2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 *From:* IAVCEI <iavceiorg2@xxxxxxxxx> Dear IAVCEI members, We announce the opening of the call to submit nominations for renewing the IAVCEI Executive Committee in 2023-2027. Renewal will be for the President and the Secretary General, the two vice-Presidents, the 4 counsellors, and 1 Early Career Researcher* (*the previous ECR age limit of 35 has been deleted). Please refer to the IAVCEI website ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.iavceivolcano.org/about-iavcei/statute-and-by-laws__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!Y20ZX_raxHfKoA7vhu-96EgG4hTaFnixfl3QotHUtyouBF3l0ZLq5FZB5dF8KWVhonrvM6tYXtzFxMqF$ ) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://iavcei.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d92aca24c376df2651c860c82&id=c9c7216944&e=e819e173db__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dJAKgOV6YTZy1V-AoUTNpYo1hNWKGV4z4frSYomHxnJhtl7lvrHt-adambNjNxHZlt0NagZ4YTHKZ3M_KWGb$> for information on the nomination/submission guidelines. Let us remind you that only IAVCEI members can be nominated or nominate another member for election to the IAVCEI Executive Committee. This membership rule also strictly applies to the electronic voting process. The Election Committee in charge of overseeing the submission process and the subsequent online voting in 2023 will be composed of: Ray Cas (Australia), Chair, IAVCEI President 2011-2015 Shanaka de Silva (USA), vice-President 2015-2019 Marta Calvache (Columbia), scientific counsellor 2007-2011 Hiroshi Shinohara (Japan), scientific counsellor 2011-2015 Francesca Bianco (Italy), Director of INGV's Volcanology Department Nomination dossiers have to be addressed by email to Prof. Ray CAS ( ray.cas@xxxxxxxxxx <ray.cas@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=IAVCEI%20Candidatures>), with a copy to the IAVCEI secretariat (iavcei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <iavcei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?subject=IAVCEI%20Candidatures>). The submission deadline is *15 April 2023*. Best regards, Patrick Allard, IAVCEI President Roberto Sulpizio, IAVCEI Secretary General 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------