VOLCANO: IGC Brisbane, Australia 2012

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IGC Brisbane, Australia 2012
From: "Ukstins Peate, Ingrid A" <ingrid-peate@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear All,


This is a final reminder for your contribution to Symposium 21.6 “Large Igneous Provinces and their impact on the lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere” in Theme 21 “Magmatism – Settings, Compositions and Processes” at the forthcoming IGC in Brisbane, early in August 2012 (see:http://www.34igc.org/).


Keynote speakers are: Sverre PLANKE (Norway) and Richard ERNST (Canada).


A description of the session is given below.  The abstract deadline is Friday 17 February 2012 (see: http://www.34igc.org/submit-abstracts.php).


We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane in August.


Scott Bryan, Steve Self and Ingrid Ukstins Peate

Sent from:

Dr. Ingrid Ukstins Peate

Assistant Professor
Geoscience Department
121 Trowbridge Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242


21.6 Large Igneous Provinces and their impact on the lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere


Scott BRYAN scott.bryan@xxxxxxxxxx (Australia), Steve SELF (UK) and Ingrid UKSTINS-PEATE (USA)

Large igneous provinces (LIPs) represent episodic, catastrophic igneous events throughout Earth history. They are distinguished by high intensity bursts of principally mantle-derived magma to the crust and surface over geologically short timescales. LIP volcanism had a major impact on the lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, and consequently has been implicated as a driving factor in environmental change based on the temporal relationship with several mass extinction events through the Phanerozoic. Not only can individual eruptions pose a significant hazard through atmospheric loading of volcanic aerosols, but elevated eruption frequency and the potential for synchronous mafic ± silicic large-magnitude (>M8) eruptions mean that environmental change may be exacerbated by the cumulative effects of multiple eruptions, both direct and indirect. Over the last 10 years, proposed mechanisms for environmental change include volcanic CO2 or S emissions, gas emissions from clathrate or hydrocarbon disturbance, and Fe fertilisation of oceans from ash loading. This Symposium seeks cross-disciplinary contributions from the Earth, atmospheric, climate, and biological sciences that are investigating the lithospheric to atmospheric impact of LIPs. Contributions focusing on assessing the integrated impact and the rates and mechanisms of Earth system response to LIP magmatism are encouraged.

Keynote speakers: Sverre PLANKE (Norway) and Richard ERNST (CANADA)


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