4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 From: "Michelfelder, Gary" <GaryMichelfelder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues and Friends, We invite anyone interested in the origins and roles of felsic magmas in the crust to submit an abstract in our *T15. â??Granites and Rhyolites as a Record of Crustal Magmatic Processes" *at the 2021 South Central/North Central Joint GSA Section Meeting from 18-21 April 2021. We would love to get a mix of experimental works, geochemical and numerical models, and studies of natural samples. The abstract submission deadline is *February 2nd.* *T15. Granites and Rhyolites as a Record of Crustal Magmatic Processes* Description: Felsic magmatism, both in the crust and on the surface, has a wide range of magma sources and processes, and syn-intrusive stress states representing the diversity of crustal igneous systems. This session welcomes petrologic, geochemical, field, and structural studies of granites and rhyolites providing insight into complexities of crustal magmatism. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2021NC/top/papers/index.cgi?sessionid=51182 The meeting this year is 100% virtual, providing an online format for those who cannot or are uncomfortable with traveling while aiming to promote as much interaction as possible. We look forward to your contribution and hope to see you online in April! Best regards, The conveners: Gary Michelfelder (Missouri State University) Matthew Brueseke (Kansas State University) Clayton Reinier (Missouri State University) 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ------------------------------