USGS Professional Paper 1788 is available
From: Daniel Dzurisin <dzurisin@xxxxxxxx>
USGS Professional Paper 1788 is available
A limited number of copies of USGS Professional Paper 1788 “History of Surface Displacements at the Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, from Leveling Surveys and InSAR Observations, 1923–2008” by D. Dzurisin, C. Wicks, and M. Poland are available for distribution to interested researchers and students. Included with the printed version is a CD-ROM with a searchable database of information about more than 500 geodetic benchmarks in or near Yellowstone National Park. If you would like to receive a copy, please send an email with your preferred mailing address to dzurisin@xxxxxxxx. The manuscript and benchmark database are also available on-line at
Dr. Daniel Dzurisin
U.S. Geological Survey
David. A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory
1300 S.E. Cardinal Court
Building 10, Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683-9589
Phone: 360-993-8909
Fax: 360-993-8980
Email: dzurisin@xxxxxxxx
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