2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: Gregory Valentine <gav4@xxxxxxxxxxx> The Department of Geology at University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of New York, invites candidates to apply for the position of Professor of Empire Innovation, at the rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor. The selected candidate will receive support through the SUNY Empire Innovation Program (EIP), which recognizes exceptional scholars with a proven track record of externally funded research and offers a generous compensation and start-up package. We invite applications from researchers who have exceptional track records in any type of *geological hazard*, including: (1) *Active tectonics*, using the recent geological record to establish earthquake histories and probabilistic hazards assessments. (2) *Earth surface hazards*, focusing on slope stability, landslides, and debris flows, including some combination of fieldwork, modeling, and experimentation to understand underlying physical processes and translating these into hazards assessments. (3) *Volcanic hazards*, using field observations, numerical modeling, and experimental approaches to advance our understanding of, and ability to predict, hazardous eruption processes and their consequences. The Professor of Empire Innovation will complement existing Departmental strengths in volcanology, geodynamics, paleoclimate and climate-change hazards, and water and the environment. This position is part of a cluster hire that includes the Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, and the School of Architecture and Planning, aimed at enhancing research and education in community resilience in the face of natural and climate-change hazards. The successful candidate is thus expected to work across the University to build interdisciplinary approaches to strengthen societal resilience to geological hazards, including with existing expertise in resilient infrastructure engineering, urban planning, communications, and crisis management. To facilitate this integration, the successful candidate will be a core member of the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards Advisory Committee. The Professor of Empire Innovation will teach courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, mentor graduate students, and maintain an active externally funded research program. We are particularly looking for candidates who can operate effectively in a diverse community of students and faculty members and share our vision of helping all constituents reach their full potential within a professional culture that values equity, diversity, and inclusion. The University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and, in keeping with our commitment, welcomes all to apply including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Interested candidates should visit https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/postings/31702__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!PHiD_o2tVVww5vRp69AwPw5txLEEU16ZIaleyujA_Nue2lQsWJ2lhxoa_kXAQrQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/postings/31702__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!NoT5K_QVG2EzIXI0GPdl2IRcUPPy2svZkvj1RVG3dXu0tcag2BRkUQMTDYKiMuU$> and can contact Prof. Greg Valentine (gav4@xxxxxxxxxxx) with any questions. 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------