3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 From: "Morgan T. Jones" <m.t.jones@xxxxxxxxxx> Dear Volcanophiles, Please join us on June 10th for an AGU-hosted webinar about the ongoing Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland. A varied and excellent group of speakers will address questions such as why this is happening in Iceland, how the eruption fits into the larger tectonic picture of the North Atlantic, what events led up to the eruption, how the eruption is evolving, and what societal impacts there may be. For questions that are not directly answered during the talks, there will be a 30 minute Q&A at the end for the audience to ask lingering questions. Below is the speaker list, format, and link to the free and simple registration (name/email). Webinar page and registration link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.agu.org/Events/Meetings/Mount-Fagradalsfjall-Webinar__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!Ps2FIKmM9ZFRkER7xYBhQF2q3lXfh3RJe6Zk8bZIJJfqPFLUCEsgcGABszvuiHw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.agu.org/Events/Meetings/Mount-Fagradalsfjall-Webinar__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!JPvxhCLgN7V8dL0ZgqBvnVPmvIravu6NvD_IUCB5I56VXJc6sTJmqJQMt7o-inA$> Mount Fagradalsfjall Webinar Date: Thursday, June 10th Start Time: 07:00 (PT-California), 10:00 (ET-New York), 14:00 (UTC-Iceland), 16:00 (CEST-Oslo) Speakers (All times in UTC): 14:00-14:10- Freysteinn Sigmundsson (University of Iceland) - Introduction and welcome 14:10-14:20- Grace Shephard (University of Oslo) - Regional geodynamic/tectonic setting 14:20-14:30- Nicolas Celli (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) - Seismic tomography 14:30-14:40- Gro B.M. Pedersen (University of Iceland) - Eruption evolution from remote sensing 14:40-14:50- Eniko Bali (University of Iceland) - Geochemistry 14:50-15:00- Evgenia Ilynskaya (University of Leeds) - Volcanic gases and societal impacts 15:00-15:30- Q&A with speakers 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 ------------------------------