1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: Erik Klemetti <klemettie@xxxxxxxxxxx> Colleagues, In order to not conflict with the MSA Mineral Talk by John Rakovan on July 22, we will start the Community Discussion on Teaching Mineralogy/Earth Resources Online on *July 22 at 11:30 PT/12:30 MT/1:30 CT/2:30 ET* so folks can participate in both events. As a reminder, the community conversation is for anyone who is interested in discussing ways to teach a hand-sample based course in Mineralogy, Earth Resources or similar topic this fall in a virtual environment. Please join us to explore ways to provide students with hands-on learning experiences online. *This conversation is now scheduled for Weds 7/22 at 10am PT/11am MT/noon CT/1pm ET by Zoom (connection info below). We look forward to sharing ideas and compiling resources.* Sincerely, Rachel Teasdale, Keith Putirka, Erik Klemetti, Laurel Goodell Zoom connection info: https://csuchico.zoom.us/j/99123274313?pwd=NTYwMGRVWDZsdG5wWTlMQzFHMWU0QT09 Meeting ID: 991 2327 4313 Password: 668967 One tap mobile: +16699006833,,99123274313#,,,,0#,,668967# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,99123274313#,,,,0#,,668967# US (Houston) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------