.com) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/call-for-abstracts__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dQe8hIgqU0JLVH1E0CPuUtx3JszNV6w4tyfk6Wilv82-F2z9H9lCdH405iu48EIetv8i2J6xAuf3GrIpw5uwbQ$> We thank you in advance for sharing your scientific contribution in our session and hope to meet you soon in person. All the best, Andrea, on behalf of the other conveners 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------