4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 From: Gabor Kereszturi <G.Kereszturi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> *Workshop on Volcano Remote Sensing * There are still seats available for the next Volcano Remote Sensing workshop (titled as: "Remote Sensing for volcano monitoring â?? From Science to Operational activity"). *Date:* 28-29 January 2023 *Venue:* IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zealand *Registration:* https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZQQ4912YW0TEKs7t9y79SuUMgWcsb1gvt36MiU4SLsCiYI-xL0D3Qc1RxiQerNAHIWsU2my331WP0Jy-$ *Organizers: * Gabor Kereszturi (Massey University); Simon Carn (Michigan Technological University); Robert Wright (University of Hawai'i at MÄ?noa); Stuart Mead (Massey University); Edna Dualeh (University of Leeds); Ian Hamling (GNS Science); Társilo Girona (University of Alaska); Anna Perttu (Massey University); Santiago Arellano (Chalmers University of Technology); Matthew Pritchard (Cornell University); *Background:* Remote Sensing provides a fast and versatile baseline information to monitor volcanic activity from a safe distance. Volcanoes has been changing rapidly promoting regular and frequent monitoring infrastructure, to predict their behaviour and establishing volcanic hazards. Previously, many different types of remote sensing imagery have been used to assess on-going volcanic activity (e.g., tephra deposition), develop long-term inventories (e.g., calculate eruptive volumes, geological mapping), and to forecast volcanic hazards (e.g., InSAR based volcano deformation, gas detection). These data stream often include thermal, shortwave infrared, ultraviolet, and visible and RADAR imagery from ground, airborne and satellite platforms. This workshop aims to introduce new tools and technology available for volcanic observatories to assess and quantify past and on-going volcanic activate. Additional objectives of this workshop are to provide a better understanding of the currently available technologies, remote sensing data sources for volcano monitoring, as well as to facilitate a communication between the science community and operational volcano observatories. *Preliminary agenda: * *Day 1* - Remote sensing data streams and application to volcanoes: - *Multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing* â?? Introduction/principles and review of current technology, new methods for quantifying volcanic and hydrothermal process; new satellite missions and future opportunities to operationalise optical satellites; integration into volcanic hazard assessment. - *Volcanic Emissions detection *â?? Introduction/principles and a review of the atmospheric remote sensing for volcano science; Gas/ash/aerosol detection and infrasound methods. - *Thermal remote sensing* â?? Introduction/principles and a review of new developments. MODIS and its capability for volcano monitoring; automated thermal anomaly detection; thermal remote sensing in eruption forecasting and near-real-time volcano monitoring. - *SAR remote sensing* â?? Introduction/principles and a review of the recent developments, automatic deformation detection and near-real monitoring using COMET-LiCS Sentinel-1 InSAR portal. *Day 2* - Discussion: - *Participantsâ?? presentations/introduction* â?? participants to discuss/present how they or their volcano observatory use the remote sensing data (3-5 minutes depending on the number of participants); data requirements and priorities; what kind of data needed/lacking; priority during unrest/crisis response; future plans with satellite and airborne remote sensing data. - *Round table discussion and wrap up* â?? Morning session on exploring the largest gaps and needs of volcano monitoring that remote sensing data can fill in; discussion new data sources and associated data analysis; cloud-computing options and improving efficiency on handling big data. We are looking forward having you on the next edition of the Remote Sensing workshop in New Zealand. More information please contact Gabor Kereszturi (g.kereszturi@xxxxxxxxxxxx ). See you soon in Rotorua. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ------------------------------