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- VOLCANO: Last reminder, AGU session V011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Two New Zealand eruptions in two days
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Now Online: Latest issue of the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, BGVN 37:05
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder: AGU Fall meeting session V014
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Session on Collapse Calderas V006
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral research position at University of Leeds, UK
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session NH009: Geohazards and Disaster Risks in the North Pacific Region
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: post-doc position in Lausanne University
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VUELCO workshop in Colima prior to COV7: Volcanic unrest: Interfacing science and decision-making
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 Colima: The scientific, monitoring, and mitigation challenges of multi-stage eruptions
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session, V038
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: new GEOSPHERE special theme issue on the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 July 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: University of Arizona Position in Geochemistry/Petrology/Mineral Resources
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Eruption precursor session Cities on Volcanoes 7, Colima, Mexico
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Schedule and Call for Presentations: 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: SolEx Update
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VOLSAM 2012 Conference, Santorini, Greece deadlines reminder
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral positions
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 July 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Integrated Approaches for Volcanic Risk Management - LAST DAYS TO REGISTER
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: OSOP announces International Training Workshop in Volcanic Seismology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Job posting - volcanologist at the Earth Observatory at Singapore
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Institutional Postdoc Progran, CEOAS - Oregon State University
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session notice for IN037: Open Technologies Facilitating Data Center Collaboration
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 July 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: V029: Metasomatism: geochemistry, petrology, ore deposits, geophysics
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 Volcanic Emergencies Session Announcement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Chapman Conference on Hawaiian volcanoes - registration deadline is July 20
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: V044. Technological Advances in the Monitoring and Study of Active Terrestrial and Submarine Volcanic Processes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV Session : Assessing Volcanic Hazards and Risk
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fall AGU Session announcement - V055: Volcanic Ash Dynamics 2: Aggregation and Deposition
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 15 JULY Registration deadline for Volcano seismology annual workshop - September 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: ANNOUNCING GeoPRISMS East African Rift Planning Workshop
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VOLSAM 2012 Conference, Santorini, Greece
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Job opportunity at University of Auckland
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 July 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Session V047 The role of fluids in evolving magmatic-hydrothermal systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Special volume with 12 articles on various aspects around volcanic ash
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: [AGU Session] V015: Experimental Modelling of Volcanic and Magmatic Processes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Opportunities at the Smithsonian
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: field assisstent for a trip to Naples and Volcano island
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session V002: A comprehensive understanding of the melting processes at subduction zones
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fall AGU Session announcement - V018: Geologic Maps as a Basis for Integrated Studies in Volcanology and Tectonics
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 Session 1.1: Modelling volcanic hazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 7, Colima, Mexico
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: NSF support for US-based students at COV7
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 Colima: The pyroclast puzzle: deciphering volcanic deposits
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 June-3 July 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanology Wiki: invitation to contribute.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanology position available at the Iceland Meteorological Office
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 Volcanic Seismology session announcement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Visiting Assistant Professor positions at NMSU
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - June 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Milos, Paliorema and Santorini
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session advertisement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 Remote Sensing session announcement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fall AGU session V049 on Volcanic CO2 Emissions
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD position at ETH Zurich
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD position at Southampton: volcano collapse and landslide processes at Montserrat
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CoV7 volcanic health session and workshop
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcano Monitoring Workshop – Cities on Volcanoes 7, Colima, Mexico
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 June 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fall AGU Session announcement - V036: Petrologic insights on magmatic processes controlling shifts in eruption style
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: COV SESSION 2.5: Volcanic ash fall impacts: warning, preparedness, case studies and mitigation strategies
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement – V011: Decoding the textural record via experimental and numerical petrology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session: Volcanic Ash Dynamics 1: Formation and Transport
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Academic positions in Synchrotron Geoscience, including Volcanology, Monash University, Australia
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for papers: Special Issue "Shinmoe-dake eruption" in EPS
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement V033: Near-Field Remote Sensing Techniques to Monitor and Assess Topographic Change and Related Hazards at Active Volcanoes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement: V056. Vulcanian Eruptions
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 30 JUNE (Funding application) - 15 JULY (Registration) deadlines for Volcano seismology annual workshop - September 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcement of the session NH004 - Asia-Pacific Region Global Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Risk Management (G-EVER)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session: What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us?
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU2012 -- V048: Thermal Budgets, Rheology and Thermo-Rheological Feedbacks in Magmatic Systems.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcement of the session V024 - Magma properties and degassing behavior - at the 2012 fall AGU meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: First IUGG GRC Conference on Extreme Natural Hazards and Their Impacts, Chapman University, Orange, Dec. 8-12, 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New book about Etna
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLANO: session for 2012 AGU V32 Monogenetic volcanism
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 7, Colima, Mexico
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement- Advances in Characterization of Geothermal Systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement V041 "Space, Time, and Transport in Petrology and Geochemistry"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: USGS Professional Paper 1788 is available
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session: Calderas I
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 June 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement V042: Subduction-related Magmatism and Volcanism of the Lesser Antilles Arc and Associated Geohazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session announcement – VO53: Volatiles in Volcanic Glasses – Discriminating between Primary and Secondary Volatiles
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Fall session on tephrochronology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU 2012 session announcement - V014: Erupt, Rest, Repeat: The Nature of Cyclic Behavior in Volcanic Systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Session on Pyroclastic Density Currents
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU session on Imaging Techniques in Volcanology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fall AGU Session announcement - V46: The Mush Model: Paradigm or Straitjacket?
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fall AGU Session Announcement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: social media in volcano communication
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: postdoc in Andean geology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Session on Collapse Calderas V006: Calderas II: Collapse Dynamics, Unrest and Resources
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Session announcement T029: Magmatism and Extension During Continental Rifting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Research Position at GNS Science, New Zealand
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: GSA Annual Meeting session (T38): "Subduction-Related Mantle Preparation and Subsequent Magmatism and Ore Genesis"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2012 El Hierro Conference - International Workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Session V045 - The Emissivity of Hot Lava
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 June 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Posdoc opportunity announcement in InSAR volcanology and geodynamics
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VESUVIUS: Let us not forget it by studying it always
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD positions available at HOSST
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 May-5 June 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: NEMOH Project: Marie Curie Fellowship/PhD Position in Experimental Volcanology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - May 2012`
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Surtsey Anniversary Conference 2013
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: NEMOH Project: 3 Marie Curie Research Fellowship Positions at INGV Pisa
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EMSEV 2012 meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: CLERVOLC Seeking PhD students, post-doc and technical engineers
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 May 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Conferenza A. Rittmann, Nicolosi, Catania, Italy (12-14 December 2012)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Position announcement for Post Doctoral Appointment
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: International Scientific Conference on Integrated Approaches for Volcanic Risk Management
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for Proposals - 2013 GSA SE Section Meeting (Puerto Rico)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 May 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Visiting Professor
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: John Guest obituary
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2012 El Hierro Conference - International Workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: NPP Satellite Data Users Workshop - input from volcano scientists solicited
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Registration deadline June 15 - Metasomatism Workshop - 2012 Goldschmidt Meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 May 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcement of the 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD on tsunami deposits
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New website for YVO
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 May 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 7, Colima, Mexico – Student Grants & Registration
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcement International Conference "Basalt 2013"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Kuno Award
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder *Magmatic crustals* at EMC2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Bowen Award 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: USGS News: Volcano Awareness Month (Washington) is a Reminder to Prepare
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25 April-1 May 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Soliciting new manuscripts on volcanic eruptions and climate for IPCC AR5 report
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 7th Annual Short Course "Fluids in the Earth"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Professor in Advanced Computational Modelling in Geohazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder of final date for registering to Volcandpark Congress : 10 May 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 3-years PhD position in Orléans, France
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: US Geological Survey, Program Coordinator, Volcano Hazards Program Vacancy
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - April 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Volcano Webcam viewer tool
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Research Assistant Professor Position, University of Texas at El Paso
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: UCLA Ion Microprobe Student Workshop (September 17 - 21, 2012)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Apolline Project – Call for volcanologists participants
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 April 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Etna eruption 24 April 2012 Videos
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Newsletter
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Central Washington University
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Permanent, full-time Geophysics position, GNS Science, New Zealand
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: once again cooperation in ICP-MS and FEGSEM/EDS
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2012 El Hierro Conference - International Workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society (10-15 October 2012, El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD at the University of Geneva
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EMSEV 2012 meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cultural and Religious Responses to Volcanic Disasters
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 April 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder:2nd International Course on Collapse Calderas September 19-23, 2012, Bolsena Caldera, Italy
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Minor phreatic eruption from Rincon de la Vieja volcano: Costa Rica.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Kuno Award
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Exploration into Thrihnukagigur Volcano in Iceland
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New images / video from Sakurajima Volcano
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: FINAL REMINDER – Hawaii Chapman conference abstract deadline April 19
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - March 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Metasomatism Workshop - 2012 Goldschmidt Meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 April 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Volcano Webcam viewer tool
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: OSOP announces courses in SeisComP and Earthworm for Cities on Volcanoes 7 in Colima Mexico.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Doctoral and postdoctoral posts in Clermont-Ferrand
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Experimental Volcanology Researcher/PhD
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Funded PhD projects at the University of Tasmania
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 March-3 April 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 4 PhD positions at Bristol
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Positions advertized at the University of Liverpool
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: First GVM Newsletter
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Permanent position at the University of Bristol
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 7
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: WebCam at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Hawaii bibliographic database
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 March 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2 NEMOH PhD projects in Volcanology at U of Bristol
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Remote sensing content on VHub
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Limited Term Appointment in Economic Geology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Chapman conference on Hawaiian volcanism - abstract and travel grant deadline April 19
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Position announcement: Lead Scientist, User Facility for Large-Scale Geohazards Experiments
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 March 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Seeking Volcanology Job/Internship
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcano seismology annual workshop - September 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Two Faculty Positions Available at University of Hawaii
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Fall 2012 Meeting: Call for Session Proposals
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 March 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: MINSC Marie Curie Initial Training Network
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: A short course in Volcanic Seismology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: INTERNATIONAL COURSE IN VOLCANOLOGY (in spanish) 15-28 October 2012 (Olot, Spain)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU 2012 session SE107: Magma transport through dikes, sills and conduits: Insights from modelling and field measurments
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2 post-doctoral researchers in magmatic petrology/volcanic processes at ETH Zurich,
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Bezymianny eruption on March 08, 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Session announcement on the LUSI mud volcano, AOGS-AGUWP joint meeting (Singapore, August 2012)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Graduate Opportunities in Field-based Volcano Acoustics Studies
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 'Magmatic crystals' at EMC 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 February-6 March 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Doctorate Student (PhD) fellowship in volcanic petrology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Mineralogy/Petrology Position
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU (WPGM) session PS09: Active Satellites in the Solar System
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Web site for the Global Volcano Model
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 February 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Invitation to the Hopi Buttes volcanic field maar-diatreme workshop
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Some new modeling, education, and remote sensing resources on vhub
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - February 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Marie Curie Research Fellowship at INGV Rome in field and experimental volcanology.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: REMINDER: Deadline approaching to register for SeisComp Workshop
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 February 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Session: SE85 Time scales of magmatic evolution and eruption in intermediate to silicic magmatic system
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: LASI V Workshop 2012 - Karoo Basin, South Africa (Second Circular)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: MIA-VITA 4th Newsletter
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU(WPGM) session 'Magmatic processes and possible links to volcano monitoring data'
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder: 2nd International Course on Collapse Calderas September 19-23, 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: REMINDER: International Workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society: El Hierro 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Various Incandescent Points, By Night, at Turrialba Volcano: Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Assistant Professor in Sedimentary Geology, Central Washington University
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral position: Quantifying magma storage and eruption at Andean volcanoes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 February 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: GVN Bulletin--Latest issue
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Why not join the International Association for Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI)?
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Say Hello to CalVO!
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: looking for high resolution DEMs
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU 2012 session SE104: Geochemical Investigations/Monitoring of Geohazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: IGC Brisbane, Australia 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU 2012 session SE107: Magma transport through dikes, sills and conduits: Insights from modelling and field measurments
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Muons neutrinos conference announcement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: INTERNATIONAL COURSE IN VOLCANOLOGY (in spanish) 15-28 October 2012 (Olot, Spain)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Two post-doctoral positions available at INGV Pisa
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 February 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU Chapman conference on Hawaiian volcanism, August 20-24, 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanic Hazard Modeller job at GNS Science, New Zealand
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcano-Ice Interactions on Earth & Other Planets Conference call for abstracts
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship available
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Mt. St. Helens Institute Executive Director Position
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Deadline February 9 - Chapman Conference on Volcanism and the Atmosphere
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: MELTS short course at Goldschmidt 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Masters in Volcanology and Geological Hazards at Lancaster University, UK
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: GSA Cordilleran Section field trip
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Remote Sensing of Volcanoes: AOGS-AGU joint assembly session: SE 106
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcement of a joint DMG – MSA event
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: SolEx: A tool to calculate COHSCl solubilities in basalts
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New pictures of Nyiragongo volcano´s ongoing eruption
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Hosting Cities on Volcanoes 8 in 2014: Call for nominations
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Nyamuragira (fresh images from 3 days ago)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- The abstract presentation period: 13 February
- VOLCANO: Nyamuragira (fresh images from 3 days ago)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Position - Quantifying Volcanic CO2 Emissions
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Special Publication on Remote Sensing of Volcanoes and Volcanic Processes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Rocky Mountain Meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD Studentship at Lancaster University, UK
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Using Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism to Understand Volcanic Processes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Montserrat Volcano Observatory Job Advert - Ground Deformation Specialist
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanic risk survey - last chance!
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: opening of a new vent at Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: USGS News: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Marks a Century of Research and Monitoring
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: The 2nd edition of “Introduction to Volcanic Seismology” is published already by Elsevier
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Academic Posts at Lancaster University, UK
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2012 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Researc
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Noble Gas Session - Goldschmidt, 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Session 3c: Deep cycles of volatiles in terrestrial planets through time
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Expedición Geofísica de Santiaguito
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: USGS Mendenhall Fellowship Opportunity: Novel Uses of Infrasound to Study Active Volcanism
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2nd international course on calderas
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 4th international workshop on calderas
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2012, Session 4b - The occurrence, genesis and evolution of alkaline magmas
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Academic Positions at University of Waikato
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Large Igneous Provinces Symposium at IGC Brisbane, August 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Submission of message concerning session 4c of the Goldschmidt 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session GMPV1.2: Impact on global climate and economy of volcanic eruptions, past and present
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EC-funded VUELCO project
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session: NH2.1 Modeling of Volcanic Hazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session reminder: Magma generation and differentiation (GMPV5.1) Dear Jean-Francois,
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder abstract presentation period First International Congress on Management and Awareness in Protected Volcanic Landscapes (VOLCANDPARK)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012: MPV4.4, Recent explosive eruptions: Conduit processes, ash dispersal and effects on aviation - reminder
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU Session NH 9.1: Nat. Cat. Risk Assessment: Integrating Public Private Academic Partnerships into Applications and Decision Making
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcano Deformation Session, EGU 2012; reminder
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012, Session GMPV4.11 “Spatio-temporal evolution of volcanic systems: the importance of geochronology”
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Nominations for GSA Subaru Outstanding Woman in Science Award due 1 Feb
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU session ''Pyroclastic density currents over topography''`
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 29th IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics - Edinburgh - 18th-22nd June 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU Session: Sedimentation and stratigraphy from pyroclastic gravity-driven flows
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cultural and religious responses to volcanic disasters
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session - GMPV5.2 How magma chambers work: recent advances in the study of granitic, alkaline and mafic-ultramafic plutonic complexes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU session co-organized by Tectonics, Volcanology, Geohazards, Geodesy and Seismology program groups
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Nominations for Day Medal of GSA, 1 Feb deadline
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 Session on Data Science/Informatics and Data Assimilation in Geosciences
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2012, session "Crystals and glasses as archives of volcanic processes"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder EGU 2012 - Session GMPV4.7: Physics and dynamics of magma ascent, emplacement and eruption in volcanic systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Final Reminder: Invitation to contribute to a GSL Special Publication on "Orogenic Andesites and Crustal Growth"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 December 2011 - 3 January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 2012 International Volcanological Field School: Katmai, Alaska and Mutnovsky/Gorely, Kamchatka
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcing the First SeisComp Workshop for the Americas
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Geophysical Software Developer and Programmer
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Electronics Guru and Field System Engineer
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanological session at 2012 Goldschmidt conference in Montreal, June 24-29, Abstract deadline- February 1
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Geyser-Type Eruptions and Mud Cascade at Poas Volcano; Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - December 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Session T1 "Silicic Volcanism" at the 2012 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Queretaro, Mexico -- abstract deadline January 10th 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanological session at 2012 Goldschmidt conference in Montreal, June 24-29, Abstract deadline- February 1
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 December 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU2012_session Rock Physics and Natural Hazards EMRP2.6/GMPV6.10/NH4.1/SM5.5/TS2.9
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Big Ideas in Volcanology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at the Smithsonian
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: USGS Mendenhall postdocs- application deadline is Feb. 21, 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 December 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: listserv holiday hiatus
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Session 4j: New Views of Mantle Heterogeneity from Oceanic Basalts
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Advertisement for volcanology field course
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: post-doc position at INGV Bologna
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: seeking students with interests in igneous petrology and geochemistry for new Ph.D. program
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU Session NH 9.1: Nat. Cat. Risk Assessment: Integrating Public Private Academic Partnerships into Applications and Decision Making
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU session: Recent explosive eruptions: Conduit processes, ash dispersal and effects on aviation
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 December 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, BGVN 36:05 online
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Vacancy at the British Geological Survey - Volcanologist
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for abstract - Goldschmidt 2012 - session 6b
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2012 call for abstracts - Geothermal Geochemistry
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU2012-GMPV4.9 session_PDCs over topography
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012-GMPV4.6 Volcanic conduits in nature, models, and experiments
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012, Session GMPV4.11 “Spatio-temporal evolution of volcanic systems: the importance of geochronology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session 6b. The dynamics of volcanic excess degassing: from source to surface
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: InSAR postdoc
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 November-6 December 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstracts: Session 4g at Goldschmidt 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCNO: Bufumbira and Chyulu Photos
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - November 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU session GMPV4.10/GM2.7
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Video channel of the Volcanological Institute of Canary Islands (INVOLCAN)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD Position at LMU
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session: NH2.1 Modeling of Volcanic Hazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Iceland Volcanology Field Camp
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 November 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 Session SM5.2/ERE5.6 - Induced Seismicity: Theory and Observation
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 Session GMPV1.2/VGP2: Impact on global climate and economy of volcanic eruptions, past and present
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Invitation to contribute to a GSL Special Publication on "Orogenic Andesites and Crustal Growth"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship at the Open University (UK): Environmental toxicology and agricultural practice in volcanic environments
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New El Misti publication
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions at the Carnegie Institution of Washington
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD Position at LMU Munich (Germany) in permeability evolution of volcanic systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012, Session GMPV4.11 “Spatio-temporal evolution of volcanic systems: the importance of geochronology”
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 November 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Cultural and Religious Understandings of Volcanic Disasters
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Faculty position at Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcano Deformation Session, EGU 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AOGS-AGU(WPGM) Joint assembly 2012 session proposal deadline Dec 5
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes and Hawaiian Volcano Observatory 2012 International Training Course in Volcano Hazards Monitoring
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 Session Announcement
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Robert W. Decker Memorial Endowment with the University of Hawaii Foundation
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session on volcano research using EM, seismic and other geophysical methods
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Graduate opportunity at AMNH
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Special sessions and fieldtrips, GSA Cord meeting, 29-31 March, Queretaro, MEXICO
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 November 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: special session at GSA NE meeting, March 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 - Session GMPV4.7: Physics and dynamics of magma ascent, emplacement and eruption in volcanic systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD position at Georgia Tech in modeling volatile transport in magma reservoirs
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Collapse Caldera Database update 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcanism and Tectonics in the Solar System - EGU2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Eruptive history
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Nyamulagira Eruption DRC
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 session GMPV4.12 Volcano-ice interactions
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New webcam at Etna, Sicilia
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Faculty position at the University of Cincinnati
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Ph.D. position in studying the initiation of magmatically accommodated extension in the rifting environments of terrestrial planets
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Affiliate Professor of Geology Grand Valley State University
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Please post on volcano list serve
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2012 Session Proposal deadline is approaching soon
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 November 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcement for a Call for a PhD Programme foreign candidate at University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New coordination of the IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Pyroclastic density currents over topography_EGU 2012 Vienna, Austria
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF EARTH SCIENCES National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA NSF’s Directorate for Geosciences seeks candidates for the position of Director, Division of Earth Sciences (EAR). The Division supports proposals for research g
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Search for New Director of the Division of Earth Sciences (NSF)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Two PhD positions at the university of canterbury
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Directory Position Opening- New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Faculty position at the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 October-1 November 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: MRAV Conference deadline extension
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - October 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Fellowship at ASU - SESE
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VMSG 2012 abstract deadline reminder
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 9 PhD positions in the frame of "GeoFluxes" Graduate School
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New book - Island of Fire
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 October 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: session at EGU 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: NERC-funded PhD studentship available
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Graduate Student Opportunities at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: IRIS PASSCAL Employment Opportunities
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Deepening of Kill Zone at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 October 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: University of New Mexico: two Ph.D. positions in magmatic-hydrothermal-groundwater fluids.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference, Addis Ababa, 11-13 January 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: High-temperature fluid geochemist at the USGS
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Bristol PhD in magmatic hydrothermal systems
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Preparatory HyspIRI volcanology data sets
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Global volcanic risk survey
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Volcandpark information and provisional programme, registration now open!
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Handbook of Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction soon to be published by Routledge
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 October 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - September 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New issue of the GVN Bulletin; reader input
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Etna volcano: New SE crater paroxysm Nr 16, 8 Oct 2011: photos Dear friends,
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Chapman Conference on Volcanism and the Atmosphere, June 11-15, 2012, Iceland
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowships in Geophysics at DTM
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: new book about volcanoes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 September-4 October 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for session proposal for IAVCEI 2013 (Kagoshima)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Nordic geological Winter meeting 2012
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Recent Phreatic Activity at Rincón de la Vieja Volcano: Costa Rica.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 September 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: MIA-VITA 3rd Newsletter
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: COST proposal (building a European network)
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Deadline extended-Seismology workshop in Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 September 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral position at CSIRO Perth or Melbourne
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Survey of beliefs about volcanoes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Geologic Map and Sections of the Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Job opportunity at Western State College of Colorado
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Fresh incandescent photos from Poas Volcano: Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 September 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Recent issues of the GVN Bulletin; reader input
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: SSA Announcement: Deadline for Session Proposals is 1 October 2011 - 2012 SSA Annual Meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VMSG 2012 annual meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Research Vacancy in Critical and Green Technology Metals at Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Merapi JVGR special issue: call for papers
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Post-doctoral Research Assistant in Volcanology or Tephrochronology - University of Oxford
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: UVolc: A software platform for measuring volcanic SO2 fluxes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 August-6 September 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for abstracts: Volcanic pollution session at the Nordic Geological Winter Meeting
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Acid Rain on Volcanoes of Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Book announcement: Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad física del Volcán Arenal, Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Activity report of Poás volcano, Costa Rica
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Workshop on Seismic sources in Central America
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 August 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: World Heritage project - call for images
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - August 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: VA Dispersion Modelling Jobs UK Met Office
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Global Volcanism Program - website survey
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 August 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: EGU open-access journal Solid Earth
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: International Conference on Gas Geochemistry
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Position available at the University of Auckland
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 August 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder about Volcandpark Congress
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Remote sensing position at GNS Science, New Zealand
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Fellow / Visiting Scientist at Smithsonian Institution
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Etna Eruption 12August 2011 photos
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 August 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for papers: William Smith meeting on the remote sensing of volcanoes & volcanic processes
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD in Mathematical Geophysics at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PhD Opportunity, University of Hawaii
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: University of Washington: Tenure-track faculty position in the area of crustal materials
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 July-2 August 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Volcanic Fields Database
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 'new' IAVCEI Commission on Monogenetic Volcanism
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Final Call for abstracts - AGU Session V47: Where Do We Go From Here: Frontiers and Challenges in Igneous Petrology
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - July 2011
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder: AGU Session V19: Microanalysis in Geoscience -- final call for abstracts
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Etna Eruption 30 july 2011 photos
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Partial subsidence at the edge of hot-acidic lake: Poas Volcano, Costa Rica.
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder: AGU Session V45: Volcanoes and Climate Change: Past to Present
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Call for abstract for Geol. Soc. Special Pub. "Magma Chamber and intrusion dynamics"
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: 20.07.2011 activity of Kizimen volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Bull Volcanol review article option
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Reminder: AGU 2011 Session: V21. Modeling of Volcanic Hazards
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Book Release: What's So Hot About Volcanoes?
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AVO Status Report 20110723_1131
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Volcano Listserv moderator
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session V08:Formation and evolution of magmatic enclaves in arc-related rocks
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- New Volcano Listserv moderator
- VOLCANO: Researcher Position at the University of New Mexico
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: New Volcano Listserv Moderator
- VOLCANO: Reminder AGU 2011 Session V42: Tracking Syn-Eruptive Variations in Volcanic Conduit Properties
- From: Jean-François Smekens
- VOLCANO: Joint NSF-funded United States-New Zealand Research Workshop on Geothermal Energy Resources November 14-18, 2011
- VOLCANO: Medical Geology Education
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V30 Practical Applications of Visible and Infrared Spectroscopy to Terrestrial Geologic Studies
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral/Researcher position on Volcanology at Pusan National University, Republic of Korea
- VOLCANO: Reminder GSA 2011 Session: T25 Recent Advances in Studies of Large-Volume Silicic Volcanism - abstract deadline is July 26th!!!
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 July 2011
- VOLCANO: Lava fountains of Etna paroxysm of 19 July: photos
- VOLCANO: Reminder AGU 2011 Session: V02 100 Years of Observing Hawaiian Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Announcement: Short Course "Fluids in Earth"
- VOLCANO: Reminder deadline AIV summer school in Salina Island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: NH17 Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards
- VOLCANO: Reminder AGU 2011 Session: V37 Surveillance of Volcanic Unrest - New Developments in Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Methods
- VOLCANO: Reminder AGU 2011 Session: V10 Geophysical Observations of Stress-Strain Changes at Active Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V48 Worlds in Collision: From Magma Rheology to Rock Mechanics
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V39 The Origin of Orogenic Andesites
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 July 2011
- VOLCANO: 15 July - Deadline approaching for Bruno Martinelli Travel Fellowship
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V36 Surtseyan Eruption and Emplacement Mechanism
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V14 Magmatic plumbing systems
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V33 Role of Fluids in Subduction Processes
- VOLCANO: PhD position - Geochemical reactivity of volcanic ash in the environment
- VOLCANO: Etna SE crater paroxysm 9 July 2011: photos
- VOLCANO: Etna Eruption 9 july 2011 photos
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: ED47 Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century
- VOLCANO: Argentine lake covered with floating pumice from Puyehue
- VOLCANO: Tonga eruption photos
- VOLCANO: EGU 2012 General Assembly: Call-for-Sessions
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 June-5 July 2011
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V46 What can pyroclasts tell us?
- VOLCANO: Research Analyst - EPMA Earth Sciences Department, University of Cambridge
- VOLCANO: U Oregon faculty opening: magmatic/volcanic processes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V18 Merging Signals from the Volcanic and Plutonic Realms
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V16 Magmatic Processes in the Lower Oceanic Crust
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V06 Differentiation processes in magma chambers
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - June 2011 - and improvements to PubVolc
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstracts (Due 1 August 2011): 92nd AMS Conference: The Impact and Meteorological Challenges of Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: "Volcano Deformation: Geodetic Monitoring Techniques" - On-line material available for download
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 June 2011
- VOLCANO: ALVO web page
- VOLCANO: 2nd circular of AIV summer school on mid to low intensity explosive volcanism in Salina Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V34 Role of Geologic Mapping in Petrology, Geochemistry, and Volcanology
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: What are we measuring? Spatial Analysis of Field, Laboratory and Remote Sensing Data
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V11 Inferring Processes From Volcanic Deposits in the Solar System
- VOLCANO: AGU Session: U11 Climate Loads as Forcers of Seismic and Volcanic Processes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: EP19 Post-Eruptive Processes Operating on Volcanic Landscapes
- VOLCANO: GSA 2011 Session: T25 Recent Advances in Studies of Large-Volume Silicic Volcanism: Stratigraphy, Architecture, Evolution
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V31 Rates of Pre- and Syn-eruptive Processes in Submarine Volcanic Systems
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V47 Where Do We Go From Here: Frontiers and Challenges in Igneous Petrology
- VOLCANO: AGU Fall 2011 Session: IN16 Geothermal Energy Research and Discovery
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V05 Constraining the Dynamics of Volcanic Jets and Plumes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V19 Microanalysis in Geoscience: Advances and Challenges
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 June 2011
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: OS07 Doing Fieldwork on the Deep Seafloor
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: GP15 Using Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism to Understand Volcanic Processes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V39 The Origin of Orogenic Andesites
- VOLCANO: Recent issues of the GVN Bulletin
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Volcanic Ash and Aviation Workshop
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V21 Modeling of Volcanic Hazards
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V08 Formation and Evolution of Magmatic Enclaves in Arc-related Rocks
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V13 Magma Transport Through Dykes and Sills: Insights into Volcanic Unrest and Eruption Processes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: NH03 Can Estimates of Rare Natural Events Be Well Done?
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V02 100 Years of Observing Hawaiian Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Remote sensing of volcanoes & volcanic processes meeting - Geological Society, London, 4-5 October 2011
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V07 Cyclic activity and Flow Instability in Volcanoes, Geysers, and Mud Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V45 Volcanoes and Climate Change: Past to Present
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 June 2011
- VOLCANO: New Crater Lake at the Active West Crater. Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica.
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V44 The potential of using petrological signatures to forecast eruptive processes in andesitic volcanoes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V42 Tracking Syn-Eruptive Variations in Volcanic Conduit Properties
- VOLCANO: Webcam at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: S10 Geophysical Characterization of Magmatic Systems
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V10 Geophysical Observations of Stress-Strain Changes at Active Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2011 Session: V37: Surveillance of Volcanic Unrest - New Developments in Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Methods
- VOLCANO: ITER's Bioclimatic Dwellings (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 June 2011
- VOLCANO: MAKAVOL 2011 Teneguía Workshop
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 7
- VOLCANO: position request
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - May 2011
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 May 2011
- VOLCANO: International Conference on Gas Geochemistry
- VOLCANO: Thankyou: JCDR Survey request on effective communication of probabilistic forecasts and warnings.
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral fellowship position with the noble gas team at CRPG in Nancy, France
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 May 2011
- VOLCANO: Volcano seismology annual workshop - September 2011
- VOLCANO: Eruption of Grimsvotn volcano, Iceland
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Fellow - Deep Carbon Observatory, Carnegie Institution & Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
- VOLCANO: 1-year post-doctoral position in magmatic processes at the University of Washington
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 May 2011
- VOLCANO: Visiting Professor position at New Mexico Tech
- VOLCANO: Academic Position at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane AUSTRALIA: Clastic Sedimentology (Sedimentary Processes, Stratigraphy, Basin Analysis)
- VOLCANO: Correction: Professor, Volcanology position at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University
- VOLCANO: Etna Eruption 12 May 2011 photos
- VOLCANO: Professor, Volcanology position at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 May 2011
- VOLCANO: 2011 MSA Short Course on Sulfur in Magmas and Melts
- VOLCANO: GSA2011 Session: T25 Recent Advances in Studies of Large-Volume Silicic Volcanism: Stratigraphy, Architecture, Evolution
- VOLCANO: Reminder - MSA Award- nominations open
- VOLCANO: Finding PDFs for the last two issues of the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
- VOLCANO: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Dana Award nominations due JUNE 1, 2011
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 April-3 May 2011
- VOLCANO: PhD position in volcano seismology at Michigan Technological University
- VOLCANO: Italian version of Montserrat's Andesite Volcano
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - April 2011
- VOLCANO: PhD position in volcano remote sensing at Michigan Tech
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 April 2011
- VOLCANO: Student looking for PhD position
- VOLCANO: Michigan State University Open Rank Faculty Position
- VOLCANO: 9th Silicate Melts Workshop, 4-8 October 2011, Alsace, France
- VOLCANO:PhD Opportunity, Volcanology, University of Mainz, Institute of Geosciences and Geocycles Research Centre
- VOLCANO: AIV summer school on mid to low intensity explosive volcanism in Salina Island (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2011 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 April 2011
- VOLCANO: GEOITALIA 2011 session:DInSAR techniques applied to the geology and engineering geology studies: state of the art and future
- VOLCANO: Registration, Abstract Submission Now Open for the 4th International Maar Conference, Auckland 2012 February 20-24
- VOLCANO: Reminder about visa requirements for JKASP2011, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, August 25-30, 2011
- VOLCANO: Katmai conference in 2012? Chapman conference in 2012?
- VOLCANO: Request for nominations: Hisashi Kuno Award, AGU-VGP, deadline May 1, 2011
- VOLCANO: Extension of IUGG 2011 field trip deadline
- VOLCANO: Volcán de Colima Research Assistants Required
- VOLCANO: International Volcanological Field School 2011 - Katmai and Kamchatka
- VOLCANO: PhD position at Massey University New Zealand
- VOLCANO: PhD position at Volcanic Risk Solutions, New Zealand
- VOLCANO: Taal CO2 degassing
- VOLCANO: 2nd Announcement: 'Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Environmental Change' International Conference to be held in Singapore 28 and 29 July 2011
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 April 2011
- VOLCANO: AGU Chapman conference, October 2011
- VOLCANO: Reminder – Workshop VW01 VHub cyberinfrastructure for volcanology – modeling, data sharing, education, and collaboration
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship at University of Alaska Fairbanks
- VOLCANO: Probabilistic analysis of Volcanic Hazards
- VOLCANO: JCDR Survey request on effective communication of probabilistic forecasts and warnings.
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral position on Volcanology at Pusan National University, Republic of Korea
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: 5d “The Role of Island and Continental Arcs in Continent Formation"
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: 04d Influence of Volatiles on Mantle and Magma Processes
- VOLCANO: PhD positions University of Auckland, New Zealand
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Timescales of Magma Evolution, Degassing, and Ascent Through The Crust
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 March-5 April 2011
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Rates of Magmatic Processes
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session 6b "Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption"
- VOLCANO: Expansion and deepening of effects by gases at two Costarrican volcanoes.
- VOLCANO: Searching for fluidal pyroclasts
- VOLCANO: International workshop on Cerro Negro and Hekla volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Ph.D. positions in volcano geophysics in Iceland
- VOLCANO: Bromo Eruption images
- VOLCANO: IUGG Volcanic Ash Impacts workshop VW03 - EARLYBIRD registration ends April 11th
- VOLCANO: Advertisement for Electron Microbeam Analysis Specialist/Research Scientist, Univ of Michigan
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 March 2011
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - March 2011
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Linking the Plutonic and Volcanic Records: Textural and Geochemical Fingerprinting of Magma Chamber Processes
- VOLCANO: Chapman Conference Puerto Ayora, Galápagos, Ecuador 25 – 29 July 2011
- VOLCANO: Closing Date Correction: Job opening at University of Geneva, Switzerland
- VOLCANO: 2011 Goldschmidt Session: Pb Isotopic Insights into Earth's Evolution: A Tribute to George R. Tilton
- VOLCANO: Faculty position at Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
- VOLCANO: Job opening: Professor in Igneous Petrology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- VOLCANO: HVO News Release ? 26 March 2011 ? Lava returns to Kilauea ERZ
- VOLCANO: Field Trip Opportunities at IUGG 2011
- VOLCANO: Correction to IUGG 2011 VHub Workshop
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Time Scales of Melt Generation, Extraction, and Transport from the Mantle to the Earth’s Surface
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 March 2011
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Timescales of Magma Evolution, Degassing, and Ascent Through The Crust
- VOLCANO: Cooperation needed in ICP-MS and FEGSEM/EDS of exposed glass fibers
- VOLCANO: Mineralogical Society 2011 Session: Ash and aerosol emissions from active volcanoes
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Scientific Workshops
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Magmatic Volatiles: From Natural and Experimental Systems to Thermodynamics and Numerical Modeling. Their Influence on Magma Properties
- VOLCANO: Elements issue, Nuclear E and Spent Nuclear Fuel
- VOLCANO: Professor of Petrology and Petrochemistry, University of Iceland
- VOLCANO: Student looking for field position
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Plumes, Mid-ocean Ridges and Plates
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Plumes, Mid-ocean Ridges and Plates
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 March 2011
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Volcanic Glass Heterogeneity: Primary and Secondary Causes, and Uses
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2011 Session: Petrological and geochemical indicators of magmatic processes and eruption trigger mechanisms
- VOLCANO: Journal of Applied Volcanology: New open access journal accepting submissions
- VOLCANO: TOPOMOD - 13 PhD and 2 Postdoc positions - Origin and evolution of topography
- VOLCANO: Elevation data request for Piton de la Fournaise
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 March 2011
- VOLCANO: HVO News Release - 05 March 2011 -- Puu Oo crater floor collapse-ERZ eruption
- VOLCANO: Project Hotspot
- VOLCANO: Workshop VW01 VHub cyberinfrastructure for volcanology – modeling, data sharing, education, and collaboration
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Conference 2011 Session 09f: Linking the Plutonic and Volcanic Records
- VOLCANO: New Mexico Volcanology Field Course
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23 February-1 March 2011
- VOLCANO: Session: Limnology and Dynamics of Volcanic Lakes-ILIC V Konstanz
- VOLCANO: Recent Bromo eruption photos 15-19 February 2011
- VOLCANO: Last call for photos for 2012 IAVCEI volcanoes calendar
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - February 2011
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Field Trip Cutoff Dates
- VOLCANO: Call for contributions of volcano-related educational materials
- VOLCANO: Invitation to improve the delivery of warnings during volcanic emergencies
- VOLCANO: Alaskan Volcanoes Guidebook for Teachers now available!
- VOLCANO: Call for nominations: Mineralogical Society of America Dana Medal Award
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2011, 8-12 August 2011 Taipei (Taiwan): Session SE52 "Volatiles in Volcanic Processes"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 February 2011
- VOLCANO: Unusual strong activity at Dallol, Ethiopia
- VOLCANO: melts, glasses, magmas 2011
- VOLCANO: Researcher/Instructor Opportunity, Experimental Petrology/Volcanology University of Oregon
- VOLCANO: Student looking for field position
- VOLCANO: Book announcement - VOLCANOLOGIE, 4th edition
- VOLCANO: SciNews: A new resource for incorporating current events into the classroom
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 February 2011
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Field Trips
- VOLCANO: Correction: Opening: 1 PhD position on volcano physics/seismology University of Hamburg
- VOLCANO: Job opportunity: Dean of College of Science and Technology Western Washington University
- VOLCANO: Photo Sequence of a Small Phreatic Eruption: Poas Volcano, Costa Rica. (Feb 2nd, 2011)
- VOLCANO: Opening: 1 PhD position on volcano physics/seismology
- VOLCANO: Montserrat's Andesite Volcano
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 February 2011
- VOLCANO: Course on collapse calderas Bolsena (Italy) September 2012
- VOLCANO: Special edition of Andean Geology on Chaiten Volcano
- VOLCANO: Erta Ale Lava Lake Images
- VOLCANO: International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences Session Invitation
- VOLCANO: 2011 USGS Jack Kleinman Volcano Research Grants
- VOLCANO: Recent images of unusually extensive and active Dallol hot springs
- VOLCANO: GREAT VOLCANOLOGY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM AT IUGG2011. Last call for Abstracts, Deadline 7th February.
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 January-1 February 2011
- VOLCANO: Photogallery Nyiragongo
- VOLCANO: IUGG2011 Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to 11.59 p.m. GMT, 7th February
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - January 2011
- VOLCANO: Blown Away Lecture/Book Signing
- VOLCANO: Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain GSA: Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks
- VOLCANO: New book: Volcanoes: A Beginners’ Guide
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: V13 Understanding Big Volcanic Systems
- VOLCANO: Kizimen activity 26 January
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Workshop: VW02 "Ground-based and remote sensing of volcanic unrest"
- VOLCANO: IUGG - WOVO session and workshop
- VOLCANO: Kirishima, 26 Jan eruption video
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: V07: Subaerial and Subaqueous Lava flows
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: V17 Planetary Volcanism
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: V15 Kimberlite Volcanism
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 January 2011
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: J-V02: Forecasting and Monitoring Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session reminder: J-V08 Remote Sensing of Volcanic Hazards and the Risk to Global Aviation
- VOLCANO: 2nd circular and call for abstracts, JKASP-2011, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session: VO8 Volcanic Conduit and Vent Processes
- VOLCANO: IUGG Session 2011 Reminder: V09: Eruption, Transport and Deposition of Pyroclasts in Plumes
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: V10: The dynamics of pyroclastic density currents.
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session: V01: Magma Chambers and Their Dynamics: how big are they, their time scales of formation and longevity, how do we detect them, crystals and their stories
- VOLCANO: 2011 annual trips to Katmai and Kamchatka
- VOLCANO: Fallout material from Turrialba volcano, Friday 14th, 2011
- VOLCANO: New Nyiragongo volcano photos
- VOLCANO: 11th gas workshop deadlines and registration fee info
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 January 2011
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder: V02 Arc Magmatism: The Constructive and Destructive Dynamics of Convergent Margin Magmatism
- VOLCANO: Trip at Erta Alé lava lake and dallol in Ethiopian Afar
- VOLCANO: Workshop of the Volcanic Ash Fall Impacts Working Group: IUGG Melbourne 1 July
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2011 Session Reminder- J-V05: Using Geodesy on Volcanoes to Understand Volcanic, Tectonic, and Hydrothermal Forces
- VOLCANO: Call for participation, EFIDIR Spring School- SAR imagery
- VOLCANO: First IAVCEI-WMO workshop on Ash Dispersal Forecast and Civil Aviation
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 January 2011
- VOLCANO: Newsletter No 21, Commission on Chemistry of Volcanic Gases (CCVG-IAVCEI)
[Index of Archives]
[Yosemite Campgrounds]
[Yosemite News]