7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 From: "Etienne Médard" <etienne.medard@xxxxxx> Dear all, An eighteen-month, fully funded postdoctoral position in volcanic petrology is available to investigate submarine volcanism offshore Mayotte (Indian Ocean). Between 2018 and 2020 a large submarine eruption emitted 6.5 km3 of magma, causing a strong earthquake sequence that shook the island of Mayotte as well as significant far-field deformation. Twenty-six oceanographic campaigns returned a large number of samples (34 dredges and more than 100 ROV samples) and multi-parameter data covering the eruption and the newly discovered submarine volcanic chain. This chain is composed of more than 100 effusive and pyroclastic cones as well as large lava flows, many with geomorphologic features suggestive of a young Holocene age (< 10,000 years). Preliminary petrological and geochemical information is available for all samples from this suite of magma, with compositions ranging from basanites to phonolites. However, we have very little information on eruption dynamics and the implications for volcanic hazards for nearby Mayotte island. The objective of this postdoc position is to characterize the storage and ascent conditions of eruptible magmas. This objective will be met through the quantification of magma residence times, timescales for mush destabilization, magma ascent rates, volatile content, nucleation and fragmentation depths, eruptive style, etcâ?¦. The study will focus on samples from the Fani Maoré (2018-2020) effusive eruption, the â??Fer à Chevalâ?? recent effusive and explosive submarine activity, and terrestrial samples from Petite Terre Island. These data will be used to: (i) define potential processes precursory to unrest and eruptive activity; (ii) better parameterize the possible eruptive scenarios in the â??Fer à Chevalâ?? area and/or under Petite-Terre and the North-East of Grande Terre; and, (iii) improve multi-parameter monitoring and early-warning strategies for the REVOSIMA monitoring network. The ultimate goal will be to provide solid constraints for the REVOSIMA scientific alert and therefore facilitate the prevention of volcanic risks at Mayotte, in collaboration with the French authorities. A background in volcanic petrology is required for this position, and previous knowledge of diffusion chronometry modelling would be a strong asset. The position is based at « Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans » ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lmv.uca.fr/en__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YwSdWFN-_ZoluPlu_I8tpfoRRoPufL-vBfdVxSWNMlkkjf2HHv0xn3Y9uoRev9lVIwn6KoyHPzuiTJVR$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lmv.uca.fr/en__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eFKuj6VmvqJHoKJjs8L0Jjs2k7mbPQIuRd3sY77AN77RK9MUFC5GILUGPgEOhIqz6CiyaIFXJmHEqoVPkK1493M$>), a research unit of Université Clermont Auvergne, a French public university in the city of Clermont-Ferrand (central France). This small city is consistently ranked as one of the best in France for quality of life and offers easy access to outdoor recreation (including the Holocene Chaîne des Puys volcanic field right next to the city). The laboratory hosts a large range of analytical facilities (SEM with FIB and EBSD, EPMA, FTIR, Raman, X-ray tomography, physical properties and textural characterization lab, melt inclusion preparation lab, LA-ICP-MS, ICP-AES, TIMS, etcâ?¦) as well as an experimental petrology laboratory. Work will be performed in collaboration with Lucia Gurioli ( lucia.gurioli@xxxxxx, volcanology team) and Etienne Médard ( etienne.medard@xxxxxx, petrology team) as well as with colleagues from IPG Paris (Carole Berthod, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Fidel Costa). The postdoc will be fully involved in a large network of French researchers working on volcano monitoring and hazards assessment for the island of Mayotte (REVOSIMA, Réseau de Surveillance Volcanologique et Sismologique de Mayotte) and will participate in at least one oceanographic cruise offshore Mayotte. Expected net salary is about 31 000 â?¬ / year plus benefits (basic health insurance, retirement, unemployment, paid holidays, etcâ?¦). The start date is flexible, however, we aim to fill the position as soon as possible, ideally May 1st or June 1st. Formal applications should be done exclusively through the CNRS portal ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Gestion/Offre/Default.aspx?Ref=UMR6524-AUDCHA-017__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YwSdWFN-_ZoluPlu_I8tpfoRRoPufL-vBfdVxSWNMlkkjf2HHv0xn3Y9uoRev9lVIwn6KoyHPzheew5C$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Gestion/Offre/Default.aspx?Ref=UMR6524-AUDCHA-017__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eFKuj6VmvqJHoKJjs8L0Jjs2k7mbPQIuRd3sY77AN77RK9MUFC5GILUGPgEOhIqz6CiyaIFXJmHEqoVPKCZ3X_c$>) before March 31st, and potential candidates are welcome to contact us with questions. Etienne Médard (etienne.medard@xxxxxx) Lucia Gurioli (lucia.gurioli@xxxxxx) 7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 ------------------------------