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- VOLCANO: 2nd VERTIGO workshop, 07-10 September 2015, Durham (UK)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. V010 Generation and Evolution of the Oceanic Lithosphere
- VOLCANO: 3D Printing for Geoscience
- VOLCANO: Faculty Positions at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- VOLCANO: New Colima volcano photos 12-16 July 2015
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Natural hazards research and the real "broader impacts"
- VOLCANO: VUELCO short-course 2015: Coping with volcanic unrest
- VOLCANO: Faculty Position in Igneous Petrology closing Aug 15
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 July 2015
- VOLCANO: Two tenure-track positions at Denison University
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. V037, The Tempo of Continental Flood Basalt Eruptions
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. "Induced and Triggered Earthquakes: Theory, Observations, Impact"
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us?
- VOLCANO: 2nd circular international summer school AIV 2015, Lipari Island
- VOLCANO: Ricardo Hector Omarini
- VOLCANO: PhD Fellowships awarded by HOSST
- VOLCANO: Two Research Fellow positions at the Earth Observatory of Singapore
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 July 2015
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Session "Structure, dynamics and properties of silicate melts and magmas"
- VOLCANO: Batu Tara volcano (Indonesia): images & video of explosions and pyroclastic flows
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. "Volcanic Eruptions and Volcanic Ash Plumes: Are We Better Prepared for the Next One?"
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. session on ore deposits and metasomatism
- VOLCANO: "Brinco" Accelerometer
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - June 2015
- VOLCANO: Two research positions at CICESE
- VOLCANO: New Job Opening - Head of the Electron Microprobe Laboratory at the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Session "Heterogeneity in the Earth’s interior: the on-going processes of differentiation"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 June 2015
- VOLCANO: GSA 2015. session in honor of David Clague
- VOLCANO: Research Opportunities using drill core from the Island of Hawai‘i
- VOLCANO: International Volcanological Field Course
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Session 7653: The origin of basaltic magmatism.
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Session PA010. Science in Disaster Risk Reduction
- VOLCANO: 9th Annual Short Course “Fluids in the Earth” – Napoli (Italy), October 19th–24th, 2015
- VOLCANO: ALVO's Facebook page
- VOLCANO: 2nd Workshop on Volcano Geology - final program
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Session V027: Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth's Crust
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Magmatic minerals and pre-eruptive processes (V036)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for natural hazard assessment and real-time emergency management (NH034)
- VOLCANO: The Perlan Project
- VOLCANO: new analyst position at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Quantifying volcanic processes using seismic and acoustic wavefields (7838)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. session on volcano geodesy (G011)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 June 2015
- VOLCANO: VUELCO Newsletter 2015
- VOLCANO: GSA 2015. Magma studies at multiple scales
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Friday 26 June - 7pm - IAVCEI Early-Career Social Event
- VOLCANO: Document by the IAVCEI Task Group on Crisis Protocols
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. 7702: Geophysics of Satellites and Small Bodies
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Cosmic Ray Muon Imaging
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Infrasound from Ground to Space
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Merging left and right brains: at the intersection of creativity and geoscience
- VOLCANO: tenure-track position in petrology at the University of New Mexico
- VOLCANO: Save the Date for 2015 NISAR Applications Workshop
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Updated Schedule for VW04 Remote Sensing and Modeling of Volcanic Ash in Latin America
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 June 2015
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. A Tangled Web? Generation and transport of fluids, volatiles and melts in subduction zones from source to surface
- VOLCANO: tenure-track position in petrology at the University of New Mexico
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Styles of volcanism: Forecasting, Pattern Recognition and Monitoring Developing Eruptions
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. The Paraná-Etendeka Igneous Province and Related Magmatism: What Have we Learned so far?
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Volcano-hydrothermal systems
- VOLCANO: Wiess Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship competition - Rice University
- VOLCANO: Faculty Position in the Department of Earth Science at Rice University
- VOLCANO: Position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Postdoktor SKO 1017) is available at Department of Geosciences, Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2015. Magma Channelization Across the Solar System
- VOLCANO: New deadline for AMAV Workshop
- VOLCANO: New book on the seafloor and mid-ocean ridges
- VOLCANO: 11th EURO Conference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics - Abstract and early bird registration deadline approaching
- VOLCANO: Special Issue: Application of volcanology research to emergency management
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 June 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VW03: Effective Communication Tools: What Can Volcanology Learn from Other Hazards
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VW05 QuAnMoVolc workshop
- VOLCANO: Job opportunity in rock physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 May-2 June 2015
- VOLCANO: Temporary Instructor Position - Univ. of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - May 2015
- VOLCANO: Conference - Fogo Island Eruption- Cape Verde
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral vacancies at CEED, University of Oslo
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 May 2015
- VOLCANO: Call for papers special volume AJGS
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 May 2015
- VOLCANO: Announcement for Special GCA issue on Geochemistry of magmas: July 31 deadline for papers
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR: ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for Seismology - 5/26, 11 AM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Lassen special volume for American Mineralogist
- VOLCANO: Photo Contest: The fourth edition of VOLCANOES' NIGHT
- VOLCANO: AIV International School of Volcanology 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Workshop: VW06 New Processing and Interpretation Methods in Volcano Seismology
- VOLCANO: New online class: conference poster design
- VOLCANO: VI Symposium on Volcanism and Associated Environments, Brazil. August 2 to 5, 2015
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 May 2015
- VOLCANO: XII Central American Geological Congress
- VOLCANO: New book "The Use of Palaeomagnetism and Rock Magnetism to Understand Volcanic Processes"
- VOLCANO: ICP-MS Technician Position
- VOLCANO: January 2016 "Workshops on Volcanoes" (Santiaguito, Guatemala)
- VOLCANO: Update of International Workshop “Advanced Monitoring of Active Volcanoes”
- VOLCANO: Special Issue for Frontiers in Volcanology: Stress field control of eruption dynamics
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR 5/13 2 PM EST: Seismological constraints on solid earth-ice interactions in Antarctica
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 April-5 May 2015
- VOLCANO: Announcement of new SCAR Expert group on Antarctic Volcanism (ANTVOLC) and associated kickstart workshop
- VOLCANO: Are you willing to collaborate with VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2015?/¿Estas interesado en colaborar con LA NOCHE DE LOS VOLCANES 2015?
- VOLCANO: SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI Conference session in Florence - P12 – Field studies in modern volcanology
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VW04 Remote Sensing and Modelling of Volcanic Ash in Latin America
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - April 2015
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 April 2015
- VOLCANO: Grants for Student Research in Mineralogy and Petrology - 2016
- VOLCANO: Electron microprobe lab manager position
- VOLCANO: Two PhD projects at the University of Bristol
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR: A Taste of Python and its Capabilities - 4/30, 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 April 2015
- VOLCANO: Two Lectureship positions in Earth Sciences at Durham University
- VOLCANO: Fismat 2015
- VOLCANO: SIMP-AIV-SGI-SoGeI Conference session in Florence - P11 – Estimating time and rates in volcanic processes
- VOLCANO: New publication on Aniakchak caldera volcano, Alaska–Aleutian arc
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VW02 Best Practices and Recommendations for Tephra Measurements
- VOLCANO: New publication on the 2008 phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
- VOLCANO: International course on "Modelling of fragmentation processes and ash production"
- VOLCANO: Announcement of Workshop "Advanced Monitoring of Active Volcanoes"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 April 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Field Trip Deadline Extended to 24 April - Reminder about C6
- VOLCANO: IWIDF 2015. Characterization of volcanic hazards through image and data fusion
- VOLCANO: USGS CalVO Geologist
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Celebrating 200 years of modelling
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Short Course: Advances in monitoring and hazard assessment at active volcanoes (co-sponsored by NEMOH)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 April 2015
- VOLCANO: 2 Ph.D. positions available at University of Oslo
- VOLCANO: Magma degassing software
- VOLCANO: Earthquakes and Volcanoes Workshop (Barcelona, Spain, November 24-26, 2015)
- VOLCANO: Five posts in Clermont Ferrand
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Mar 2015
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 March 2015
- VOLCANO: Computer Specialist Positions with the USGS-VSC in Vancouver, WA., USA
- VOLCANO: SolEx is moving
- VOLCANO: postdoc position at Center for Geohazards Studies, University at Buffalo
- VOLCANO: World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 March 2015
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2015 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- VOLCANO: International Field Course on Understanding the subduction factory from the Gondwanaland plate margin evolution to the development of Zealandia - 2016
- VOLCANO: Volcanic remote sensing: PhD Studentship
- VOLCANO: ICGDR2015 - Abstract Submission Deadline 31/03/15
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. 19e: Drilling in Oceanic Arcs
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. Mantle melts, redox and volatiles (session 17d)
- VOLCANO: Physical Science Technician Position at the U.S. Geological Survey-Cascades Volcano Observatory
- VOLCANO: MSNoise 1.3 Released!
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Newsletter 2015 No: 1
- VOLCANO: "Volcano Remote Sensing", a special issue in journal Remote Sensing
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. 16i Dynamics of magmatic processes
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. 17e: Sulfur: Trace but Mighty in Redox, Degassing, Magmatic Processes, and Mineralization
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 March 2015
- VOLCANO: International Volcanological Field School - Summer 2015
- VOLCANO: USGS California Volcano Observatory
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. 19c: Cycling of Carbon, Sulfur, and Other Redox-Sensitive Elements at Convergent Margins
- VOLCANO: Electron microprobe lab manager position, LSU
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. Volatiles and the Origin of the Moon (Session 23a)
- VOLCANO: Deep Carbon Observatory Early Career Scientist Workshop in the Azores: APPLY NOW
- VOLCANO: Release of software package for accessing real time global weather models
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. 20c “Fluxed and Stretched – Making New Crust���
- VOLCANO: Call for Papers PAGEOPH Topical Volume on Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin
- VOLCANO: Photos of Colima volcano 22-28 Feb 2015 (ground and air)
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. Chemical dynamics through Time
- VOLCANO: 13th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction 2015. Volcanic Disaster, Hazard and Risk Session
- VOLCANO: USGS News: New Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Scientist-In-Charge
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25 February-3 March 2015
- VOLCANO: 11th EURO-Conference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics - Registration now open
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. Arc volcanism session
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. Crystallization Processes in Magmatic Systems
- VOLCANO: 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy 2015. Stratigraphy and Volcanism Session S08
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. Crustal recycling session
- VOLCANO: UNR Faculty Position in Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry
- VOLCANO: Preparation of the 3d edition of “Introduction to Volcanic Seismology” by V.M. Zobin (Elsevier)
- VOLCANO: nominations for Dana Medal requested
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2015. 18f: Not Just for Geochronology Anymore: What Zircon Chemistry and Geochronology can Tell us About Thermal Environments, Fluids and Melts in Silicate Crusts
- VOLCANO: Volcano Seismologist Permanent Position - CANARY ISLANDS
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 February 2015
- VOLCANO: Short Course on Magma Eruptions and Risks @ UNIPG
- VOLCANO: VUELCO short-course 2015: Coping with volcanic unrest
- VOLCANO: Deep Carbon Observatory Thematic Institute - Final Days to Apply
- VOLCANO: Workshop on Uncertainty in Geosciences
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 February 2015
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - MATLAB for Analyzing and Visualizing Geospatial Data - 2/24 at 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Our Common Future meeting in Paris, July 7-10, 2015. Session on volcanic eruptions and climate
- VOLCANO: Early Career Summer Workshop on Geoengineering | Application Deadline Extended
- VOLCANO: Fred Frey Special Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Volume Contributors
- VOLCANO: Visiting Assistant Professor in Geophysics, Bates College
- VOLCANO: Colima volcano webpage with photos and video
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 February 2015
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2015. State of the art in monitoring volcanic activities
- VOLCANO: Invitation to join IAVCEI Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases
- VOLCANO: Original NOVA Episode about Mt. St. Helens.
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 January-3 February 2015
- VOLCANO: New Photos Needed for 2016 Volcano Calendar
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Early Career Summer Workshop on Geoengineering: July 20-24, 2015
- VOLCANO: USGS News Release: 100 Years of Hawaiian Volcano Observations in New Book
- VOLCANO: NEMOH Short Course “Thermo-fluid Dynamics in Computational Volcanology���
- VOLCANO: Grants for Student Research in Mineralogy and Petrology - 2016
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Jan 2015
- VOLCANO: Postdoc in lava flows at NASA Ames
- VOLCANO: NEW BOOK: Volcanism and Global Environmental Change, Cambridge University Press
- VOLCANO: Asia-Oceania Geologic Society 2015. session: Advances in research and understanding relating to the high-risk volcanoes in the Asia-Oceania region
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Update - Workshop on Quantification of Analogue Models in Volcanology (VW05)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 January 2015
- VOLCANO: Columbia River Basalt dike map data
- VOLCANO: 2015 CIDER Summer program- last call: application deadline is February 1, 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VW02 Best Practices and Recommendations for Tephra Measurements
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Symposium on Short-term forecasting of Volcanic Hazard (VS11)
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. 2nd Workshop on Volcano Geology (VW01)
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Additional field guide related to Field Trip A6 (Plio-Pleistocene Volcanism in Western Hungary)
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session VS10: Probabilistic Volcano Hazard Analysis
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session VS17: Dynamics of Eruption Clouds
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 January 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Workshop on Quantification of Analogue Models in Volcanology (VW05)
- VOLCANO: Vesuvius Pentalogue
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session on Mineral Deposits in Volcanic Systems (VS35)
- Fwd: MS student opportunity - Modeling and simulation of ash transport in the atmosphere
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity in magma degassing at Lancaster University
- VOLCANO: 2 Volcano Geodesy Postdoc Positions in Bristol
- VOLCANO: MS student opportunity - Modeling and simulation of ash transport in the atmosphere
- VOLCANO: Geologist Who Modernized Volcanology Wins the 2015 Vetlesen Prize | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- VOLCANO: RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum Mid-Term Conference: 25th-26th March 2015, University of Sheffield
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session on Volcano Geology (VS24)
- VOLCANO: NEW BOOK: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Field Trip C6 Miocene Submarine to Subaerial Volcaniclastic Deposits and Exhumed Volcanic Landforms Along the Danube Bend in North Hungary
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VS03 LIPs: Vents and Volatiles
- VOLCANO: Cabo de Gata special issue and geological map published in IJG
- VOLCANO: Announcement of a joint DMG – MSA event
- VOLCANO: Japan Geoscience Union 2015. S-VC11 Volatiles and volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Japan Geoscience Union 2015. S-VC12 Multidisciplinary Volcano Monitoring
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunities in Volcanology at the University of South Florida
- VOLCANO: Deep Carbon Observatory Thematic Institute - Carbon from the Mantle to the Surface
- VOLCANO: REMINDER - Special Section in American Mineralogist's Centennial Volume (2015-2016): "New advances in subduction zone magma genesis"
- VOLCANO: Graduate Student Opportunities at Missouri State University
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Extended deadline: Magma flow and emplacement (GMPV5.5/TS2.9)
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VS05 Recent Eruption Impacts and Mitigation within Urban Areas
- VOLCANO: Reminder: deadline for GSA MGPV early career award is approaching....
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 January 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. session VS34 Effects of Water on Subaerial Volcanic Eruptions and Ash Dispersal
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. session VS23 Rheological and Mechanical Influences on Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session on Volcanic Ash Aggregation (VS21)
- VOLCANO: 3 PhD positions in Volcanology at the University of Liverpool, UK
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VS12 Volcanic Lake session
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems
- VOLCANO: Geothermal Specialist position at University of Nevada - Reno
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2015 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VS06 Benchmarking Pyroclastic Density Current Models: Code Inter-Comparison and Field
- VOLCANO: AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU 2015 Joint Assembly in Montreal
- Free United Airline global upgrades
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session VS31: Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainty During Volcanic Crises
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Mechanisms of Volcanic Ash Generation: From Lab to Field (VS16)
- VOLCANO: Mendenhall postdoctoral opportunity: 4-D imaging of the active magmatic system underlying Mammoth Mountain, CA
- VOLCANO: AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU 2015. Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity at McGill
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. IAVCEI sponsored sessions
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Collapse Caldera Session (VS04)
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Session JV3: Geophysical Imaging and Monitoring of Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Dec 2014
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 December 2014-6 January 2015
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Sessions on Volcano Remote Sensing
- VOLCANO: GSA Cordilleran 2015. T11 “Communicating geologic hazard information in the 21st century: new and emerging approaches to effectively prepare those at risk"
- VOLCANO: Research position in geochemistry at Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VS08 Experimental Studies of Volcanic Systems
- VOLCANO: Important IAVCEI deadlines in January
- VOLCANO: MOOC on Natural Disasters
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Water and magma session
- VOLCANO: Ph.D. and M. Sc. Student Positions in Igneous Petrogenesis, Geochemistry and Geochronology
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Geodynamics Sessions
- VOLCANO: Near Surface Asia Pacific Conference 2015. session "Volcano Characterization and Modeling"
- VOLCANO: Glacier Hub post on Bardarbunga
- VOLCANO: Two volcanology jobs at BGS - application deadline 21 January 2015
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 24 December-30 December 2014
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. GMPV6.2 Volcano monitoring with instrument networks: novel techniques, observations and interpretations
- VOLCANO: Near Surface Asia Pacific Conference 2015. session "Interactions of Fluids with Fractures”
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. List of Volcanology-related Sessions
- EGU 2015 Volcanology
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Combining research in geophysical and Earth processes: advances in multidisciplinary geosciences
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session NH2.4 "Modelling Physical Volcanic Hazards"
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Integrating multidisciplinary observations of volcanic explosions
- VOLCANO: VERTIGO summer school in Tenerife, 8-14 March 2015
- VOLCANO: Reminder: 2015 field trips to Katmai and Kamchatka
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity in dome mechanics at The University of Leeds
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. GMPV6.1 The 2014 Bárdarbunga rifting event and associated volcanic eruption
- VOLCANO: PhD projects at the University of Bristol
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 December 2014
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Quantitative and multi-disciplinary volcanology: The next generation
- VOLCANO: GSA Cordilleran 2015. Session T17: “Large Eruptions in the Aleutians: New Insights into Chronology, Physical Volcanology, Tephrochronology, Petrology, and Impacts
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Creating, maintaining and using large volcanic databases to advance volcanology
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Volcanic Gas Emissions
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. NH2.3 "Probabilistic methods in volcanic hazard and risk modelling: statistical tools and new techniques"
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Session: "Gas, melt and pyroclasts: from volatile exsolution to multiphase flow in volcanic eruptions"
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. IAVCEI session VS13 Environmental and Health Effects of Natural Mineral Dusts
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. IAVCEI session VS32 Weather and Climate Effects of Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: new USGS Professional Paper on Hawaiian volcanism now on line
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. VS14 Unlocking the Enigma of Monogenetic Volcanism from a Historic Perspective to the Most Novel Recent Approaches
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. Field Trip A6 Plio-Pleistocene Phreatomagmatic Volcanism in a Fluvio-Lacustrine Basin in Western Hungary
- VOLCANO: Fogo Eruption Webpage
- VOLCANO: job posting: Lecturer in Earth Science (Igneous processes) at Open University (UK)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 December 2014
- VOLCANO: AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly 2015. 3D Imaging of Natural and Artificial Earth Materials
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. GMPV 5.7 "Volatiles in Magma: From Source to Surface"
- VOLCANO: Five postdoctoral fellowships, Clermont-Ferrand
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity in volcano geophysics at UEA
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Volcaniclastic sedimentation
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. IAVCEI VS26 Volcanic Landscape Across the Solar System: From Field to Remote Sensing Analyses
- VOLCANO: Field Technician - University of Alaska Fairbanks - Geophysical Institute
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Session "GMPV5.1 Magma mixing: a tool for the understanding of reservoirs dynamics and timescale of magmatic processes"
- VOLCANO: Call for Papers: Contribution to special issue on Active Volcanism and Continental Rifting in Africa
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. GMPV5.5/TS2.9 Magma flow and emplacement
- VOLCANO: Mathematical Geosciences Conference, 7-10 September 2015, Freiberg, Germany
- VOLCANO: Post-doctoral Fellowship Opportunity at Scripps
- VOLCANO: IUGG 2015. IAVCEI Symposium VS33 Understanding Volcano-Climate Feedbacks
- VOLCANO: Near-Surface Asia Pacific Conference 2015. Session: GPR Characterization of Volcanic Deposits
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. auxiliary event: Krafla Magma Drilling Project update and discussion
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral and Graduate Positions in Geochemistry (Canada)
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session "GMPV6.3 Linking volcanological data with volcano monitoring"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 November-2 December 2014
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session "GMPV6.10 Volcanic ash: local to global"
- VOLCANO: Job Opportunity with the Earth Observatory of Singapore
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Position in Remote Scanning Electron and Electron Microprobe Analysis at FIU, Miami
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazard and Risk
- VOLCANO: TError: Quantifying the uncertainty associated with tephra deposits
- VOLCANO: Fine-grained, pristine ash required
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Nov 2014
- VOLCANO: 2 Faculty Positions (full-time researcher) in Geosiences, IPICYT, Mexico
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 19 November-25 November 2014
- VOLCANO: Update to IRIS WEBINAR - Imaging faulting and hydration in the Alaska subduction zone with the R/V Langseth - 12/3 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session GMPV5.2 Magma-hydrothermal system interactions
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session "Induced and Triggered Seismic Activity: Observation, Theory, and Hazard Analysis"
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Imaging faulting and hydration in the Alaska subduction zone with the R/V Langseth - 12/3 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Session on Volcanic Processes: Tectonics, Deformation, and Geodesy
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Deadline for applying for financial support to attend is 28 November 2014
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. From old cauldrons to young quaternary calderas in Europe and beyond
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. NH3.2 - Propagation and emplacement of large, rapid mass movements
- VOLCANO: Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium - Prague (Czech Republic), September 2015
- VOLCANO: SIMS Shortcourse at WHOI
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 November 2014
- VOLCANO: Professorship of Geography at the University of Cambridge
- VOLCANO: NEMOH newsletter issue n. 4
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Atmospheric Emissions from Volcanoes and their Dispersion
- VOLCANO: Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes Announces its 2015 Volcano Hazards Monitoring Summer Course
- VOLCANO: Employment opportunity: Research Scientist, American Museum of Natural History
- VOLCANO: Ph.D. Student Position in Modeling of the Climate Response to Volcanic Eruptions at Rutgers
- VOLCANO: Fixed term position at the Guadeloupe Volcano and Seismological Observatory
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. MSNoise Workshop
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session SM4.4 / GMPV6.5: "Geophysical imaging of volcanoes"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 November 2014
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. Application of remote sensing in natural hazard studies (NH9.20)
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session EOS12: Geoscientists as communicators
- VOLCANO: IRIS/UNAVCO early-career networking luncheon at the AGU Fall Meeting
- VOLCANO: Iceland Volcanology Field Camp & Interdisciplinary Course in Greece
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 11th EURO conference
- VOLCANO: MS student opportunity at Central Washington University - ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism
- VOLCANO: Seats still available for AGU Volcanic Crisis Course
- VOLCANO: MED-SUV Newsletter No 2 (November 2014)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 October-4 November 2014
- VOLCANO: LMU Munich, Germany: PhD project on shallow subaqueous explosive eruptions
- VOLCANO: PhD position at the University of Geneva
- VOLCANO: new faculty position in solid earth and mineral science
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Oct 2014
- VOLCANO: PDRA vacancy University Edinburgh - Correct url
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 October 2014
- VOLCANO: PDRA vacancy School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh
- VOLCANO: REMINDER: Call for Papers: Bicentenary of the great Tambora eruption Conference (Switzerland)
- VOLCANO: PhD and MS opportunities at University of Illinois
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - R/V Langseth: Facilities - 10/29 1 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 October 2014
- VOLCANO: Tenure-track position: fluids in the lithosphere
- VOLCANO: SEG Asia Pacific Conference
- VOLCANO: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Structural Geology and Carbonate Sedimentology
- VOLCANO: Mineralogy/Petrology tenure-track faculty position at Western Washington University
- VOLCANO: The Novarupta-Katmai Eruption of 1912 Book Awarded 2014 AESE Outstanding Publication
- VOLCANO: Tenure-Track Professorships at Harvard University
- VOLCANO: LaMEVE update - papers wanted
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 October 2014
- VOLCANO: Registration open for the 2nd Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
- VOLCANO: PhD scholarships in Geophysics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand-Deadline 31 October
- VOLCANO: Alaska Volcano Observatory Geochemical Database now online
- VOLCANO: GVM Newsletter October 2014
- VOLCANO: Vacancy: Department Chair at University of Texas- El Paso (USA)
- VOLCANO: Deadline approaching, please act! ** ESC volcano seismology workshop
- VOLCANO: USGS VDAP Job Postings - Application window: 13-24 October
- VOLCANO: HVO News Release - Magnitude 4.0 Earthquake North of Nā‘ālehu
- VOLCANO: ENGAGE Workshop - January 18-20, 2015 in Arlington, VA
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 October 2014
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Researcher - Applications of X-ray Tomography in Earth Sciences
- VOLCANO: Volcano Geophysical Field Methods Class Southern Chile
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Position in Geoscience Education Applications of Remote Scanning Electron and Electron Microprobe Analysis, Department of Earth and Environment, FIU, Miami
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Position at IPICYT - Mexico
- VOLCANO: VESUVIUS 2014 conference, 15 December, 2014
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunities at Drexel University
- VOLCANO: WB Hamilton Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University
- VOLCANO: 3rd Think Tank meeting on volcanic risk reduction in the Lesser Antilles
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 September 2014
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Sept 2014
- VOLCANO: Volcanic Crises Awareness Course at AGU
- VOLCANO: Risk Specialist position at GNS Science, New Zealand
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral position at University of Miami
- VOLCANO: MSc projects at ETH Zurich
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17 September-23 September 2014
- VOLCANO: Offline tool for ash detection
- VOLCANO: Assoc Vice Pres for Research - U Nevada - Reno
- VOLCANO: Faculty position in volcanology at the University of Oregon
- VOLCANO: Volcano and Magmatic Studies Group 2015 Conference
- VOLCANO: Online tool to calculate volumes of tephra fall deposits
- VOLCANO: USGS VDAP Job Postings Reminder
- VOLCANO: two tenure track jobs at Dickinson College
- VOLCANO: Positions available at Western Mexico Centre for Seismology and Vulcanology
- VOLCANO: Bardarbunga aerial images and Northern Lights
- VOLCANO: IRIS DMC releases Global Stacks data product, win an iPad contest!
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 September 2014
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Designing Lectures to Foster Learning - 9/24 1 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Photos from Holuhraun fissure eruption Iceland 12-13 Sep
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. Deep Carbon through Deep Time Short Course
- VOLCANO: CORRECTION: Volcano Watch – 11 September 2014
- VOLCANO: Geophysics Position at Colgate University
- VOLCANO: Special Section in American Mineralogist's Centennial Volume (2015-2016): "Rates and Depths of Magma Ascent on Earth"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 September 2014
- VOLCANO: USGS Technical Announcement: 200 Years of Magma at Kīlauea Volcano Described in New Book
- VOLCANO: New HVO geodesy position open
- VOLCANO: Position Announcement - Full-time, non tenure-track lecturer in Mineralogy or Geochemistry
- VOLCANO: VOLAND 2014 Conference
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian Institution Fellowships
- VOLCANO: SAR data available for Sinabung volcano
- VOLCANO: AZ Geological Survey - job openings
- VOLCANO: Planetary Science Faculty position at Arizona State University
- VOLCANO: Two job openings at GNS Science New Zealand - Head of Volcanology and Head of Tectonophysics
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Seismic Constraints on the Subduction Factory - 9/10 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 27 August-2 September 2014
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. (1) WOVOdat workshop: A free one-day COV8 pre-meeting workshop on 8 September and (2) WOVO evening meeting on 10 September
- VOLCANO: 2015 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowships
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in Geophysics, Volcanology, and Planetary Science
- VOLCANO: Volcano island, Italy - field assistant
- VOLCANO: EGU 2015. session proposal deadline 12 September 2014
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Researcher - Applications of X-ray Tomography in Earth Sciences
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Aug 2014
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Asia-Pacific Region Earthquake and Volcanic Hazard Mapping Meeting
- VOLCANO: Assistant Professorship in Geochemistry - New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
- VOLCANO: Ongoing Earth Science and Environmental Science Lecturer Positions at Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia)
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Outreach Exchange - Wednesday evening - all welcome
- VOLCANO: Tenure-track faculty position at the University of Missouri
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20 August-26 August 2014
- VOLCANO: Tenure track position in Geoscience Education at CSU Fullerton
- VOLCANO: PhD position vacancy at Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, Honolulu
- VOLCANO: Update/Correction on Bárðarbunga, Iceland
- VOLCANO: Bardarbunga volcano eruption started
- VOLCANO: Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield Online Workshop 4: Volcano Seismology, 9/3
- VOLCANO: Inaugural Meeting of Commission on Hazards and Risk
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13 August-19 August 2014
- VOLCANO: USGS News: Critical Volcano and Earthquake Monitoring Recovered after Tropical Storm Iselle
- VOLCANO: Bruno Martinelli fellowship for ESC workshop, deadline approaching!
- VOLCANO: Stromboli lava flow into the sea: photos 8-12 Aug 2014
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6 August-12 August 2014
- VOLCANO: G-Cubed "OceanArc" Theme extended for another year
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity in volcanology – University of Perugia, Italy
- VOLCANO: Special Section in American Mineralogist's Centennial Volume (2015-2016): "Rates and Depths of Magma Ascent on Earth"
- VOLCANO: Photo Contest: The third edition of VOLCANOES' NIGHT
- VOLCANO: Smartphone apps, push notifications and emergency warnings
- VOLCANO: Workshop on Volatiles in the Martian Interior
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 July-5 August 2014
- VOLCANO: Are you willing to collaborate with VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2014?
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Student Session: The Challenges Faced and Strategies Used When Switching Disciplines (Pop-Up Session)
- VOLCANO: VUELCO short-course 2014: Coping with volcanic unrest
- VOLCANO: Latest issue of "Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network" online today
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Jul 2014
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3751 Active Tectonics of the Eastern Sunda to Banda Arc Transition
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 1812 Dynamic Evolution of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary System in Diverse Geological Settings: an Integrated Approach
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23 July-29 July 2014
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Associate in Modeling of the Climate Response to Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 1496 The geochemical diversity of the mantle inferred from hotspots: Five decades of debate
- VOLCANO: First VERTIGO workshop on Stromboli Island from 27 September through 2 October
- VOLCANO: Seeking information about phone apps for volcano alerts and response
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Geophysical, Astrophysical and Geological Fluid Dynamics
- VOLCANO: Electron Microprobe Lab Manager/Research Scientist position in Rice University
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2498: Accelerated and Punctuated — Emerging Perspectives in Magmagenesis
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16 July-22 July 2014
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Volatile Cycles at Subduction Zones
- VOLCANO: Latest issue of the "Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network"
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2384 Drilling the Izu-Bonin-Mariana System: First Results and Related Studies
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2765 Physical Petrology
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3924 Theory of Earth
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2326 Satellite Remote Sensing and Management of Natural Disasters
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. Field Trip on Canadian Cascade Volcanism
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3537 Reducing Vulnerability from Latin American Volcanoes Through Enhanced Monitoring Efforts
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3037 Controls on the oxidation state of iron in the solid Earth and other terrestrial planetary bodies
- VOLCANO: 1 year researcher position on reconstruction of SO2 flux time series from satellite imagery at INGV Pisa, Italy
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3531 Birth, life and death of monogenetic basaltic eruptions
- VOLCANO: 2 year post-doctoral research contract available in CO2 recycling through subduction zones (ERC Project CO2Volc)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3651 New Frontiers in Ecosystem, Solid Earth, Cryosphere, and Natural Hazards
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 9 July-15 July 2014
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI support for the AIV International School in Pantelleria
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3034 Arcs from the Inside Out
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3927 Outstanding challenges in the seismological study of volcanic processes
- VOLCANO: MeMoVolc workshop on the "Dynamics of volcanic explosive eruptions", Consensual Document
- VOLCANO: 20th Caribbean Geological Conference
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Exploiting the Potential of Tephra in Paleoenvironmental Records
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3518 Carbon: storage, migration and outgassing within Earth and other planetary bodies
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3324 Using Diffusion to Interrogate Timescales of Magmatic Processes: Methods and New Observations
- VOLCANO: Two three-years research projects in volcanology within the EU Marie Curie ITN - DEADLINE APPROACHING
- VOLCANO: Annual Workshop on Volcano Seismology
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3624 Discussing Disasters: Natural Hazards in the Classroom and Beyond
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Rates and depths of magma ascent at subduction zone volcanoes
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T5: Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Aleutian Arc in Space and Time
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2506 Crustal Accretion Processes at Intermediate to Fast-Spreading Ridges: New Advances from Seafloor Geology, Geophysical Experiments and Ocean Drilling
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2952 What can pyroclasts tell us?
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2820 Estimating the durations and rates of magmatic processes using geochronology
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2790 Volatile Elements in the Oceanic Crust
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2788 Deep Submergence Science in the SW Pacific Ocean
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session 2068: Integrating multiple complementary data streams to better understand volcanic processes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session #2229: Lava Flows: Integrating Field and Remote Sensing Observations, Laboratory Experiments and Modeling
- VOLCANO: Request for Assistance/Sensitization of School Pupils about Hazards and Sustainable Development
- VOLCANO: New spectacular images and video from Dukono volcano
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session 2264: Stow or Blow? Intrusions and eruptions of magma in the continents
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2512 Dynamics of continental and submarine hydrothermal systems
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session 2480: Persistent and recurring natural hazards: Disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. #3873: Magma Transport and Eruption at Basaltic Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 1517 Physical volcanology of eruptions involving groundwater, water or ice
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session 2812: The growth and demise of the volcanic edifice
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 25 June-1 July 2014
- VOLCANO: MED-SUV Newsletter No 1 (June 2014)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 1647 Induced and Triggered Earthquakes: Theory, Observations, Impact
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Session 1658 Plume Ascent and Dispersion Dynamics
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2023 The Role Of Volcanism In Atmospheric Phenomena
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 2285 Transients in explosive eruptions
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - June 2014
- VOLCANO: Research position at Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
- VOLCANO: Workshop announcement: Surtsey at 50 Years Scientific Drilling Project
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3537: Reducing Vulnerability from Latin American Volcanoes Through Enhanced Monitoring Efforts
- VOLCANO: International 2014 EMSEV Workshop Abstract Deadline July 25
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. 3301: Mechanisms of magma ascent, emplacement and extrusion
- VOLCANO: AGU 2014. Rates and depths of magma ascent at subduction zone volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 18 June-24 June 2014
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T117: Magmas and their sources: A tribute to the distinguished career of Fred Frey
- VOLCANO: Volcanology Short Course on "Volcano-magma systems with emphasis on explosive processes and deposits"
- VOLCANO: Photo gallery Dukono
- VOLCANO: Ph.D opportunities at the University of Leicester
- VOLCANO: Unusually strong activity at Stromboli - photos 9 and 10 June 2014
- VOLCANO: Research faculty position in seismology, University of Alaska Fairbanks (July 1st review)
- VOLCANO: Staff Scientist position in Geophysics
- VOLCANO: ICDP Workshop: Coring Magma and Related Investigations, Krafla Caldera, Iceland
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 11 June-17 June 2014
- VOLCANO: Correction to Job opportunities at RMCA & CSL (Belgium) and ECGS (Luxemburg)
- VOLCANO: Pictures from Etna's New SE crater eruption 15-16 June 2014
- VOLCANO: Special Section in American Mineralogist's Centennial Volume (2015-2016): "New advances in subduction zone magma genesis"
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014 sessions T15, T16 and T17 on continental arcs
- VOLCANO: Registration open for seismo-acoustic workshop at COV8
- VOLCANO: Job opportunities at RMCA & CSL (Belgium) and ECGS (Luxemburg)
- VOLCANO: Latest issue of "Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network" online today
- VOLCANO: International Central Andes Volcanological Field Course
- VOLCANO: One post-graduate position in Volcanology at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 June 2014
- VOLCANO: School of Volcanology in Pantelleria- Extension of Early Registration
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Monday deadline - Call for nominations for hosting CoV9
- VOLCANO: Collapse Calderas Workshop & Course Registration Deadline June 30
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 May-3 June 2014
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T235 Some New Gloss on Old LIPs: Implications for Continental Reconstructions and Metallogeny
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - May 2014
- VOLCANO: 12th gas workshop 2nd circular
- VOLCANO: 5IMC Extension of Deadline for abstract submission
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Extension of Early Bird Registration
- VOLCANO: Fully funded PhD scholarship
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 May 2014
- VOLCANO: Call for titles for JVGR Special Issue "Understanding volcanoes in the Vanuatu arc"
- VOLCANO: 5th International Maar Conference (5IMC) Deadline May 30th
- VOLCANO: Two PhD positions in IPGP Paris : Experimental and numerical modelling of acoustic waves from granular flows
- VOLCANO: Volcano Seismologist Position at the Instituto Geofísico - ECUADOR
- VOLCANO: Open Ph.D. position volcanology/petrology
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 May 2014
- VOLCANO: new MOOC on Natural Disasters
- VOLCANO: USGS Volcano Science Center geologist position
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Seismology at the Roof of the World - THIS WEDNESDAY
- VOLCANO: Call for Papers: "Bicentenary of the great Tambora eruption" Conference (Switzerland)
- VOLCANO: EarthChem Invites Applications for IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards
- VOLCANO: Assistant Professor position at University of Puerto Rico
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 May 2014
- VOLCANO: Program for 48th ESLAB Symposium
- VOLCANO: 2014 AIV International School of Volcanology
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T216: Cenozoic Magmatism and Volcanism in the North American Cordillera
- VOLCANO: 1 post-graduate position in Volcanology at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Bologna, Italy
- VOLCANO: 2014 Field trips to Katmai and Kamchatka
- VOLCANO: Does anyone have copies of Seismicity News from 1997 and 1998?
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 April-6 May 2014
- VOLCANO: Directorship opportunity, Western Washington University Institute for Energy Studies
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T187: Geothermal Energy in Northwestern North America
- VOLCANO: Two USGS Volcano Science Center post-docs
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - April 2014
- VOLCANO: advert for 7 positions at NOC
- VOLCANO: International 2014 EMSEV Workshop
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 April 2014
- VOLCANO: Assistant professor in geophysics
- VOLCANO: Assistant professor in stratigraphy
- VOLCANO: Deadline Extended - 5th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas
- VOLCANO: Fluid geochemist at the USGS - applications are due on May 2
- VOLCANO: Visiting Professor in Petrology/Geochemistry at NMSU
- VOLCANO: PDRA in Earth Observation of active tectonics including volcanic applications
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Newsletter 2014 No 1
- VOLCANO: Research Faculty position in seismology - University of Alaska Fairbanks
- VOLCANO: Postdoc in exp. HT/HP petrophysics at the Laboratoire Géosciences Montpellier
- VOLCANO: Instructor position, Introductory geology classes/labs at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
- VOLCANO: Call for Submissions: Geothermics Special Issue - Taupo Volcanic Zone Geothermal Systems
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 April 2014
- VOLCANO: New position as an electron microprobe specialist at ETH Zurich
- VOLCANO: Volcanology at the EGU 2014 General Assembly
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Broader Impacts in the Earth Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation - 4/23, 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Remote Sensing Applied to Active Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: PhD Research Fellowship - University of Oslo - Physics of Geological Processes
- VOLCANO: EarthChem Invites Applications for IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards
- VOLCANO: 2nd REMINDER: 1st International Workshop on Volcano Geology
- VOLCANO: 2014 AIV International School of Volcanology
- VOLCANO: Extension of CoV8 abstract submission deadline
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Managing Worst-Case Scenarios
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt workshop: Arc magmatism and crustal forensics in the Andes
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Sessions 2.I.A/3.II.A: Volcanic Geology, History and Archeology to improve volcanic hazard analysis.
- VOLCANO: X-ray technician opening
- VOLCANO: Tephra workshop application deadline April 15th
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 April 2014
- VOLCANO: 5th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas, December 7-11 2014, Taupo, New Zealand
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T122: Cascadia Subduction Zone
- VOLCANO: Propose a session for Fall AGU
- VOLCANO: New Book, The Dynamics of Disaster
- VOLCANO: JVGR special issue on 2012-13 Tolbachik eruption
- VOLCANO: Special Collection American Mineralogist - Extended submission deadline
- VOLCANO: Two PhD positions in experimental petrology at Universities of Hannover and Milano
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 March-1 April 2014
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Anatomy of a Megathrust Earthquake Rupture: The 2010 M8.8 Chile Quake - 4/9, 1 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: GSA 2014. T245: Ancient and Modern Cultural Responses to Volcanic Disasters -- Messages for the Future
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Call for papers "Stress, strain and mass changes at volcanoes" JGR special section
- VOLCANO: Pre-meeting COV8 workshop on WOVOdat (A volcano monitoring database)
- VOLCANO: Registration Open and Call for Papers to the 5th ISDE Digital Earth Summit in Nagoya, 2014
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 March 2014
- VOLCANO: Professional Development Opportunity for ECIs at the 2014 IRIS Workshop, 6/8 Sunriver, Oregon
- VOLCANO: Volunteers/interns required at Volcán de Colima
- VOLCANO: GeoMod 2014 meeting: Session on "Volcanoes and volcanotectonics"
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Managing Volcanic Unrest Amid Scientific and Technological Uncertainty
- VOLCANO: Postdoc in Science Education/Remote Use of EPMA and SEM at Florida International University, Miami
- VOLCANO: Deep Carbon Observatory Summer School
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 March 2014
- VOLCANO: Fluid geochemist at the USGS
- VOLCANO: Tenure-track posts in Earth Observation, University of Leeds, UK
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR - Antelope Strikes Back: Using the Perl and Matlab Interfaces to Your Advantage - 3/27, 3 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Frontiers in Volcanology
- VOLCANO: 1 postdocoral position at the Earth & Life Institute, UCLouvain
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2014 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- VOLCANO: 6 positions in Volcanology in Munich (Germany) within the framework of the ERC Research Project EVOKES "Explosive Volcanism in the Earth System"
- VOLCANO: CISP-BMEI 2014 Deadline 30 April, Dalian, China
- VOLCANO: REMINDER: 1st International Workshop on Volcano Geology
- VOLCANO: International Conference - 2014 Ore Potential of Alkaline, Kimberlite and Carbonatite Magmatism
- VOLCANO: PhD Position, University of Hawaii - Geological and volcanological applications of Fourier-transform imaging spectrometers
- VOLCANO: Summer Field Camp Part-time Instructor Position - Summer 2014
- VOLCANO: 5th International Maar Conference. Monogenetic volcanism and mineral resources, quarries, land management, and geotourism
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 March 2014
- VOLCANO: 5th International Maar Conference. Session 4: Maar Hazards
- VOLCANO: IAS meeting - Call for abstracts - Transport and sedimentation of pyroclasts by and in water
- VOLCANO: 48th ESLAB Symposium - abstract deadline extended
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. State of knowledge of Merapi eruptive activity with a special focus on 2006 and 2010 eruptions
- VOLCANO: 5th International Maar Conference: Sessions on geology, petrology, geophysics, and experiments
- VOLCANO: PhD position in experimental petrology at Leibniz University of Hannover
- VOLCANO: Melts, Glasses, Magmas short course 2014
- VOLCANO: Call for nominations for hosting CoV9
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR: Tomographic Study of Lithosphere Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean - 3/12, 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. The Health Effects of Volcanic Eruptions: from Hazards to Interventions
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 February-4 March 2014
- VOLCANO: Lectureship (Assistant. Professor) in Solid Earth Geophysics, UEA, UK
- VOLCANO: 3rd INTERNATIONAL COURSE IN VOLCANOLOGY (in spanish) 13-26 October 2014 (Olot, Spain)
- VOLCANO: Volcano Seismologist Permanent Position - CANARY ISLANDS
- VOLCANO: Two three-years research projects in volcanology within the EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network VERTIGO at University of Perugia (IT)
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Feb 2014
- VOLCANO: Master's opportunities at Queens College, City University of New York
- VOLCANO: Tenure-track Faculty Position in Structural Geology at Colorado State University
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 February 2014
- VOLCANO: Call for evidence and information for global assessment of volcanic hazard and risk (Reminder)
- VOLCANO: NEMOH schools in Iceland "Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes" and Dublin "Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology"
- VOLCANO: 5th International Maar Conference: Environmental studies of Maar lakes and other volcanic lakes
- VOLCANO: 2nd IUGG-WMO workshop on "Ash dispersal forecast and civil aviation": outcomes
- VOLCANO: 5th International Maar Conference. Monogenetic volcanic fields: Structural and Tectonic Settings, causes of magmatic and phreato-magmatic activity
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Lahar Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (9 - 13 Sept 2014)
- VOLCANO: Announcement for Fred Frey Special Session 2014 GSA Annual Meeting
- VOLCANO: PhD position in experimental volcanology at Mainz University
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity at McGill University
- VOLCANO: 2014 International Volcanological Field School
- VOLCANO: Tephra 2014 workshop - 3-7 August 2014
- VOLCANO: New Monitoring System at Chaparrastique volcano, El Salvador
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR: Anisotropic Seismic Tomography and the Gutenberg Discontinuity - 2/26, 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 February 2014
- VOLCANO: Sample of Mazama Ash (Climactic Event)
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. 1.II.D.2: As the lava flows: science, hazards, and human and environmental impacts
- VOLCANO: ALVO ( Asociacion latinoamericana de Volcanologia) News Letter
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. A Volcano in Your Daily Commute: Understanding Persistently Active Volcanoes and Their Hazards, Session 2.IV.A
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Disaster Risk Reduction Pedagogy Session 2.II.B
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Methods and uncertainties in the measurements of tephra deposits
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 February 2014
- VOLCANO: Pre-Announcement: "Bicentenary of the great Tambora eruption" Conference - April 2015 (Switzerland)
- VOLCANO: Call for abstracts, 48th ESLAB
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Agriculture and Rural Communities in Volcanic Crises
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Volcanic Hazard Mapping session
- VOLCANO: Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry
- VOLCANO: IRIS Webinar on Mantle Imaging Using AfricaArray 2/12, 2 PM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Request for Undergraduate Physical Volcanology Course Materials
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Pyroclastic Currents: Linking Field Observations, Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modeling for Hazard Assessment and Mitigation
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Lessons learned from volcanic crises, Session 3.I
- VOLCANO: 12th Gas Field Workshop
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2014. Petrological studies and how they can be used to better understand monitoring data
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Volcanic Gas Surveillance: Applications to Monitoring and Hazards
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Inferring volcanic processes and hazards from the study of pyroclastic deposits
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 January-4 February 2014
- VOLCANO: 1st International Workshop on Volcano Geology
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. workshop - Tourism & Volcanoes: Risk Management Health & Safety Issues in Volcanic Environments
- VOLCANO: Position at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory in operational volcano deformation monitoring
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Volcanic Lakes and Their Impact on Human and Natural Environments
- VOLCANO: FEMA Volcano Hazards Course at Buffalo, NY
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Magmatic processes linked to volcanic forecasting
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Modeling Hazardous Events: New Techniques to Model, Assess and Mitigate Volcano Hazards
- VOLCANO: Release of FALL3D-7.0 code
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Session 12a: What do Geospeedometry and Geochronology Tell Us?
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Learning from the past? Historical and archeological perspectives on volcanic hazards, impacts and responses
- VOLCANO: Extended closing date - positions at University of Edinburgh
- VOLCANO: PhD on Environmental effects of volcanic ash at University of Louvain, Belgium
- VOLCANO: NEMOH newsletter issue n. 3
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Understanding the past and future behaviour of volcanoes: Combining geology, history and archaeology to improve hazard assessment
- VOLCANO: CoV 8. Mitigating Economic and Insurance Losses from Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: Request for peralkaline obsidian samples
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - January 2014
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 January 2014
- VOLCANO: Post-graduate opportunity in Volcanology at the University of Mainz, Germany
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Session on Integrated Studies of Magmatic Systems in Time and Space
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Session 7C: Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Western Cordillera
- VOLCANO: Marie Curie VERTIGO ITN: ESR position on aero-engine damage by volcanic ash
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. 07a: Geochemical, Petrological, and Physical Controls on Arc Eruptions
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position in seismology in Martinique (OVSM-IPGP)
- VOLCANO: GSA Penrose Medal, nominations due 1 Feb.
- VOLCANO: Tenure track positions at the University of Edinburgh
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Session 12b: Experimental Constraints on Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Session 11g Sulfur, Halogen, and Carbon Behavior in Ore-Forming Systems
- VOLCANO: New Sinabung webpage
- VOLCANO: technology in the field
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 January 2014
- VOLCANO: TOTGS: Total grainsize distribution of tephra fallout
- VOLCANO: New Photos Needed for 2015 IAVCEI Volcanoes Calendar
- VOLCANO: 1 post-graduate position in Volcanology at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome, Italy.
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. New Advances in Subduction Zone Magma Genesis
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Magma Generation/Evolution and Oceanic Crust Formation at Mid-Ocean Ridges and Interoceanic Arcs
- VOLCANO: 2 PhD positions in Volcanology at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2014. Session 22i Apatite - A Mineral for all Seasons
- VOLCANO: CoV 2014: Shared Experiences in Real-Time Volcano Seismic Monitoring: Doing More With Our Data
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 January 2014
- VOLCANO: EGU 2014. From conduit magma ascent to ash generation and dispersal
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2014 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
[Index of Archives]
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