2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: Thomas Shea <tshea@xxxxxxxxxx> Dear friends and colleagues, Come join us in Hawaii this summer for some *diffusion under the sun*! We are running a 2-day pre-conference workshop (Sat. 20th and Sun. 21st of June 2020) that will focus on giving some brief diffusion background and practical skills to build your own models (see description below). Information on this and other workshops available can be found here: https://goldschmidt.info/2020/eventTypeView?type=354#event2018000161 Space is *limited *so sign up soon! Best wishes for 2020, *Tom Shea, Sumit Chakraborty, Maren Kahl, Kendra Lynn, Fidel Costa, *and *Wali Faryad* Modeling element diffusion in high temperature systems: a practical introduction to geospeedometry Geospeedometry, the science of extracting timescale information from element diffusion in minerals and melts has undergone a major surge in igneous and metamorphic petrology over the last two decades. As analytical and computational tools are improving quickly, applications of diffusion chronometry leveraging multiple elements (major, minor and trace) in the same mineral or melt are becoming routine. Be part of this exciting and rapidly developing field and join us for a two-day workshop covering the underlying principles, analytical and numerical techniques, and uncertainties in applying diffusion modeling to magmatic and metamorphic systems. We will cover some basic background through a series of short talks, but mostly, emphasis will be put on gaining practical coding skills to start your own diffusion models using Excel®, and trying out more sophisticated programming tools like Matlab®. Several exercises encompassing analytical solutions and numerical finite differencing in 1D (and potentially 2D), all grounded in real case studies, will be utilized. We will also discuss uncertainties, potential pitfalls, unsolved diffusion mysteries, and areas that we as a community can help improve on in the years to come. 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------