4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 From: "Lotto, Gabriel C" <gabriel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, The SZ4D Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) Research Coordination Network (RCN) would like to announce a *special two-part webinar program on September 15 and 17*, focusing on the modeling of *Volcanic Eruption Plumes*. Each program will consist of one hour of presentations followed by 30 minutes of open discussion. These webinars supplement the themes that will be covered in the upcoming MCS RCN Volcanic Systems Modeling Workshop <https://www.sz4dmcs.org/volcano-workshop> (date TBD). Registration is free and can be found here <https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qn-K8OY6RvmwWKcJ4DjnXg>. - 9/15, 11:30a-1:00p EDT - *Joe Dufek* (Univ. of Oregon): Fluid Dynamics of Volcanic Plumes - *Antonio Costa* (INGV): Overview of Various Approaches of Volcanic Plume Modeling - *30 minutes of open discussion with speakers* - 9/17, 11:30a-1:00p EDT - *Costanza Bonadonna *(Univ. of Geneva): Determination of Eruption Source Parameters for Modeling of Volcanic Ash Transport and Deposition - *Larry Mastin* (USGS): Operational Aspects of Ash Dispersal Modeling - *30 minutes of open discussion with speakers* More information is available on our website: https://www.sz4dmcs.org/webinars. We hope to see you online in September. *Gabriel Lotto, on behalf of the MCS RCN Steering Committeecontact@xxxxxxxxxxx <contact@xxxxxxxxxxx>* 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 ------------------------------