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Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant professorship in igneous processes at the University of Washington,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 October 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE and NSF Geohazards Center call for proposals,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Save the date: NISAR Science Community Workshop in April 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Papers for "From Magma Generation to Surface Processes in Monogenetic Volcanism",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 October 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Mendenhall Opportunity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Information about an Opportunity to Sail on an IODP Expedition,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- FULLY FUNDED PhD studentship in Geophysical Volcanology (Deception Island & Iceland),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar: Dr Ruth Amey, University of Leeds, 20th Oct 2021, 4PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Re-posting of Research Geophysicist position at the USGS' Cascades Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Mendenhall Postdoc Opportunity: Exploring user needs and community engagement for next-generational volcano products, maps, and tools,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position at Durham University/ University of Bristol, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 October 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE survey for distributed volcanic field scenario pre-workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Images of La Palma volcano eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for papers: Special Issue on Italian Journal of Geosciences - Continental rifting and associated magmatism in space and time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Associate Research Scientist position--Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure-track positions in 1) Atmospheric Science and Climate Change and 2) Optical Remote Sensing, Southern Methodist University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 September-5 October 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Outreach position, Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- T11. Continental Arc Volcanism: A Crystal’s Perspective – GSA 2022 CRM Joint Meeting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D Panel and "Open Mic" - Magmatic Drivers of Eruption--Oct 15th,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Survey on Discrimination in Volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE coordination science response to current Kīlauea eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Fellowships - American Museum of Natural History,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 September 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral fellowships in volcano science, Clermont-Ferrand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- (New webinar format - see link) COMET+ Webinar, 29 September, 2 PM UK time: Dr Thomas Aubry, University of Cambridge,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue on Lava Fountains,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New MVO Research & Data Policy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Vacancy for Software Engineer at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc research fellowship--Univ. of Clermont Auvergne--Excellency Chair Programme 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Draft SZ4D thematic chapters open for comment,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD opportunity in Volcanology in the Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 September 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Position in Volcano Geodynamics at Penn State,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job Opening: Director and scientist-in-charge of the Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Please register today for this GSA Short Course on hazard communications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 September 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET+ Webinar: Dr Thomas Aubry, University of Cambridge: 29 September 2021, 2 PM UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Contributions to Frontiers Research Topic: Volcanic Forecasting, Crisis Management, and Risk Communication,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty Position in Earth Materials at the University of Texas at El Paso,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New on-line course 'Volcanoes: Their Formation, Form, and Function',
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MCS/SZ4D workshop announcement: Modeling Landscapes and Seascapes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanology/Geochemistry/Petrology Postdoctoral Position: lithium movement in rhyolite,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 September 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job Posting: Volcanic Gas Technician (RCUH/UH-Hilo/CSAV in cooperation with USGS HVO),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-GSA Deschutes Basin Field Trip,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor of Seismology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI/IACS VIIC Seminar: Tuya Talks by Alastair Hodgetts and Ben Edwards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EUROVOLC citizen science tool for observations of volcanic events,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Article Collection in Frontiers in Earth Science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AOGS-EGU Natural Hazards virtual conference: 20-22 September,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report--18 August-24 August 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NSF Job Opportunity: Division of Earth Sciences Section Head for Disciplinary Programs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Project DeMo-Planet: Postdoc position at SRC PAS (Poland),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Associate opening at Rutgers University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 3rd circular International Workshop 10th anniversary of Tagoro submarine eruption at El Hierro Island (October 2011),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New IUCN report assesses potential for more geological World Heritage,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 August 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Field Trip: Silicic Lava Domes of the Cascades of Oregon and Northern California,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 August 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanic ash symposuim - Call for abstracts (Last weeks!!),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Dr Isabelle Taylor - 18th July 4pm UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 July-3 August 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- A seminar series on diffusion modelling to determine timescales of processes (Diffusion Chronometry),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU V008 - Fast and furious to slow and steady: multidisciplinary views of transitions in volcanic activity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 V010 - Geochemical, geophysical, and geomorphological expressions of lithospheric removal and its influence on early Earth through modern geodynamic processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session V023 - The Dynamics of Magmatic Plumbing Systems.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 July 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Collection Frontiers in Earth Sciences: Volcanism in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU V004 - Chemistry, Mechanics, Geophysics, and Timescales of Magmatic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE Volcanic Eruption Scenario Exercise,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EUROVOLC Summer School - September 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 - Session NH004 "Advances in modelling for natural hazards and risk",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 July 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session on Observing Wave Field Gradients in Seismology – Applications, Instrumentation and Theory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in Computer Science at INGV-Catania, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor EAPS/MIT-job posting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 - Sessions V029 - Volcano Hazard Monitoring from Space using Statistical Methods and Machine Learning,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session V007: ‘Explosive or effusive? What controls eruptive style and how can we forecast it?’,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lab Manager position at Stanford University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 session on interdisciplinary approach to understand magma storage, transport and eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Opportunity--University of Idaho,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session V028 - Understanding shallow volcanic unrest using physics-based modeling constrained by geophysical datasets,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 - Sessions V021 (Hybrid - Virtual & In person) & V020 (Virtual Only) : Submarine Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 Session DI018. Recycling in the Subduction Factory: Characterization of subduction induced mantle heterogeneities through interdisciplinary approaches,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UPDATED DEADLINE: Special Issue "Volcano Monitoring: From the Magma Reservoir to Eruptive Processes",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 July 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session AE004 - Lightning in a Bottle: Advances in the Experimental Generation of Electrical Discharges,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session: T003. Connecting the Ins and Outs of Subduction Zones: Experiments, Models, and Observations as Constraints for Inputs, Processes, and Outputs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 Session PP009: Large Igneous Provinces,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session (GP012) on Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic methods applied to volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU2021 - Session V005 Linking volcanic degassing and petrology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session V014: Multidisciplinary perspectives on volcanic lakes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 June-6 July 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Topical Announcement--T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EUROVOLC - Iceland Summer School 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [AGU 2021] session V017: Properties of magmas: experiments, theories, models, and application to geochemistry and volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NASA Ames postdoc opportunity: Remote sensing data analysis of volcanic gas emissions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Christopher Jackson - 14th July 16:00UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Volcanic Geomorphology Session--EP017 - How to Build a Landscape: Deconvolving Surface and Subsurface Processes Related to Volcanic Terrain Formation and Evolution,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2021 Session V030 - Volcano Seismology and Acoustics: Recent Advances in Understanding Volcanic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- From Geoheritage to the construction of peace - landscape as a tool for social and cultural mediation - WEBINAR,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Session: The Dynamics and Hazards of Hydrovolcanic Systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Adjunct Instructor in Mineralogy at Missouri State University for Fall 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Advertisement for a postgraduate research grant at INGV, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Planning stages for the Hutton Conference, summer 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano Geodesy session at AGU,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 June 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session on tephra, volcanic processes, and hazards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [Call for participants] International Virtual Course: Introduction to Volcano Monitoring using Recent Technology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Jim Luhr Award –Webinar Series: June-December 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special research topic in Frontiers in Earth Sciences: “The Interplay between Magmatic Processes and Tectonics in Arcs”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 June 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geochemistry editor position at Nature Communications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The Independent Volcanic Eruption Source Parameter Archive (IVESPA) is live!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Session T7: Initiation and Evolution of Arc-Forearc systems in Cascadia and Beyond,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA 2021 session on open-system magma processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 June 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two PhD positions at INRS,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 June 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UTCT Workshop: Quantitative Analysis with XCT Aug. 23-27,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Mount Fagradalsfjall Webinar,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts: T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Full-time 1-year lecturer position in Geological Sciences,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Several slots just opened up for the 2021 Iceland Volcanology Field Camp (4 or 5 credits),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts GSA 2021: T22. Rhyolites, Take a Bow! Examining the production of rhyolite magma in continental arc settings,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PiAutoStage: New Automated Petrographic Tool,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 May-1 June 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 May 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GEOLOGICAL FIELDTRIPS AIV - Recent eruptive history of Lipari and Vulcano - Lithofacies Analysis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD on The Atmospheric Chemistry of Volcanic Emission Plumes (CNRS, France),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Advertisement for a postdoctoral research grant @ INGV, Italy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcing recipients of the 2021 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue on Etna lava fountains,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 May 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET+ webinar - Asst. Prof. Endra Gunawan - Fri 28th May 2pm UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Biography of Volcanologist David A. Johnston,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD opportunity; University of Texas El Paso,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 May 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EUROVOLC project: questionnaire on volcanic crisis exercises,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2021 Virtual Workshop (June 29th and July 1st): The Magma Chamber Simulator: An Open-System Phase Equilibria Modeling Tool for Magma Recharge, Crustal Assimilation/Stoping and Crystallization (RASFC),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Research Topic at Frontiers in Earth Science – Volcanology, 2021-2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EPSC session OPS1: "Planet" Titan,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA 2021--T24. The Life and Times of Arc Volcanoes from Bottom to Top,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- First Symposium on the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- webinar next week - IAVCEI commission on Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- a new database on the economic impact of volcanic eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 April-4 May 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt workshop on fluid-rock interaction and ore deposits,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Dr. Pui Anantrasirichai - 12th May 16:00UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Website for the DEVORA Programme,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD project opportunity at Cermont-Ferrand: From magma ascent to deep-seated-ocean lava flow emplacement: the case study of the ongoing (since 2018) submarine eruption offshore Mayotte,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to MCS-RCN Townhall - Thursday, May 13,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Volcano-Ice Interactions Commission Seminar 20th May 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NSF Marine Geophysics Program Director opportunity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanic Systems Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) Workshop activities for 4, 6 and 7 May, 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 April 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-doctoral position in igneous petrology, University of Cambridge,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Extended deadline for Special issue "Magma Degassing from Magma at Depth to the Surface”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue on "Remote Observation of Volcanic Emissions and Their Impacts" for the journal Remote Sensing,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position - Hyperspectral remote sensing of volcanoes - Massey University, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 April 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 April 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postpone of IAVCEI Scientific Assembly to January 2023,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- University of Iceland: Structural Geology and Tectonics position,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD projects in Clermont-Ferrand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for papers in Special Issue: "Contemporary Remote Sensing of Volcanic Activity" (Rem Sens, ISSN 2072-4292),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fall AGU 2021 call for proposal deadline in a few days,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to contribute to a special journal issue on the northwestern Pacific region,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 March-6 April 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tuesday 6th April Rescheduled Vulcano Geoheritage for Resilience webinar,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: 24 March-30 March 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Sense of Place - Arizona and Vulcano,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PDRA position at Durham University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ESC2021 Call For Abstracts Session 23 Seismic Swarms,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- A database of volcanic emissions of SO2 in the atmosphere from the global NOVAC collaboration,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 March 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to contribute to a special section in Bulletin of Volcanology about the future of volcano science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanic Systems Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) Workshop activities for 23, 25 and 26 March, 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD student opportunity--University of Maine,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Update on the Tephra Workshop planned for May 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 March 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- the IAVCEI Commission for Monogenetic Volcanoes - Revival,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Position in Experimental/Physical Volcanology at UMKC,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Expanded scope and new Letters-style articles in Journal of Petrology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Distributed Volcanism Chapman Conference Survey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Colorado School of Mines: search for VP for Research and Technology Transfer,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- WHAT PYROCLASTS CAN TELL US - special issue in Bulletin of Volcanology — apologies for multiple posting —,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CORRECTION: Asst/Assoc. Specialist in Volcanology and Tectonics, 80-100% time (dependent on funding),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assoc. Specialist in Volcanology & Tectonics--UC-Davis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [Atmosphere – IF 2.397] Special Issue “The Complex Scenarios Causing CO2 Increase in the Atmosphere”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PostDoc fellow in seismology--Univ. of Geneva,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 March 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Nomination Call for Inaugural Dorothy "Dottie" LaLonde Stout lecture--AGU Education section,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- U. Oregon summer field camp,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar, 17 March, 4 PM GMT/UK time: Dr Iris van Zelst, University of Leeds,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24 February-2 March 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Physical volcanologist and volcano-seismologist vacancies at GNS Science, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Nominations--GSA MGPV Early Geological Career Award,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanology at AOGS 2021 (virtual): Abstracts due Mar 8 (Americas), Mar 9 (Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job ad: Dean of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture, University of Maine,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 February 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- **RITTMANN_Young_2021:Call_for_abstracts**,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Mini-Course: Teaching about Monitoring Volcanoes and Communicating Risk - GETSI,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New position in Materials Imaging at Elettra Light Source (Trieste, Italy),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 3-year PhD position on subglacial floods at University of Potsdam,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Invitation to submit a paper to a Special Issue of Bulletin of Volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Faculty position, Western Colorado University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Three visiting positions at Bates College,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D Town Hall Feb 26th at 11AM PST,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 February 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano-Ice Interactions Commission seminar 24th February,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Future Directions in Seafloor Geodesy Workshop and Webinar Registration(s),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Yasser Maghsoudi & Milan Lazecky - 24th February 16:00UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcing the 2021 Jack Kleinman Memorial Fund for Volcano Research (deadline April 1, 2020),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 February 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research Topic of Frontiers in Earth Science - Extended Deadline call for participation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Photos needed for IAVCEI Volcanoes Calendar 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cordilleran GSA 2021 Abstracts Deadline Feb 9,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2021 Goldschmidt Session 5G The Role of Halogens, Sulfur, H2O, and CO2 in Volcanic and Plutonic Systems (A session in Honor of Jim Webster),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully funded igneous petrology PhD at Trinity College Dublin,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully-funded PhD position--Aarhus University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 January-2 February 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Chemical Instrumentation Specialist Position at Denison University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Funded PhD position Assimilation of geodetic data for risk assessment in near-real time by means of a particle filter, ISTerre-LISTIC, Chambéry, France,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt session 5h: Mush4D - Exploring the structure and dynamics of mush-bearing magma plumbing systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division Distinguished Geological Career Award,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Professor of Volcanology position opened at Institut de physique du globe de Paris-Université de Paris,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2nd virtual Workshop on EPMA developments and applications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in experimental volcanology (University of Bayreuth, Germany),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 January 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2021 NC-SC Joint GSA Section Meeting Session T16. Ultramafic and Mafic Magmatism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA NC-SC Joint Section Meeting Session T15. Granites and Rhyolites as a Record of Crustal Magmatic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CONVERSE open-house,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop on Novel Instrumentation to Anticipate Volcanic Eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New IAVCEI website launch--2 Feb 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstract Goldschmidt session 5j: Measurements in volcanic gases and melt-fluid inclusions for understanding the link with magmatic and mantle processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD and Post-Doc positions--University of Iceland,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Three PhD vacancies at the University of Manchester,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 January 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NASA UAV Workshop Interest Survey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Frontiers Special topic on: High-Performance Computing in Solid Earth,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Teaching assistant professor position, Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran abstract call,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI VIPS Commission website launch and opportunity to join the committee,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cord Section meeting session on magma processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 January 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GMPV ECS online talks! Wednesday 20 January 11am CET,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop announcement: Computational Infrastructure for Volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- save the date-virtual workshop on Tephra Data Standardization Efforts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Fabien Albino - 20 January 16:00UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI VIPS commission inaugural webinar,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop on Recent developments and applications in Earth sciences of electron probe micro-analysis,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Petrology/geochemistry/structure of batholiths session at virtual GSA Cordilleran Meeting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21 call for abstracts - Session GMPV10.1 Volcano Hazard Modelling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Workshop on volcano monitoring infrastructure on the ground and in space,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 December 2020-5 January 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstract vEGU21 SM6.1 on Earthquake swarms,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS hiring new Director of the Volcano Science Center,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21-GMPV9.4 'Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally’,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanic processes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy, Unrest (GMPV9.5, Co-organized by G3/NH2/TS11),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU session - Natural disasters at the times of pandemic,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21-GMPV8.1 'The Dynamics of Magmatic Plumbing Systems’,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21 Session NH6.9,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Novel Instrumentation to Anticipate Volcanic Eruptions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [MCS RCN] Volcanic Systems Modeling Workshop | online Jan-May, 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 December 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21: [EOS 5.2] The evolving open-science landscape in geosciences,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU21 session - The Afro-Arabian rifting system,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU21 TS5.4 session,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Kilauea Eruption Science Response Coordination,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 December 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Expressions of Interest for Postdoc and Tenure-track positions at the Group of Volcanology of Barcelona (Geosciences Barcelona – Spanish Research Council),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UPDATES: INVOLCAN and ITER (Canary Islands, Spain) seek Post-Doctoral and Tenure-track researchers to join their research program.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- VEGU21 - TS7.10 session: A trans-disciplinary view of the Tethyan realm through space and time: subduction and collisional zones from the Mediterranean to southeast Asia,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 December 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2021 Session: Volcanic Plumes: Insights into Volcanic Emissions and their Impacts on the Environment and Health, ITS3.6/GMPV2,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21-GM9.11: Volcano Geomorphology and Society: From observations, monitoring, and modeling of tectonic and gravity driven processes to disaster risk reduction,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21: Visages of Geoheritage - including VOLCANO heritage,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- vEGU21 SM6.1 call for abstract,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Frontiers in Volcanology Research Topic ‘External Forcing on Volcanoes and Volcanic Processes: Observations, Analysis and Implications’,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job Position: Assistant Professor, Tenure Track - Stanford University School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 26-Week Internship Opportunity with the Yellowstone National Park Geology Program This Summer (2021),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Magma flow and differentiation volume in Minerals,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 December 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2021 Session GD6.4 “Permo-Triassic geodynamics at the Gondwana-Laurasia boundary”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [EGU GMPV] ECS online talks Tuesday 15 December 4pm CET,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- M.Sc. position- Missouri State University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Two Research Scientist positions open at Jacobs Technology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 18-month postdoc in physical volcanology at Durham University, UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2021 Session NH2.2: Tephrostratigraphy on regional and global scale,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- INVOLCAN and ITER (Canary Islands, Spain) seek Post-Doctoral and Tenure-track researchers to join their research program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU session GM9.11 "Volcano Geomorphology and Society",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Additional virtual events for AGU session on Hikurangi subduction zone dynamics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25 November-1 December 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU session ssp3.3: Volcano-sedimentary processes in broader geological environments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD in Volcanology-Petrology and MSc in Geoscience Education available at the University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2021 Session: Long-term observation of volcanic degassing: methods, findings and challenges,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- M.Sc/PhD position--Georgia Institute of Technology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Free Online Volcano Course--University of Canterbury (NZ),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 November 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Magazine Gaceta ALVO - November 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 abstract submission: Volcanic Plumes: Insights into Volcanic Emissions and their Impacts on the Environment and Health, ITS3.6/GMPV2, EGU 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- FIXED LINK--The new Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission website is online!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The new Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission website is online!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New book: Volcanic Debris Avalanches: From Collapse to Hazard. Matteo Roverato, Anja Dufresne, Jonathan Procter. Editors,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Ph.D. position in fracturing and fluid flow in magma chambers--Uppsala University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Sign up to the new Cities and Volcanoes Commission mailing list,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue "Advances in Multidisciplinary Investigations of Volcano Dynamics",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Early-Career Innovative Sessions INV10a-e,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 November 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Virtual VMSG - 6th - 8th January 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD opportunity on Machine Learning of Volcano Seismicity--Univ. of Michigan,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2021 Gordon Research Conference on Geochronology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Tenure-track position in Earth and Planetary Evolution at the University of Utah,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Events on the 10th Anniversary of ALVO,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Eberly Prize Postdoctoral Fellowships Available at Penn State,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GMPV ECS talks Wednesday 18 November 4pm CST,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 November 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Apply to the Stanford Earth Postdoctoral Fellows Program,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- A preliminary version of the European Catalogue of Volcanoes is online!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- The 20th anniversary of the WVAR,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting Session: The Dynamics of Hydrovolcanic and Geothermal Systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 October-3 November 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD and Post-doctoral positions--Ruhr Universität Bochum & Leibniz Univerisität Hannover,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 October 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- TT assistant professor Geoscience Ed position at CSU Fullerton,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for contributions to a special issue of the Bulletin of Volcanology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 October 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ECR-Net recruits new working group members! - Apply by 30 Oct. 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue "Magma Ascent and Evolution: Insights from Petrology and Geochemistry" - Minerals,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job position at OVSICORI, Costa Rica,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- First competition on Volcanic Eruption Prediction,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 October 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Wiess Postdoctoral Fellowship - Rice University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Mendenhall on Alaska tephras,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Graduate student opportunities at Vanderbilt University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special issue on magma-hydrothermal systems now available in book form,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian Institution Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 September-6 October 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in volcanology/petrology--Queens College-CUNY,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Research Topic of "Frontiers in Earth Science",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS Mendenhall - Multi-disciplinary Distributed Volcanism Postdoc,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research Staff Position at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in Volcanology at the Research Institute for Volcanology and Risk Assessment (IVAR) – Azores University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in magmatic petrology at ETH Zurich,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Research Grant at the University of the Azores,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 September 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanic Fluid Geochemist position at GNS Science, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue in Remote Sensing: "Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data for Volcanic Hazards Monitoring",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 September 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazards and Risk 2020 Newsletter,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Extended deadline for USGS CVO Scientist in Charge position, closes 29 Sept 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Opportunity: Developing the next generation of lava flow forecasting tools at USGS,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Research Position in Seismology at the University of South Florida,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Position in Lava Rheology at NCSU,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 September 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Magazine Gaceta ALVO,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Bulletin of Volcanology Topical Collection: 2018 Kīlauea Eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Frontier Research webinar,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Opening for Scientist in Charge at the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2021 Carnegie postdoctoral fellowships,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AOGS-EGU New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia 21-23 Sept 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD + Postdoc Fellowships at AMNH,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI CVHR online workshops: new hazard map database - 29/30th September 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD opportunity for volcano drone project at the University of New Mexico,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU GMPV ECS online talks - Monday 21 September 4pm CEST,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 August-1 September 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New NASA-funded research emphasis on volcano science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Operational Seismologist at the Alaska Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Associate Professor (Disaster and Remote Sensing) at NTU Singapore,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Australian Earth Sciences Convention (On-line) 2021 Session: Advances in understanding volcanic and magmatic processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Assistant Professor Faculty position--University of California, Berkeley,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 August 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Research Topic of Frontiers in Earth Science - call for participation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI ECR-Net Virtual Panel - Careers in Academia Part I: the Pacific,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Distinguished Lecture on Volcano Drilling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for volcanology/petrology sessions for the EGU General Meeting 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 August 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 July-4 August 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanology at AOGS 2021- call for session proposals (open now),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SAVE THE DATE: New Date Confirmed for SHV25 Conference 2021,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 July 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Earth Institute Postdoctoral Diversity Fellowship,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Associate - volcano-glacier interactions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU GMPV ECS talks return Tuesday 4 August 10am CEST,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Thermodynamics instructor needed, Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Half day webinar on IMDEX's IoGAS data visualisation platform (29/7/20),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanic Eruption Plumes: Webinar Series | SZ4D Modeling Collaboratory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2020: V028 - Volcanic hazards: from monitoring to impacts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2020 Session: Deep volatile cycling: evolution of the solid Earth and atmosphere,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Granular physics AGU session advertisement,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 July 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA 2020: T35. Building the SZ4D Magmatic Drivers of Eruption Theme: Geologic Evidence from Active and Exhumed Arcs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2020: Session S018 - New Results, New Methods and New Technology in Ocean-Bottom Seismology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Fall Meeting session V024 ’The Dynamics of Volcanic Plumbing Systems',
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Richard Walker - 30 July 2020 - 16:00 UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2020: V003 Session on "Chemistry, Mechanics, Geophysics, and Timescales of Magmatic Processes" (Submission deadline on July 29, 2020),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU2020 session on interdisciplinary approach to understand magma storage, transport and eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 10th anniversary of El Hierro eruption workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Planetary Volcanism White Paper,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session 102196: Poetry Slam: Spoken Art for the Sciences,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UPDATE: New Time: Community Discussion on Teaching Mineralogy/Earth Resources Online,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 July 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Community Discussion on Teaching Mineralogy/Earth Resources Online,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session V029: What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us?,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2020 AGU Session on Volatiles in Earth's Mantle,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA 2020 - T36. Experimental and Petrologic Investigation of Halogens, Sulfur, and Other Volatile Species in Igneous Systems: In Honor of Jim Webster,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session S012: Geophysical & Planetary Acoustics: Natural to Anthropogenic on Earth and Beyond,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Position in Magma Transport Dynamics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU V020 - Submarine volcanism: water's influence on volcanic processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Fall Meeting session: Earth System Interactions and Implications for GeoHealth (GH008),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 July 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- State-of-the-Art in Seafloor Geodesy Webinar (August 3rd 2p EDT),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Online discussion panels addressing inequalities in the VMSG community - First discussion (20th July) registration,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Virtual GSA 2020 Session T41: Volcanism and tectonics along rifts and volcanic arcs,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for new members of the Volcanica Editorial Board,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Session Celebrating 2 Decades of GeoPRISMS & MARGINS Science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special open access issue on the magma-hydrothermal connection,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU session: From trench to back-arc: Dynamics of the Hikurangi subduction zone,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU Fall Meeting Session Announcement--Elasticity: Connecting the Properties of Minerals to Planetary Models,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cordilleran GSA 2021 Session Proposal Deadline,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Bulletin of Volcanology Topical Collection "Pyroclastic current models - benchmarking and validation.",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI ECR-Net Virtual Panel: Working at Observatories Part 2 - 2 July 4PM UCT,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17 June-23 June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Position in Hawaii to support the Generic Mapping Tools,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D Landscapes & Seascapes Webinar this Friday June 26 - 11 am PDT / 2 pm EDT,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fall AGU 2020 session - planetary science - Geology and Geophysics of Satellites and Small Bodies: to Io, and Beyond,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue: Present and Past Submarine Volcanic Activity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New EGU GMPV webinar series (also sign up for talks!),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2 fully funded PhD projects in remote sensing & volcanology at Uni. Manchester,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cities on Volcanoes 11 - Anonymous Questionnaire regarding COV11 intentions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Sam Wimpenny - 25 June 2020 - 16:00 UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MS or PhD Position in Volcano Chemistry at the University of Hawai’i,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Request for Peer Reviewers,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- virtual event "Volcán de Fuego: challenges and perspectives 2 years later", 11-12 June 2020 at 7 pm (UTC),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline Change: Special Issue "Volcano Monitoring: From the Magma Reservoir to Eruptive Processes",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D webinar on Magmatic Drivers of Eruptions - June 12 at 2 pm EDT / 11 am PDT,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Scholarship in New Zealand: Development of seismology-based volcano monitoring techniques,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 May-2 June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postponement of IAVCEI Scientific Assembly to January 2022,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Springer Nature - Associate or Senior Editor Earth & Environment,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in volcanology/petrology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU GMPV Division 2021 Bunsen Medal Nominations: Deadline 30 June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Advertisement for postdoc position--Geophysical Inst., University of Alaska--Fairbanks,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 May 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI ECR-Net Virtual Panel: Working at Observatories,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc positions at Cornell University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2020 edition of MELTS, GLASSES, MAGMAS,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully funded PhD position in volcano-tectonics--University of La Réunion,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Montserrat SAC Vacancy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 May 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Funded PhD position on data assimilation of geodetic data to forecast eruptive vents location and timing, ISTerre-LISTIC, Chambéry, France.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Tamarah King - 28 May 2020 - 16:00 UK time,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 May 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 26-Week Internship With the Yellowstone National Park Geology Program this summer,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seismo-acoustic Postdoc at the University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NZ PhD opportunity - experimental fissure [final call],
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD in experimental petrology--University of Utah,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 April-5 May 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seafloor Geodesy Workshop Postponed,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- A new book: Volcanotectonics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- ob Opening: Deputy Group Leader, Computational Earth Science Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 April 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Ph.D. Research Assistantship in climate and agricultural modeling in the Atmospheric Science Graduate Program at Rutgers University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position opportunity at the University of Munich, Germany,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI ECR-Net Careers Outside Academia Virtual Panel,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral research fellowship University of Clermont Auvergne - Excellency Chair Programme 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 April 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcing the 2020 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 April 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- XXI Argentine Geological Congress postponed,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New version of a QGIS plug-in for probabilistic lava flow modelling - Q-LavHA v3.0,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Jessica Hawthorne - 21 April 2020 - 16:00 GMT+1,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Resilience and Geoheritage subject,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 April 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Colorado School of Mines: Professional MS in Mineral Exploration,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral position at UQAM (Université du Quebec à Montreal),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 March 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue - Ground Based Imaging of Active Volcanic Phenomena,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Update on The Soufrière Hills Volcano 25 Years On Conference,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- VSI: Pacific-Asian Tectonics,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NZ PhD opportunity - experimental fissure,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue of Geosciences "Magma degassing from magma at depth to the surface",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 March 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Synthesis of the Cenozoic Magmatism of East Africa,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Montserrat's SHV25 Conference Postponed,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DEADLINE EXTENDED - XXI Argentinean Geological Congress-Session 19: Volcanic Ash (call for abstracts),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 March 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc in InSAR and ground deformation studies at ECGS, Luxembourg,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- American Mineralogist thematic issue: Experimental and Petrologic Investigation of Halogens, Sulfur, and Other Volatile Species in Igneous Systems: In Honor of Jim Webster,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD Advertisement: Governing Disaster Response in Aotearoa New Zealand – An Auckland Volcanic Field Case Study,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Support for McGill geology field trip stuck in Morocco,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in Volcanology/Numerical modeling at University Clermont Auvergne (Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Upcoming deadline - nominations for GSA-MGPV awards,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Abstract Deadline: 31 March for SHV25 Conference, Montserrat,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Refreshing strategic priorities for science support - Your input requested by 3/16/2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Research position in Volcanology/Remote Sensing at University of South Florida,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [MCS RCN] Volcanic Systems Modeling Workshop - applications open,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 February-3 March 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- International Volcanology Field Course 2020, Manizales, Colombia,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD and post-doc position in volcano geomorphology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NSF Science Community Survey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EMPG-XVII in Potsdam, Germany, June 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Program manager, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 February 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PDRA position in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - University of Liverpool,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CNES funded PhD project: satellite remote sensing of volcanic aerosols,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for paper- Special Issue: "Applications of Machine Learning on Earth Sciences",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Iavcei Caldera Workshop, Santorini September 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 February 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts - XXI CGA- Session 19: Volcanic Ash,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- STRATUS conference 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Announcing the 2020 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- JpGU Final call-deadline February 18, 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2020 session 05b: Submarine volcanic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Colorado School of Mines-Assistant professor position in planetary geology and space resources,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seismologist Vacancy at The UWI Seismic Research Centre, St. Augustine. Trinidad,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Pre- and post-conference Volcanology field trips at Goldschmidt 2020 in the Hawaiian Islands,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral researcher in mushy magmatic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanology at Goldschmidt2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt Session 05a: Volcano-Environment and Volcano-Atmosphere Interactions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Registration Deadline 16 Feb: Distributed Volcanism AGU Chapman Conference,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5 February-11 February 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DEADLINE EXTENDED--Goldschmidt 2020 - Call for abstracts session 05i,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PostDoc position 1 year--University of Geneva,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Sub-arc mantle session (3a) at Goldschmidt 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- When Volcanoes Meet the Environment - Session at IAS 2020 in Prague,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- WakaLab PhD on submarine volcanism - Short Deadline,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- American Mineralogist Special Collection: new call for contributions,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- JpGU-AGU 2020 session S-VC41 –Timescales of magmatism: from genesis to eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Zealand PhD opportunity in Development of seismology-based volcano monitoring techniques,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Alfred (Fred) T. Anderson Jr. - 1937-2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- “Giovanni at 20” graphic competition guidelines for nasa_giovanni Twitter profile image,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 January-4 February 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Second Circular Announcement - 20-24 July 2020, Soufrière Hills Volcano 25 Years On Conference, Montserrat,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Jonathan Weiss & Chris Rollins - 10 February 2020 - 15:00 GMT,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Crisis communication in a new media landscape - CoV11 pre-conference workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- JpGU-AGU2020 session S-VC34: Magma crystallization, fragmentation, and their roles on volcanic eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- International Volcanological Field School - Katmai and Kamchatka trips,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deadline update 2 Feb 2020: S3.14: "Emergency planning tools in inhabited volcanic risk areas",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- International communication strategies for volcanic crises - Post-COV11 Workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 January 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Stromboli School 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcanology at AOGS 2020 (Korea): Abstracts due Feb 3 (Americas), Feb 4 (Europe, Africa, Australasia),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 1st Workshop on Geoheritage of Volcanic Islands,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Deep Volatiles Session (02d) at Goldschmidt 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran Session: Petrology & Structure of Batholiths,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA MGPV Division Award Nominations,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2020 Session 05k: "The Role of Petrography and Geochemistry in Deciphering Eruption Styles and Dynamics",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Webinar & Teaching Module: Monitoring Volcanoes and Communicating Risks,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2020: Session 05d - Constraining Petrological and Geochemical Variations in Magmas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EXTENDED DEADLINE: CoV11: Health hazards and environmental impacts associated with volcanic eruptions: emissions, exposure and response (S3.2),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cities on Volcanoes 11 session: Meet the Practioners and Blueprints for Effective Partnerships session,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EXTENDED DEADLINE: CoV 11 S2.5 ‘Rates and dates: magmatic and volcanic processes from source to surface’,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Diffusion modeling workshop at Goldschmidt 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 2020 IAVCEI Award for Volcano Surveillance and Crisis Management,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 January 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 session 1.19: Volcano deformation: data integration, models, ambiguities and implications for eruption forecasting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Gold2020 Session 05m "Magma on the Move: Influence of Rheology on Igneous Processes on Earth and Beyond",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV 11, S1.10 > Volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting in the presence of uncertainty,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Registration for COV Pre-Conference ECR Workshop #5 : Getting published,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Education and Outreach Coordinator vacancy at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Short Course on Application of LA-ICP-MS to Earth Sciences in Perugia (IT) | May 13-15, 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV 11, S3.17> Strategies and tools for communicating geohazards and georisks, raising public awareness and enhancing preparedness to natural disasters,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Demonstrate your useful applications and tools at Cities on Volcanoes!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Igneous mineral geochemistry session and short course at GSA Cord Sect Pasadena 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 January 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV1 - S3.18 Application of geological mapping in volcanic areas for hazard assessment, geothermal potential evaluation and ore geology,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 session on uncertainty evaluation and quantification,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts GSA Cordilleran Meeting 2020: "Quaternary Volcanism in California",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstract - COV 11 - S2.4 . Time-scales of magmatic and volcanic processes combining analytical, experimental and field observations,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2020 - Session 5g honoring Mac Rutherford,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for photos--2021 IAVCEI Calendar,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- MCS RCN Webinar Series,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AOGS session advertisement,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano Listserv Announcement Policy,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 S1.17: Advances in understanding volcanic debris avalanche processes and hazards - from field studies to experimental and numerical modelling applications,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 Session S3.3 Communicating across the science, policy, and user domains: considering relevance, legitimacy, and credibility of communication tools,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 Pre-Conference Workshop #6 Volcano Alert Level Systems: Exploring Standardisation, Networks, and Resources,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Volcano geodesy workshop - October 5, 2020, Yellowstone National Park,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for EGU session GMPV2.2/AS4/NH2/TS13 Volcanic and Tectonic degassing Conveners: Nicole Bobrowski, Carlo Cardellini, Kyriaki Daskalopoulou, Artur Ionescu and Brendan McCormick,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2020 - Session 03f on the Lithospheric Mantle,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Continental Rift Evolution: from inception to break-up @EGU2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstract - EGU2020 - TS6.1 - The Afro-Arabian Rift System,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstract - EGU Session TS9.3 - Studying active tectonics and volcano-tectonic processes using aerial (UAVs) and field-based Structure from Motion techniques,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- New Opportunity - Permanent position GNS Science,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Origin and Evolution of Hawaiian Volcanoes at Goldschmidt 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts EGU 2020: GMPV9.10/G3/GM9 "Recent Advances in Volcano Remote Sensing",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Goldschmidt 2020 - Session 05i on volatiles in magmas,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstract - EGU 2020, Vienna 3-8 May - GMPV8.1-Rates, timescales and mechanisms of plutonic and volcanic processes: from mantle source to emplacement or eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 - Session GMPV 9.9,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- "When Volcanoes meet the environment" session at IAS 2020 in Prague,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU *Roland Schlich travel support* for young scientists and Session AS1.30 "Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) monitoring and climate interaction",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV S3.12: International Risk Communication to mitigate Transboundary effect caused by Volcanic Eruption,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 January 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV Session S1.23 Fissures and fountains: processes and products,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- [Call for abstracts EGU2020 - Session SM6.1 ] - Earthquake swarms and complex seismic sequences,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 8-Week Graduate Research Internship in El Salvador,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 Session S4.3 Where history, archaeology, and geology intercept,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU Special Session: Northeast Atlantic Ocean,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 session: Volcanic processes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy, Unrest,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 25 December-31 December 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU session GMPV8.3 'The Dynamics of Magmatic Plumbing Systems',
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Graduate Student Opportunities at Miami University (OH),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post-doc in volcanology--Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Guadeloupe (OVSG),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 18 December-24 December 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstract - EGU 2020, 3-8 May--"GMPV4.9 Melt and fluid inclusions in minerals: a history in Earth Sciences",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- 3 PhD opportunities at University of Tasmania, Australia,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD and Post-Doc position in volcanology/geochemistry,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- FALL3D-8.0: new code version released!,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts EGU2020-Session SM6.1 ] - Earthquake swarms and complex seismic sequences -,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2020 session - Seismic analysis and geodetic modelling [TS5.1/G3.9/SM1.10],
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USF Geosciences is hiring - Instructor of Human & World Geography,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USF Geosciences is hiring - Instructor of GIScience,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lectureship position in Geophysics at the University of Bristol,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA session T14: Magmatic rates, processses, and spatiotemporal evolution of arc activity,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 December 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GOLD2020 Session 05c,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Lectureship in Earth Sciences - University of Liverpool UK,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts EGU 2020: GMPV10.1/NH2.9 "Volcanic Hazards and Risk Assessment: Past Achievements and Future Directions",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV Session: S2.16. What do volcano seismo-acoustic signals mean?,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Three Earth Sciences faculty positions at the University of Hawaii Manoa,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- "A Hero on Mount St. Helens: The Life & Legacy of David A. Johnston",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue on Solid Earth announcement "Volcano geology and field observations aimed at validation of numerical models",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 Session 8.2 Petrology of volcanic plumbing system,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- *Correction* EGU 2020 Session GMPV9.1 on Remote Robotics (aka Drones) for Earth Observation and Hazard Monitoring.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV S2.8: Source to surface magma transport at small-volume intraplate basaltic volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GSA Cordilleran Section meeting short course May 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 - Assessing the similarities and differences in eruptive activity between volcanoes GMPV9.4/NH2.4,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Now accepting registration for pre-CoV workshop on Santorini (May 2020). Five attendance grants available.,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Job opening at University of South Florida: Assistant Professor of GIScience,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- INVOLCAN / ITER seeking Post-Doctoral Researchers · Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 December 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- GU 2020 Session GMPV9.1 on Remote Robotics (aka Drones) for Earth Observation and Hazard Monitoring,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11, session S2.9: Magma fragmentation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoc Positions available at Orléans, France: VOLTAIRE Project,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 - session 3.10 Volcanic risk analysis as a tool for crisis management,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Post Doc position Experimental Geochemist GNS Science Taupo , New Zealand,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV11 (23-27 May 2020): S1.22 > Volcanogenic tsunamis: generation mechanisms and hazard assessment,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- USGS HVO Scientist-in-Charge position opening,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV 11 special session: SS6 > Open Source Software for Modeling Volcanic Processes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 Special Session "Tools in volcanology: A lightning demonstration session",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Grants for Student Research in Mineralogy and Petrology - 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Survey Call: What to do with a PhD in Volcanology outside of Academia?,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- SZ4D Town Hall Meeting at AGU – Thursday 6:30 pm,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 November-3 December 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist Opportunity--Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU Session TS9.3 - Studying active tectonics and volcano-tectonic processes using aerial (UAVs) and field-based Structure from Motion techniques,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geochronologist, Assistant/Associate Professor & Director of Nevada Isotope Geochronology Laboratory, UNLV College of Sciences,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 session on Caldera Deformation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Fully-funded volcano-ice core PhD at St Andrews,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU2020 Session SM6.1 - Earthquake swarms and complex seismic sequences - Call for abstracts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Final call for GSA-SC20 abstracts: T2. Recent Progress in Granites, Rhyolites, and Associated Magmatism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV11 Crete (23-27 May 2020): S1.5 - "Reconstructing the topography of active volcanic areas by using Geomatics techniques: volcanic phenomena investigation and hazard mapping",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU session "Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally" - call for abstracts,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- NZ-based PhD on Surtsey,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 - Session S12 on "Pre-eruptive magmatic processes and their timescales: how to utilize them for the mitigation of volcanic risk?",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 November 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 > Session S3.11 “The path from volcanic hazard to risk analysis”,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 - Session on Evacuations in volcanic environments,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Applied Sciences Journal--Special Issue: Data processing and Modeling,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Dates for 2020 field trips to Katmai and Kamchatka with UAF,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 - Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC) Session AS1.30,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Volcanic gas workshop 2020 in Japan,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 Call for abstracts and workshop #1 registration -- Session S3.4 State of the Volcanic Hazard Map/Crisis and scenario mapping,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- mithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 November 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Cities on Volcanoes: Culture, Ethics and Religion in Disaster Mitigation and Recovery,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Abstract DEADLINE EXTENDED to November 26 -- AGU Chapman Conference on Distributed Volcanism,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Geodesy Position at Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- UCLA ion microprobe student workshop 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- EGU 2020 - session GMPV8.4 (Magma generation and differentiation),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 Call for abstracts Session S1.12 "PDCs Transport and emplacement mechanisms: insight from field, experimantal and modelling studies",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 Call for Abstract Submission: Session S2.8 - Source to surface magma transport at small-volume intraplate basaltic volcanoes,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11 Call for Abstract Submission: Session S. 4.4 - Volcano Geoheritage,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COMET Webinar - Richard Walters - 25 November 2019 - 15:00 GMT,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 Session: Legal and ethical issues,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- DEADLINE: Abstracts for Chapman on Distributed Volcanism due November 20,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11 Session S2.18 > Linking remote and local monitoring data through physical volcano models to understand and forecast unrest,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV S3.14: "Emergency planning tools in inhabited volcanic risk areas",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Igneous Petrology Position at Western Washington University,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- PhD position in experimental volcanology at the University at Buffalo starting fall 2020,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for CoV11 session (S1.9)--Management of the Volcanological Data: from the production to the curation,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- COV11: Warnings of eruptions: engaging communities at risk,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 November 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstract CoV11 S3.14: "Emergency planning tools in inhabited volcanic risk areas",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Special Issue "Remote Sensor Based Geoscience Applications",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for CoV11: S2.13 > Interdisciplinary reconstructions of the impact of past volcanic eruptions on climate and society,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts CoV11: S3.2 Health hazards and environmental impacts associated with volcanic eruptions: emissions, exposure and response,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU 2019 Workshop: The Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS): An Open-System Phase Equilibria Modeling Tool for Magma Recharge, Crustal Assimilation and Crystallization (RAFC) (SCIWS17),
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- CoV11: Session on instability-to-collapse processes and mass wasting,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Seeking PhD Candidate--Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts for CoV11 S3.15 "Creating "volcano-ready" communities: communicating for resilience and response,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Graduate Student position - University of Utah,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV11 Crete (23-27 May 2020): S2.6 - "Uncertainty quantification in volcanic phenomena: an essential component for modeling physical processes and for hazard/risk assessment",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 October-5 November 2019,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for Abstracts COV11 -- S1.16 "Seismicity and ground deformation link in volcanic areas: multidisciplinary approaches and joint investigation over different timescales",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- AGU: Magma Chamber Simulator Workshop,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV11: S1.1 "Volcano hazard modelling",
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- IAVCEI Cities on Volcanoes at Heraklion, Crete from 23-27 May, 202- An invitation to submit to Session S1.7 Progression of unrest in volcanic systems,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
- Call for abstracts COV11 -- S1.15 Volcanic Degassing: Insights into Volcanic Processes, Impacts and Hazard,
Rachel Holsteen-Bruyere
[Index of Archives]
[Earthquake Notices]
[Yosemite News]