PhD projects at the University of Bristol
Dear colleagues,
Please see below for details of five PhD projects available in the School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol.
The projects apply volcanology, structural geology, experimental petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology to the overall theme of understanding porphyry copper deposits. We welcome applications from UK, EU, and overseas students with a strong, quantitative, geological background and a keen interest in ore deposits.
$Exhumation of Andean granites: implications for porphyry copper formation and enrichment. pdf.
$Reactive transport simulations of porphyry copper deposit formation. pdf.
If you know of any suitable students or have any questions about the projects, please contact the relevant supervisors.
Best wishes,
Frances Cooper
Dr Frances J. Cooper
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)117 954 5428
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