1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: Ery Hughes <e.hughes@xxxxxxxxxx> Kia ora koutou, Weâ??re interested in what the community thinks about the current landscape and future directions for â??Modelling volatile behaviour in magmasâ??. As part of this, weâ??re holding a hybrid workshop at the end of January 2023 to bring together experimentalists, numerical modellers, and observational researchers with an interest in volatile solubility in magmas. Thereâ??s still time to sign up this week - more information can be found on our webpage <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://volatileworkshop.wordpress.com/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!Y1ILtk1UzWcNRnGK1i2atIFguUZVYoB9zSy7FZsH3MCkMM3HajkIGxPNwrRiYuWQmmLonhxZdAURSnQO2pA$> . *But weâ??re aware not everyone will be able to make it, but we still want to hear your opinion!* Want to be kept in the loop but canâ??t attend the workshop? Fill in this form <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/ZR9MyxyNVonoqHZc7__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!Y1ILtk1UzWcNRnGK1i2atIFguUZVYoB9zSy7FZsH3MCkMM3HajkIGxPNwrRiYuWQmmLonhxZdAURQHFKNfU$> and add â??cannot attend but keep me in the loopâ?? for â??anything else you want to addâ??. To have your ideas added to the summary document produced, please fill out this form <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/VC8xZkE7mdG9r3Ly8__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!Y1ILtk1UzWcNRnGK1i2atIFguUZVYoB9zSy7FZsH3MCkMM3HajkIGxPNwrRiYuWQmmLonhxZdAURG_wUDPo$> by 29/01/23, which will ask you about the key questions we are discussing in the workshop: 1. What are the experimental gaps? 2. What do observational researchers need these codes to be able to do? 3. Can we link monitoring needs to solubility outputs? Considering the following three broad ideas for each: - What are the key open questions or needs related to this topic? - What are some existing challenges to answering these questions and potential solutions to these challenges? - What is a potential target area (in physical or P/T/X space) where a multidisciplinary (observational + experimental + analytical + modeling) study could take place to answer some of these big questions? After the workshop, a summary based on participants of the workshop and those who have submitted feedback in the form above will be released with the opportunity for comment, to ensure as many people as possible can participate. More information can be found on our webpage <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://volatileworkshop.wordpress.com/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!Y1ILtk1UzWcNRnGK1i2atIFguUZVYoB9zSy7FZsH3MCkMM3HajkIGxPNwrRiYuWQmmLonhxZdAURSnQO2pA$> . NgÄ? mihi, Ery, Shuo, Kayla, Pip, Penny, and Geoff 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------ End of Volcano Digest - 14 Jan 2023 to 16 Jan 2023 (#2023-8) ************************************************************