2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: "Francesca Forni (Dr)" <fforni@xxxxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our EGU 2021 session NH2.2 â??Tephrostratigraphy on regional and global scaleâ?? ( https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/38983) This session will highlight the importance and potential of tephrostratigraphy to reconstruct the eruptive histories on a regional or inter-regional scale. The identification and correlation of tephra layers enable reconstruction of the number, timing and magnitude of eruptions that have affected a given region. Near-source eruption records are often patchy or incomplete over extended timescales owing to factors such as burial, erosion and weathering. This under-reporting of explosive volcanism is clearly verified by analysis of global eruption databases, while this under-representation is common with low-to-mid intensity eruptions, even the most highly explosive eruptions are seemingly represented in regional eruption records. However, a better understanding of the frequency and distribution of explosive eruptions is key to reconstruct the evolution of a volcanic region and therefore to better assess potential hazards on a regional and even global scale. We seek contributions that: 1) aim to close this gap of knowledge by using stratigraphic, geochemical and petrographic approaches; 2) work on and/or combine different kinds of archives such as marine, lake and peat sediments, as well as on-land and ice-core records to improve the regional tephrostratigraphy and 3) use long-term regional tephrostratigraphic records as a tool in interdisciplinary studies. The EGU 2021 conference (19-30 April 2021) will be fully online (vEGU21 https://www.egu21.eu/). The deadline for abstract submissions is the 13th of January 2021 at 13:00 CET. All the best, Session conveners: Francesca Forni (fforni@xxxxxxxxxx) Paul Albert (p.g.albert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) Steffen Eisele (*seisele@xxxxxxxxxx <seisele@xxxxxxxxxx>*) Britta Jensen (bjjensen@xxxxxxxxxxx) 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------