5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 From: Andrew Tupper <andrewtupper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi all, For IAVCEI attendees â?? the workshop below was added to the program relatively late last year, and so some early registrants may have missed it. There are still some places available should anybody wish to be added in â?? please contact the conference organisers at iavcei2023@xxxxxxxxxxxx to arrange that. Kind regards, Andrew Tupper and Graham Leonard https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/workshop-details__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!fzqUr9BhQxtAbdxbF-3176UWQk2J8JgRV0xFhMFk-FK1wF33Qs56o8qblwUualGbKqxsHw2qPzREw59r$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/workshop-details__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!cIjJx4cbSz5P6fhvn24olRcU_Wb7cIk1TVhTKMOGqdOWOGGKh2tEju_en-f-agHWjbhqcK-PJjU2e-l5tBy2OP9IDJ9h01QNvTDIE_J1$> Developing the future vision for seamless multi-hazard warnings for volcanic eruptions Post-conference workshop, 0.5 day (5 Feb, afternoon, following the WMO aviation/volcanic ash workshop). $65 NZD per person Convenors: Dr Andrew Tupper, Natural Hazards Consulting, and Dr Graham Leonard, GNS Science NZ Much work has been done to build arrangements between volcanology and meteorology to handle the aviation risks from volcanic ash. This workshop will discuss how to approach collaborative arrangements for *other* volcanic hazards to the public, particularly where a multi-disciplinary approach is required. These hazards include tsunamis, ashfall, rainfall-induced dome collapses, lahars, pumice, glacial floods, and gas. They threaten a range of sectors including marine users, land transport users, agriculture, and residential communities. Approaching these hazards in an integrated fashion with the hydrometeorological community will help provide consistent and coherent warnings, create a focus on the capacity development required, and ultimately build a safer world consistent with the Sendai Framework and the recent UN call to provide universal coverage for early warning systems. The workshop will feature a range of multi-disciplinary presentations on this theme, and discuss and draft a vision for future seamless multi-hazard warnings for volcanic eruptions and for secondary hazards. This will be an afternoon (after lunch) workshop, following the conclusion of the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash. 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 ------------------------------