1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: "Grunder, Anita" <Anita.Grunder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to bring to your attention our special session at the Goldschmidt 2023 conference in Lyon, France (July 9-14). Abstracts are due by March 1st and can be submitted at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://conf.goldschmidt.info/goldschmidt/2023/cfp.cgi__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!bjODr1PqA07J6PVJFNUIVUu7-gfROp0Leu1ZA7O_d-4sWPtKCrcbnPgFcIz2ZkTAcO3VevveKvb3KCAJlsKohgthJorR$ . We welcome contributions from oceanic and continental mantle perspectives, and from scientists at all career stages. After the arc: What are lasting influences of subduction on mantle geochemistry? (Session 3f) Conveners: Mary Reid, David Graham, Anita Grunder, Kristina Walowski, and Alexis Riche. The keynote speaker is Dr. David V Bekaert (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) on the topic of â??Subduction-Driven Volatile Recyclingâ??, and invited speaker Dr. Jackie Dixon (University of South Florida, USA) will present "Subduction Gauntlet Revisited". Session Description: Subduction-related processes have shaped the chemical signatures of the continental crust. The effects of subduction are also identified in mantle-derived lavas generated long after regional subduction has ceased, and are found imprinted on ocean island and spreading center basalts. Subduction-modified mantle lithosphere is often implicated as a magma source, and evidence for it is provided in mantle xenoliths. With advances in our understanding of sources, slab-mantle partitioning, mass transfer, and fluxes under volcanic arcs, it is timely to explore the nature and persistence of arc-related signatures across the spectrum of anorogenic settings. We also seek to more closely examine the fidelity of these records to processes that might have operated in now-defunct arc settings. Of particular interest are considerations of species that are often regarded as relatively fugitive, including water, carbon, halogens, and noble gases. We also invite contributions from theoretical considerations and experimental investigations, radiogenic and stable isotope tracing, as well as from case studies. Please join us in Lyon! 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------