1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: Linda Sobolewski <linda.sobolewski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> *A seminar series on diffusion modelling to determine timescales of processes (Diffusion Chronometry)* Dear Colleagues, Our next seminar will be held on *Thursday, 22 June, 2023* (16:30-18:30 CEST) with *Jonathan Blundy, University of Oxford, UK* â??Using petrology to constrain magma source depths and ascent rates in volcanic arcsâ?? ******************************************************************************************************************************************** *Summary: Using petrology to constrain magma source depths and ascent rates in volcanic arcs* *Experimental petrology and diffusion chronometry can provide unique insights into the depths at which magmas originate and the rates at which they ascend to the surface. In this talk I will show how the concept of liquidus multiple saturation barometry can be used to determine mid-crustal magma source depths along the Cascades arc. Sr and Ba zoning profiles in plagioclase phenocrysts can then be used to show that magmas ascend from these depths on timescales of a year or less prior to eruption. Implications for crustal magmatic architecture and volcano monitoring will be discussed.* ******************************************************************************************************************************************** Registration is required to avoid undesired interruptions. Please register here <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5cuceGvrj4sHNBDJBptI__OoE24PgC7E9-n__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YgmVt9EcFZEju0r-77gTR0SNJu-AmVwmtO6mhAkdg8x0rXsL25AFOShjEVgU7dUhnF_oST3ic5sJDls3XyZRwNdP6QDO_Zz4vNh9$> in advance for this meeting - all registrants will receive a link to the seminar that is valid for that person only. *A seperate registration is required for every seminar*. A recording of each seminar is available on our website via the following link <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://diffchron.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/seminars/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YgmVt9EcFZEju0r-77gTR0SNJu-AmVwmtO6mhAkdg8x0rXsL25AFOShjEVgU7dUhnF_oST3ic5sJDls3XyZRwNdP6QDO_bv_iKYY$> . 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------