Draft SZ4D thematic chapters open for comment

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From: Diana Roman <droman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

To those interested in the SZ4D Initiative (Subduction Zones in Four

We, the members of the SZ4D
Coordination Network Steering Committee and thematic Working Groups, are
writing to *solicit your input* to a set of draft reports
the thematic science drivers of an envisioned future SZ4D program.  Over
the past two years, we have received thoughtful feedback on ideas and
evolving plans from the subduction zone research community through town
halls, webinars, special interest meetings, and other mechanisms; we want
to thank everyone who has taken the time to engage with us and generously
share thoughts and ideas. Numerous aspects of the
envisioned SZ4D Initiative have evolved significantly in response to this

The draft chapters linked here
intended as core content of the SZ4D Implementation Plan that is our
planned end product of the effort.  There are three chapters at the link
above, each summarizing one of the scientific pillars of SZ4D: Faulting and
Earthquake Cycles (FEC), Magmatic Drivers of Eruption (MDE), and
Landscapes and Seascapes (L&S). In addition, we will very soon post
chapters laying out priorities for the Building Equity and Capacity in
Geosciences (BECG) and the Modelling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS)
aspect of SZ4D - watch for an announcement of those soon.

Importantly, you will see that these chapters lay out the scientific
strategy and location-based considerations for a long-term
multi-faceted research effort, but do not specify geographic locations of
focus for SZ4D activity. Those discussions are advancing quickly and draft
reports addressing the potential locations for SZ4D and its collaborative
data-gathering infrastructure, as well as its organizational structure, are
all in preparation and will be circulated soon for input and comment.

*We would like your feedback on how to strengthen and refine the plans in
these drafts to ensure they represent the community vision and to make as
strong, compelling, and coherent a case for a new program focused on
subduction zones as possible.*  Draft plans produced as a part of
the SZ4D RCN will be shared with funding agencies and international
partners in the very near future and will serve as the basis for future
proposals to fund various elements of a future SZ4D, so we really need your

There are multiple ways that you can provide your feedback on the documents:

   - Faulting & Earthquake Cycles: Provide input using this survey
   - Magmatic Drivers of Eruption: Provide input using this survey
   - Landscapes and Seascapes: Provide input using this survey

   - *Watch for announcements of upcoming small-group discussions and other
   virtual public forums for open exchange based on these drafts.*
Your participation
   will be welcomed!

   - Email the Steering Committee at any time, via the email address

We look forward to hearing from you!  Your feedback would be most helpful
by October 4th  because initial conversations with funding agencies are
beginning, but we welcome feedback after that as well.  These are elements
of a DRAFT report and Implementation Plan that will continue to be refined
over the coming year in response to feedback from the community and funding



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End of Volcano Digest - 22 Sep 2021 to 24 Sep 2021 (#2021-89)

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