4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 From: Margaret Hartley <margaret.hartley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> *TWO 36-month post-doctoral research positions at the University of Manchester, UK* The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences seeks to appoint two post-doctoral research associates to work on the NERC-funded "MV4D" project (Magmatic volatiles in the fourth dimension) awarded to the University of Manchester. Both positions are available from 1 September 2023. The MV4D project aims to resolve the volatile signatures and inventories of distinctive mantle sources that feed major basaltic eruptions. The successful applicants will develop, test and apply new 3D chemical and physical imaging techniques of crystal-hosted melt and fluid inclusions; quantify volatile partitioning between melt, fluid and non-silicate phases; and construct high-resolution time series of melt volatile contents and mantle volatile sources for target eruptions including Fagradalsfjall (Iceland) and Tajogaite (La Palma). Full details of the positions, including how to apply, can be found here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?isPreview=Yes&jobid=25213&advert=external__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YZ5U6wbPcMM69qdcFr3HnQ2_YeCu7dO-st3gxbscWVwXu3l2v03yUUNLCilKp9bdbSJyQlcg-DIN0hFZ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?isPreview=Yes&jobid=25213&advert=external__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ey0C6nctPWfTCttEwUlVkPgLZcZyFhPvig9zNg3ar4JdahMnAFblvfgavx-ZRt2ioXauxBOg8XWNC6ySYchIwRcLUtBxwLJeKQ$>. The application deadline is 29 May 2023. If you are interested or would like to discuss more about the project or application, please contact Dr Margaret Hartley ( margaret.hartley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ------------------------------