7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 From: Zoltan Taracsak <zoltan.taracsak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear All, Please find details below of a melt inclusion focussed IAVCEI 2023 session that may be of interest. *IAVCEI 2023 session: Understanding and utilising melt inclusions to elucidate magmatic systems* Kia ora everyone, Weâ??d like to highlight following sessing at IAVCEI 2023: Understanding and utilising melt inclusions to elucidate magmatic systems (see description below) in the Using field data, geophysics, geochemistry, statistics, and modelling to probe volcanic and plutonic systems symposia. Abstract deadline is 2nd September 2022 (Aotearoa New Zealand timeâ?¦ so best to submit the day before just in case!) - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/call-for-abstracts__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dlr3xSn55YEjjqSJxmoKI5X_m1325nYUdfuRpxCdu5mzsbPz1wvFyevuyJVpdyXaTr1wmz_qsANq5I_u$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/call-for-abstracts__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!d-kTeoyWllk0Zddv49lnBamEYxtvMfZKKQx7exjqmhRJuH1F2IDxJC9oMpS3tCcTL8QMqls5EAdtxwyjiO-cQ2eniDBdsjX63PBy$> NgÄ? mihi, Ery Hughes, Anna Barth, Alex Iveson, Damaris Butters, and Zoltán Taracsák *Understanding and utilising melt inclusions to elucidate magmatic systems* Melt inclusions (MIs) are small pockets of typically silicate melt, which become trapped inside crystals as they grow from a magma, providing a unique sample of the melt from the magmatic system. Suites of MIs are often used to reconstruct the volatile budget and degassing history of volcanic eruptions, as the mineral host acts as a pressure vessel, theoretically preventing post-entrapment modification of the volatiles. MIs can also be used to understand the conditions of ore deposit formation in plutonic systems, where the rocks are otherwise often highly altered at the surface. MIs can be difficult to analyse due to their small size, multi-phase componentry, and beam sensitive nature. Despite these challenges, there are a wide variety of existing and developing experimental and microanalytical techniques to quantify their compositions (element concentrations, isotope ratios, speciation/oxidation states, including diffusion profiles) and structure (size/type of phases). These data provide invaluable information on the changes in composition prior to eruption during magmatic processes when combined with experimental petrology and computer modelling. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly evident that various post-entrapment processes (e.g., crystallisation, bubble formation, and diffusion) change the composition and structure of MIs, which requires new methods for MI treatment and data collection/reduction. This session aims to bring together topics relating to the utility of MIs in elucidating the magmatic processes occurring prior to eruption and in relation to ore deposit formation. These include experimental studies on volatile and melt evolution prior to eruption, post-entrapment effects and how to reconstruct MI composition/structure, as well as new analytical techniques. We also welcome studies of natural MIs (especially those including complementary datasets, e.g., geophysical, experimental, diffusion chronometry, etc.) to understand plutonic and volcanic systems, from the generation of ore deposits to understanding eruption triggers and, more generally, the architecture of magmatic plumbing systems. 7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 ------------------------------