2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: "Stovall, Wendy K" <wstovall@xxxxxxxx> Hello volcano communicators! â??Find Your Voice: Volcano Communication in Crisis and Calmâ?? is a short course offered January 28-29, 2023 (1.5 days) in-person in Rotorua (New Zealand) and online. Registration information is below. This is ahead of the IAVCEI General Assembly, but it is possible to take the course without registering for the conference! Communicating science is tough! Science communicators must convey the hazard and risk associated with natural processes to the public, emergency managers, policymakers, and colleagues, as well as inspire the next generation of scientists and improve our research processes. This workshop takes a hands-on approach to learning about science and hazard communication in times of crisis and calm. The skills practiced can be applied to all channels of communication, from a public lecture to a social media feed. The workshop is open to all (students and early career researchers, mid-career and experienced communicators). We will have conveners running the course's online and in-person components to help ensure an integrated event. Sign up for the workshop when you register to attend the IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly in Rotorua: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://confer.eventsair.com/iavcei2023/registration__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dA9dyR79wCwh-R0q0h1eI42WJBtqN8NjgBOZF7LpVyF80172Og4vcv2gxTaKhwkjXU5Gbj2aDYtMAlhC$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https*3A*2F*2Fconfer.eventsair.com*2Fiavcei2023*2Fregistration*3Ffbclid*3DIwAR0CT6n8SsPAuxceiPAqEL4C9ofPTn92PucBcfxbN4scFy9mOC5iXwSyQYc&h=AT3WxU6AV0xqQ-SDYEp2XVEnSwXL0J1yQG4VpZhSW1yHXGcA5JN_cSLf_gG3O78gtddG1OO42meCOg1W9DfuaeGEQE5i5_9X85aw9ujxsnNjpz-wjwdxcvMn6tGxVEhkRJtXvdU&__tn__=-UK-R&c*0*=AT0zGYHt5xpljZrXit9j26ZIArev9OHba1SRZbvupqdTB4PiV9TPlenbLhAf7ADA9stpSUTeUdA93DO5NkCh170wzuCWUF6i6hiYonqOd5AvAg2F7KTTarXh00prf_vm4YeKY6u-1n_jzpDQ6MSwtNQQ7IyBxqUv2yZv0h7vqlfU6oS-EbQCt45fcOrmgM2o9ZumuAoZQ5aEkNcZMg__;JSUlJSUlJVtd!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eQ2gx-0Obji5vj2DDUVTTuemAsoImdrEq-BylPUEXf6WtOW9zGeSxYT3KYKd5-8VG6WYv2mIvmclpX2Vaw$> . If you would like to attend the workshop (either remote or in-person) but not the conference, email iavcei2023@xxxxxxxxxxxx to make arrangements. This course has a $100 (New Zealand dollars) fee. We hope to see you there! Beth Bartel (MTU) Wendy Stovall (USGS) Micol Todesco (INGV) Mylene Villegas (PHIVOLCS) Sally Potter (GNS Science) Elizabeth Westby (USGS) 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------