1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: Matthew Pritchard <pritchard@xxxxxxxxxxx> You are invited to attend the online "Workshop on volcano monitoring infrastructure on the ground and in space." The goal of this 3-day workshop is to improve the understanding of the current capabilities and limits of volcano monitoring from the ground and space. By the end of the workshop, participants will contribute to the development of a Global Volcano Monitoring Infrastructure Database (GVMID) to be hosted at WOVOdat, learn about satellite tools for volcano monitoring, and contribute to improving the utility of satellite data for volcanoes. Originally this workshop was to be held in May, 2020 during the Cities on Volcanoes meeting in Crete, but was postponed and will now be held online from Feb. 18-22. One advantage of the virtual format is that there is now no registration fee. Please register by Feb.15. https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GyAYBD_qTwW6uLLL1U_Y5g A draft of the agenda is below. Day 1 (Feb. 18): Introduction and rationale of the Global Volcano Monitoring Infrastructure Database: Focus on ground-based observations. Speakers include: Fidel Costa, Christina Widiwijayanti, Diana Roman, Eisuke Fujita, Giuseppe Puglisi, and others 8am-12pm (EST) Day 2 (Feb. 19): Remote sensing: InSAR and degassing Speakers include: Juliet Biggs, Susanna Ebmeier, Simon Carn, Vince Realmuto, and others 8am-12pm (EST) Day 3 (Feb. 22): Remote sensing: Thermal, surface and topographic change Speakers include: Greg Vaughan, Elise Rumpf, Diego Coppola, Rick Wessels, Angie Diefenbach, and others 8am-12pm (EST) Sessions will be recorded and made available. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------