2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: Andrew C Gase <agase@xxxxxxxxxx> Dear all, In an effort to make this virtual AGU more engaging and interactive, the conveners of the session *From Trench to Back Arc: Dynamics of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone*, would like to invite you to participate in the following events: On *9 December from 18:00 - 19:00 Eastern US Time Zone*, we will hold a *Poster Walk* during which time poster presenters who have indicated interest will give a 4-5 minute talk through of their posters. Use this link to attend: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/97283269037?pwd=TmNCcjhTb2lnMWRaYUs4c3ZXTDVqdz09 Meeting ID: 972 8326 9037 Passcode: 826053 Also on *9 December from 23:05 - 23:30 Eastern US Time Zone*, weâ??ll hold a *Breakout Session* in which oral presenters will each be in different breakout rooms to talk more about their presentations. Use this link to attend: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/98493427618?pwd=amtqTlkxQS9VaERNQ3h4WWdGb3JzZz09 Meeting ID: 984 9342 7618 Passcode: 215592 You donâ??t need to register for AGU to attend these events but you can bring your favorite conference drink to make it feel more like AGU. We hope to see you next week! 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------