Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

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From: "Andrews, Benjamin" <AndrewsB@xxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program is now accepting
applications for the 2022 cycle. Postdoctoral, Predoctoral, Graduate
Student and Senior Fellowships are Available.

The Department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian Institution National
Museum of Natural History (NMNH) invites fellowship applications for
graduate student, postdoctoral, and senior fellows. Active areas of
research include geochemistry, petrology, experimental petrology,
volcanology, mineralogy, biomineralogy, environmental mineralogy, meteorite
studies, solar system formation, and planetary formation and evolution. The
department houses the National Meteorite Collection, the National Rock and
Ore Collection, the National Gem and Mineral Collection, and the Global
Volcanism Program. A description of facilities, staff profiles, and
collections resources can be found on the Mineral Sciences website.

Postdoctoral candidates may request up to 24 months and predoctoral
candidates up to 12 months of support; 10-week graduate fellowships (not
yet advanced to candidacy) may also be proposed. Stipends and research
funding are provided through the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship
Program, the Big 10 Academic Alliance Program, the Hevey Graduate
Fellowship, and the NMNH Peter Buck Fellowship Program. Stipends in Earth
and Space Sciences may exceed those listed. Applicants are strongly
encouraged to contact Smithsonian research staff to identify potential
advisors and discuss project feasibility. Additional information and
further instructions for the application process are available at the
Office of Fellowships. The application deadline is *November 1st, 2021*.

Mineral Sciences Website:;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrUkhnvMR8$ 

Peter Buck / SIFP Fellowship:;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrUJmTY2to$ 

Hevey Graduate Student Fellowship:;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrULNj8Rzs$ 

Big 10 Alliance Fellowship:;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrUmCPjuzA$ 



Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University
(ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP)
of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and
the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's
Interior (IAVCEI).


PSU -;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrU740wQc4$ 

GVP -;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrUnS-UMyI$ 

IAVCEI -;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MjTOPZHDtPzkg-pRSfvY7VDHQi8wneM9MxAY3Cb76IBFNfXHkFjXGPrUhwiJkuU$ 

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End of Volcano Digest - 10 Sep 2021 to 13 Sep 2021 (#2021-84)

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