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- VOLCANO: COV10 Call for abstract: Session S1.40 | Advanced Processing Techniques for Geophysical Signals Recorded at Active Volcanoes Dear all,
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 April 2018
- VOLCANO: Travel support for US and Japanese participants of the JKASP Workshop
- VOLCANO: COV10: Eruption Forecasts and Warnings at Long-Quiescent Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: VOLCANO: COV10: Call for abstracts: S3.14 | From old cauldrons to young quaternary calderas: context, processes, and economic potentials for geothermal energy and ore resources
- VOLCANO: Doctorate Student (PhD) fellowships in studying the physics and/or chemistry of magma reservoirs at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- VOLCANO: Volcanic Lakes Session announcement Cities on Volcanoes 10, Napoli
- VOLCANO: Sessione P26 del Congresso SGI-SIMP 2018
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 March-3 April 2018
- VOLCANO: COV10: Call for abstracts, S1.27 “Phreatic and hydrothermal eruptions: processes, deposits, and hazards”
- VOLCANO: NZ volcanology PhD - Dunedin Volcano
- VOLCANO: Cryovolcanism in the Solar System Workshop Announcement
- VOLCANO: State of the Volcanic Hazard Map: COV session and Global review
- VOLCANO: Laboratory Technician position at Central Washington University
- VOLCANO: Gordon Conference on deep carbon science, June 17-22, 2018
- VOLCANO: COV10 2018: Invitation to submit abstracts to session S2: Assessing and managing volcanic risk
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 March 2018
- VOLCANO: CoV 10 - call for pre-conference field-trip at Etna
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Session 11a - Weathering in active volcanic regions : processes, pathways and biogeochemical implications
- VOLCANO: Special Issue - Noble gases evolution from source to sink under volcanoes
- VOLCANO: ''Dust Events in the Environment'' - journal Sustainability, MDPI
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10: Call for Submissions for the VolcanOscars!
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 March 2018
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Session 03b: The Igneous Architecture of Arcs throughout the Crustal Column
- VOLCANO: COV10 - Modeling Volcanic Deformation - Post-Conference Workshop
- VOLCANO: Aerial pictures of lava domes from Methana, Greece
- VOLCANO: Call for nominations for hosting Cities on Volcanoes 11 Conference in 2020
- VOLCANO: ESC Session on ambient noise seismology
- VOLCANO: VGC 2018: Abstract submission extended until 30th March 2018
- VOLCANO: ECR Funding for tephra conference "Crossing New Frontiers: Tephra Hunt in Transylvania"
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - February 2018
- VOLCANO: Bowen Nominations: Due April 15th
- VOLCANO: Short Course on Application of LA-ICP-MS to Earth Sciences | Perugia May 30 - June 1, 2018
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Session 05f: Critical Metal Deposits: Current Sources and Future Potential
- VOLCANO: Wegener Meeting-10-13th Sept. 2018, Volcanology session
- VOLCANO: VOLCANICA: volcanology’s first Diamond Open Access article
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 March 2018
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2018 Special session: Basalt, Granite and Lunar Rocks: A Celebration of J.M. Rhodes’ 80th Birthday
- VOLCANO: Deadlines approaching! Grad student and early career training and funding.
- VOLCANO: CoV 2018: Post-meeting field workshop at Stromboli
- VOLCANO: AMNH postdoc position
- VOLCANO: CoV10 call for abstracts S3.5 - Protected volcanic landscapes and their geocultural heritage: opportunities for education, management, and scientific research
- VOLCANO: CoV10 Call for abstracts, S2.7 - Volcanic risk assessment and mitigation for Latino-American cities
- VOLCANO: COV10 Call to submit abstracts. Session S3.8 | Volcanic Multihazards in the Americas
- VOLCANO: Statement on the Status of the Soufriere Hills Volcano
- VOLCANO: Special volume - Annals of Geophysics
- AMNH postdoc position
- Metasomatism and ore deposits workshop, Goldschmidt Boston, August 11-12th 2018
- Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 February-6 March 2018
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 February-6 March 2018
- VOLCANO: Metasomatism and ore deposits workshop, Goldschmidt Boston, August 11-12th 2018
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt Workshop Announcement
- VOLCANO: CoV10 CALL for abstracts - S2.6 | Use and effectiveness of volcanic hazard and risk tools in volcanic crisis management
- VOLCANO: Abstracts due 14 March: Spectroscopic measurements of planetary surfaces: SPIE Asia Pacific, in Honolulu
- VOLCANO: Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, Science meets Practice 2018
- VOLCANO: Mayon volcano eruption, photos from 22-27 Feb 2018
- VOLCANO: March 2018: www.mantleplumes.org website progress
- VOLCANO: 2nd Circular for the 10th biennial Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes workshop, 20-26 August 2018
- VOLCANO: PhD Opportunity
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI ECR-Net logo contest!
- VOLCANO: European Seismological Commission Session 2018 - Volcano Seismology
- VOLCANO: Inaugural Gordon Research Conference on Deep Carbon Science
- VOLCANO: University of Manchester Presidential Fellowships deadline 4th April
- VOLCANO: COV10 Early-Career Workshop W.1: Forming and enhancing partnerships between scientists and stakeholders
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session 'Scenario-based hazard and risk assessment: Development and application for volcanic risk management'
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 February 2018
- VOLCANO: CoV10 CALL for abstracts - S2.6 | Use and effectiveness of volcanic hazard and risk tools in volcanic crisis management
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - January 2018
- VOLCANO: WH Bryan PhD Scholarship in Earth Sciences
- VOLCANO: Communication to the non-scientific public using the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia
- VOLCANO: CoV10 call for abstracts, S2.4 - Volcanic crisis management and evacuations: recent case studies and best practices
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session 'Multidisciplinary geophysical imaging of volcanoes'
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session S1.19 | Integrated research infrastructures and services in volcanology
- VOLCANO: Ph.D. Position, Department of Earth Sciences- Montana State University
- VOLCANO: EGU Galileo conference -Deadline extended
- VOLCANO: CoV10 CALL for abstracts - Session S3.7 Forensic analysis of volcanic impact as a support for better preparedness and recovery process
- VOLCANO: CoV10 Special Session: Agung
- VOLCANO: Investigating eruption triggers and dynamic processes in magmas CoV 2018 Please could you circulate the following.
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session S2.16-Volcanic ashfall & gas impacts: existing and future resources in support of preparedness, assessment and mitigation.
- VOLCANO: Invitation to submit an abstract to session S3.8 | Volcanic Multihazards in the Americas - VMA
- VOLCANO: EGU Galileo conference -Support for PhD/ ECS
- VOLCANO: COV10 Risk Assessment Session
- VOLCANO: Santiaguito at 100 - Announcement of Special Volume
- VOLCANO: Chair position opening at the University of Northern Colorado
- VOLCANO: Boston Goldschmidt workshop: Magma Chamber Simulator
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 February 2018
- VOLCANO: Save the date: CSDC Community Meeting 2018
- VOLCANO: CoV10 session S1.37 - The role of the GEO-GSNL initiative in improving the knowledge of volcano dynamics and hazard
- VOLCANO: CoV10 Session S1.1: Analogous studies of volcanoes, their eruptive activity and their preceding unrest
- VOLCANO: CoV10 call for abstracts, S2.8 - Coordination of Civil Protection and Scientific community: best practices to support the management of volcanic crises and the long-term risk mitigation plans
- VOLCANO: COV10: Invite to submit to session S3.6 - Volcanoes and Human History
- VOLCANO: ESC Session on ambient noise seismology
- VOLCANO: Health session at CoV - please submit abstracts
- VOLCANO: COV10 2018: Session S3.17 - Games and their role in volcanic hazard communication
- VOLCANO: Grad student and early career training and funding from LacCore/CSDCO
- VOLCANO: COV10 session S1.5 New analytical techniques for understanding volcanic systems, from magma generation to the emplacement of volcanic products
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Call for papers "Synthetic Aperture Radar and Natural Hazards: Applications and Outlooks"
- VOLCANO: CoV10 Session S1.6: Source term provision and quantification of uncertainty in lava flow modelling
- VOLCANO: COV10 2018: Invitation to submit to session S2.15 - Perspectives on volcanic hazard and risk communication
- VOLCANO: COV10 2018: Invite to submit to session S 1.34:'Volcanoes from the space'
- VOLCANO: Cryovolcanism in the Solar System Workshop Announcement
- VOLCANO: PhD position available at ISTO-Orléans France concerning the of Study of radiative properties of dry and crystal rich magmas
- VOLCANO: Call for abstract – Cities on Volcanoes 10 – S1.9. Radon and its progeny in volcanic and hydrothermal areas
- VOLCANO: Video hazard release
- VOLCANO: CoV10 Session S1.24-Volcanic Islands: from hazard assessment to risk mitigation
- VOLCANO: CoV10 session on the impacts of volcanic emissions and gas blowouts on surrounding environments
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 February 2018
- VOLCANO: GSA 2018 (Rocky Mts. and Cordillera): Paleomagnetic, Structural, and Geophysical Data Applied to Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Systems, Tectonic Applications, and Paleoclimate Studies
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10; Registration procedures available; Abstracts submission; Field Trips and Workshops registration
- VOLCANO: COV10 2018: Invite to submit to session S1.11 - “ Understanding volcanic processes through geophysical and volcanological data investigations”
- VOLCANO: Head of Department position available at University of Liverpool UK
- VOLCANO: Frontiers topic on subaqueous volcanism
- VOLCANO: COV10 session on calderas and their economic potential
- VOLCANO: Postdoc opportunity - muography Soufrières Guadeloupe
- VOLCANO: INVITATION COV10 - Session 1.12 Understanding Volcanic Processes trough Drilling
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstracts - CoV 10 - Session S1.8: Multi-method approaches to screen storage, activation, and transport in magmatic systems
- VOLCANO: John W. Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical And Computational Geophysics
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session S1.16: Magmatic processes, eruptive histories and their timescales: implications for volcano hazard assessment and monitoring
- VOLCANO: Job opportunity: Satellite remote sensing at the Icelandic Meteorological Office
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt session 04i: "Magma Genesis Beneath Oceans and Continents: Source Signatures and Melting Processes"
- VOLCANO: Postdoc Position Announcement
- VOLCANO: Call for abstract – Cities on Volcanoes 10 – Session 1.10: Eruptive Patterns
- VOLCANO: 7IMC Early Bird Registration deadline - REMINDER
- VOLCANO: CoV10 session on volcanic hazard assessment
- VOLCANO: COV10 - Social Media Session & Pre-Conference Workshop/Panel Discussion
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 January-6 February 2018
- VOLCANO: COV18 session S2.1 How good are we at detecting and communicating volcanic unrests and threats
- VOLCANO: COV10 session S1.35: Using quantitative petrology to inform volcano monitoring
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2018 Special session: Basalt, Granite and Lunar Rocks: A Celebration of J.M. Rhodes’ 80th Birthday
- VOLCANO: PhD Studentship at Plymouth University: Propagation of Volcanic and Non-Volcanic Landslides: A Combined Field, Experimental and Numerical Approach
- VOLCANO: Short Course: Scaling and Design of Laboratory Experiments
- VOLCANO: Tenure track announcement
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes: Phreatomagmatism S1.18
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session S1.40 | Advanced Processing Techniques for Geophysical Signals Recorded at Active Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: GSA 2018 T15: "Genetic Links between the Magmatism, Tectonism, and Metallogeny of the Southwestern USA and Northern Mexico"
- VOLCANO: Session S1.39 at CoV10- September 2018, Napoli-Italy
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 January 2018
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2018 session 03c - Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth in High Temperature Environments
- VOLCANO: Future postdoctoral fellowship in volcanic seismology and volcanic risk assessment, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
- VOLCANO: PhD position in Experimental Petrology, Charles University in Prague
- VOLCANO: EGU Galileo conference Fluids in subduction zones
- VOLCANO: Volcano list: EMSEV 2018
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Membership now open at www.iavceivolcano.org
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2018 / Session 11a - Weathering in active volcanic regions : processes, pathways and biogeochemical implications
- VOLCANO: COV10 Session S1.33 Volcanic Degassing: Insights into Volcanic Processes, Impacts and Hazard
- VOLCANO: Fwd: 2nd Circular available for Crossing New Frontiers, Romania, 2018
- VOLCANO: COV10 session S3.13 on Geothermal
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcano 10, 2-7 sept. 2018, Napoles, ITALIA
- VOLCANO: Postdoc Position Announcement
- VOLCANO: International Conference on Resilience and Sustainability of Cities in Hazardous Environments
- VOLCANO: Volcanology sessions at AOGS 2018 - overview [abstracts deadline now 26 Jan]
- VOLCANO: 2018 Kleinman Grants announcement
- VOLCANO: Call for abtract . Cities on Volcanoes 10, 2-7 Sept - Napoli, ITALIA
- VOLCANO: Full Time Lectureships, Earth Sciences, UCL, UK - Deadline 23 February
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 January 2018
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2018 Honolulu, June 3-8, 2018 :: PS02: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- VOLCANO: Cities On Volcanoes 18 session S1.29
- VOLCANO: Volcanology sessions at AOGS 2018 - overview [abstracts deadline now 26 Jan]
- VOLCANO: Several openings remain in the 2018 Iceland Volcanology Field Camp (4 or 5 cr.)
- VOLCANO: EMPG 16 : Abstract Submission and Registration Open
- VOLCANO: Solid Earth Endowed Professorship at Michigan State University
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10 Second Circular; Call for Abstracts submission; Sessions/Workshops presentation
- VOLCANO: Two positions in Petrology and Mineralogy at Smithsonian
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 2018 - Magmatic Volatiles session 04j
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 January 2018
- VOLCANO: NZ PhD(s) on volcanic tsunami modelling
- VOLCANO: 28th Goldschmidt conference: abstract submisson
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - December 2017
- VOLCANO: Post-doc position at ENS Lyon
- VOLCANO: Revision -- Subduction Hazard Science Town Hall and SZ4D Updates
- VOLCANO: USGS job opening for Geophysicist at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- VOLCANO: Full-time academic position in geosciences at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
- VOLCANO: Graduate Student Opportunity
- VOLCANO: New IAVCEI website address and 2018 membership
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2018: Session SE24: Volcanic Processes from the Mantle to the Atmosphere – Processes, Monitoring, Hazards, and Impacts
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2018: Session SE24: Where History and Geology Intercept: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Extending Our Chronology of Catastrophic Geologic Events
- VOLCANO: Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments - 7th International Maar Conference
- VOLCANO: 7IMC abstract extended deadline - REMINDER
- VOLCANO: Division Director position in NSF Earth Sciences
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2018 Honolulu, June 3-8, 2018: PS02: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- VOLCANO: LAST OPPORTUNITY 2nd TNA pilot call - EPOS Multi-scale laboratories facilities
- VOLCANO: Short Course on Magma, Eruptions and Risks (MER) - fourth edition
- VOLCANO: Call for abstracts: AOGS 2018 in Honolulu, June 3-8, 2018: Session PS02: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- VOLCANO: Call for abstracts AOGS 2018 (Honolulu June 2018) session SE29: Understanding active volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 January 2018
- VOLCANO: Geophysical Imaging of Volcanoes - EGU 2018
- VOLCANO: Last chance >>> EGU 2018: ‘From Subduction to Collisional belt’ ��� TS7.1/GD5.6
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 call for abstracts - Session GMPV4.6/NH2.5
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018: Imaging techniques in laboratory modelling of geological processes
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 - EGU2018: GMPV4.3: Storage, activation and transport processes within magmatic systems
- VOLCANO: EGU Session on: Volcanic processes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Call for Abstract - "Magma ascent, degassing and eruptive dynamics: linking experiments, models and observations"
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 session "Volcanic Resources"
- VOLCANO: Hydrothermal and Mud Volcanic Systems at EGU2018
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 - Call for Abstract - Methods and Tools for Natural Risk Management and Communications
- VOLCANO: Passing of Dave Hilton
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Call for Abstract - Session GMPV5.3/AS3.9/NH6.11
- VOLCANO: PhD Opportunity at McGill University
- VOLCANO: Call for nominations for hosting Cities on Volcanoes 11 Conference in 2020
- VOLCANO: Invitation to abstract submission
- VOLCANO: EGU2018 - Analysis, monitoring, modelling of mass-wasting in volcanic areas
- VOLCANO: NEW!! EGU Session 2018 GMPV4.8/CL1.34 “Arctic & Antarctic volcanism – magmatic, tectonic and palaeoenvironmental aspects & linkages”
- VOLCANO: Microprobe lab manager position
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018: Volcanic Gas Emissions
- VOLCANO: Crossing New Frontiers: Tephra Hunt in Transylvania 2018
- VOLCANO: Happy (EGU) 2018: Volcanoes in a changing cryosphere: physical processes and related risk
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 December 2017-2 January 2018
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position for crustal resisitiviy studies using magnetotellurics at the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias, INVOLCAN (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) - not only for European citizens
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session TS4.1: Actio-Reactio; from subducting slabs to shaping the surface.
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 20 December-26 December 2017
- VOLCANO: Two positions in Petrology and Mineralogy at Smithsonian
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session: Numerical simulations of volcanic and magmatic phenomena: model development, validation and application (GMPV4.6/NH2.5)
- VOLCANO: EGU Session GI2.4/NH6.8/PS4.9: Sentinels for Science: Advances in Land dynamics and processes understanding
- VOLCANO: AOGS Session SE-05.Magmatism and Mineral Deposits at Anorogenic Settings
- VOLCANO: EGU Session G4.1: Acquisition and processing of gravity and magnetic field data and their integrative interpretation
- VOLCANO: Volcanic Ash Session at EGU2018 - updates
- VOLCANO: Reminder Invite for Community Volcano Experiment survey
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 December 2017
- VOLCANO: GSA 2018 (Rocky Mts and Cordillera): Paleomagnetic, Structural, and Geophysical Data Applied to Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Systems, Tectonic Applications, and Paleoclimate Studies
- VOLCANO: EGU2018 - Call for abstract
- VOLCANO: 7th Int. Maar Conference - Abstract submission deadline extension on January 20th 2018
- VOLCANO: Session on 'Metals in Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems'
- VOLCANO: Assistant Professor - Atmospheric Chemistry, Rutgers University–New Brunswick, New Jersey
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 December 2017
- VOLCANO: Frontiers Research Topic on Subaqueous Volcanism
- VOLCANO: Reventador volcano video documentation
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - November 2017
- VOLCANO: EGU2018 session - Geophysical Imaging of Volcanoes
- VOLCANO: EGU2018: GMPV4.3: Storage, activation and transport processes within magmatic systems
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 interdisciplinary Session: Imaging techniques in laboratory modelling of geological processes
- VOLCANO: NEW EGU Session 2018 “Arctic & Antarctic volcanism – magmatic, tectonic and palaeoenvironmental aspects & linkages”.
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 November-5 December 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments
- VOLCANO: Two PhD studentships to work on magmatic volatiles at Massey University, New Zealand, and Hokkaido University, Japan
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position in Hydrogeochemistry at ITER (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) - not only for European citizens
- VOLCANO: Earth Science PhD Opportunities at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- VOLCANO: Request - Videos of high speed lava flows
- VOLCANO: Large Igneous Province session and short course at RFG2018
- VOLCANO: NEGSA session - Petrologic Insights on Modern and Ancient Plate Margins
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2018 conference- Honolulu June 2018
- VOLCANO: AGU Town Hall - Coordination of Subduction Hazard Science
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 November 2017
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session: Numerical simulations of volcanic and magmatic phenomena: model development, validation and application
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship at SUERC
- VOLCANO: EGU session: Satellite-based quantification and modelling of volcanic gas, aerosol and ash emission: dispersal and chemical evolution
- VOLCANO: MSU Endowed Professorship
- VOLCANO: VOLCANICA: The world’s first free open access volcanology journal
- VOLCANO: EGU2018 session - 4D carbon cycle: a global interdisciplinary evaluation through space and time
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship in Volcanology and Air quality
- VOLCANO: Call for papers "Synthetic Aperture Radar and Natural Hazards: Applications and Outlooks"
- VOLCANO: Volcaniclastic sediments session (EGU2018)
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session - Rock Physics and geomechanical characterisation of rocks from the micro to macroscale: fabric, fractures and fluids
- VOLCANO: 2018 field trips to Katmai and Kamchatka
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session: Geophysical imaging of volcanoes (GMPV5.1/NH2.11/SM 6.03)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 November 2017
- VOLCANO: Post-Doctoral position in Environmental geochemistry of volcanic tephra
- VOLCANO: EGU session : From Subduction to Collisional belt (TS7.1/GD5.6)
- VOLCANO: Community Volcano Experiment - Design Survey
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018: Imaging of volcanic phenomena
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session: Pores, cracks, fluids and permeability in rocks and magmas
- VOLCANO: Assistant Professor in Geological Sciences at the University of Missouri
- VOLCANO: Second TNA pilot call to EPOS Multi-scale laboratories facilities
- VOLCANO: PhD Automatic space-borne detection of atmospheric natural hazards (Barcelona, Spain)
- VOLCANO: Workshop – Multidisciplinary Volcano Hazards Experiments
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session "Fast flow-like landslides in alpine and volcanic environment. Advances on monitoring, modelling and risk management"
- VOLCANO: Fellowship opportunities at Smithsonian
- VOLCANO: PhD Opportunity in petrology- University of Auckland
- VOLCANO: Volcanology sessions at AOGS 2018 - overview
- VOLCANO: PhD projects at the University of Leeds
- VOLCANO: Faculty Position in Experimental Earth Science @ Lamont/Columbia
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 November 2017
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship in volcano remote sensing at Michigan Technological University
- VOLCANO: Position in Geography GIS-Natural Hazards at University of South Florida
- VOLCANO: Position at College of Charleston
- VOLCANO: PhD Opportunity at Boise State University - Earthquake Attitudes and Preparedness
- VOLCANO: JKASP-2018: August 21-24, 2018
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position in Hydrogeochemistry at ITER (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: Professorship (W2) (6 years/tenure track) of Geochemistry at LMU Munich
- VOLCANO: Session SE29- Understanding Active Volcanoes Using Multidisciplinary Approaches- AOGS 2018
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 Session "Volcanic Ash"
- VOLCANO: Open Rank faculty position in STEM at Bates College
- VOLCANO: 7th International Maar Conference - 2nd Circular
- VOLCANO: 2018 Iceland Volcanology Field Camp, now with optional Greenland trip
- VOLCANO: 2 PhD positions in volcanic lightning research
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 November 2017
- VOLCANO: 7th International Maar Conference, Deadline extension on December 15th 2017 Grant Applications
- VOLCANO: PhD opportunity in Volcanology/petrology
- VOLCANO: Preparing Future Faculty Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions at the University of Missouri
- VOLCANO: Assistant Professor Geophysics - Stanford University
- VOLCANO: Message for VolcanoListServe members
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - October 2017
- VOLCANO: PhD Opportunities at the University of East Anglia
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 October 2017
- VOLCANO: Manuscript deadline Extended: Frontiers Special Volume
- VOLCANO: Catalogue of Icelandic volcanoes - website
- VOLCANO: Tenerife International Training Course on Volcano Monitoring
- VOLCANO: Reventador volcano
- VOLCANO: Tenerife International Training Course on Surface Geothermal Exploration
- VOLCANO: Extension Manuscript Submission Deadline: Frontiers Research Topic “Ocean Island Volcanoes: Genesis, Evolution and Impact”
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10, Deadline extension on November 10th 2017 Call for Sessions and Workshops/Courses
- VOLCANO: PhD in Planetary Volcanology at the University of Manchester
- VOLCANO: AGU Chapman Conference on Stratospheric aerosol in the post-Pinatubo era: Processes, Interactions, and Importance
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstracts - EGU 2017 - Session: GMPV4.6/NH2.5
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18 October-24 October 2017
- VOLCANO: Tephra data project and job opening
- VOLCANO: Call for Authors - GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues - undergraduate curricular modules
- VOLCANO: EGU2018 - Analysis, monitoring, modelling of mass-wasting in volcanic areas
- VOLCANO: Submit a session to Goldschmidt 2018 in Boston!
- VOLCANO: Tenure-track Assistant Professor Geology Department, CSU, Sacramento
- VOLCANO: EGU 2018 session "Volcanic Resources"
- VOLCANO: PhD position in petrology
- VOLCANO: Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) conference, Leeds, 2018
- VOLCANO: EGEGU 2018 session: "Volcanoes in a changing cryosphere: physical processes and related risk"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 October 2017
- VOLCANO: Call for Authors - GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues - undergraduate curricular modules
- VOLCANO: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
- VOLCANO: Kilauea Summit Eruption video now available online
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10, Call for Sessions and Workshops/Courses
- VOLCANO: EMPG-XVI june 2018
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest – September 2017
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 October 2017
- VOLCANO: Volcano Monitoring Special Issue – papers required
- VOLCANO: PhD position University of Canterbury, NZ 3D architecture of buried volcanic systems
- VOLCANO: Job opening: assistant professor position in Low Temperature Geochemistry
- VOLCANO: POLAR 2018 Session 'Magmatic, tectonic, and geodynamic investigations of the Polar Regions'
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 September-3 October 2017
- VOLCANO: NSF's 2018 Alan T. Waterman Award
- VOLCANO: Volcanism and Active Geology of the island of Hawai'i (Field-based course through the University of Alaska Fairbanks)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly Student Presentation Awards
- VOLCANO: Swww.mantleplumes.org website progress
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Volcano Geodesy Commission
- VOLCANO: Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group meeting - January 2018 in Leeds
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 September 2017
- VOLCANO: Volcanology sessions at AOGS 2017 - Honolulu, Hawaii June 3-8, 2018
- VOLCANO: Volcanology faculty position at the University of Oregon
- VOLCANO: Research Fellow – Petrology & Tephrostratigraphy - Singapore
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 September 2017
- VOLCANO: Early Career Researchers Network (ECR-Net) IAVCEI 2017 follow-up survey
- VOLCANO: Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes Summer Course 2018
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release -- Magnitude-4.2 earthquake northeast of O‘ahu
- VOLCANO: 2017 GSA Annual Meeting MGPV Division Student Travel Grants
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geophysics
- VOLCANO: Reminder: 2nd AntVolc (SCAR Expert group on Antarctic Volcanism) Workshop, Barcelona, Spain
- VOLCANO: Graduate Student PhD Fellowships at the AMNH
- VOLCANO: Post-doctoral research fellowships at AMNH
- VOLCANO: Geoscience Lab Manager Position
- VOLCANO: Using the Flyover Country app in undergrad ed - short course at GSA
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 September 2017
- VOLCANO: Ad for Posting: Green Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowship
- VOLCANO: 2 PhD projects at U. Tasmania (Australia)
- VOLCANO: Full-time faculty positions
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10; First Circular, Call for Sessions/Workshops
- VOLCANO: University of Florida Position in Solid Earth Petrology/Geochemistry
- VOLCANO: Faculty Position: Professor in Petrology, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
- VOLCANO: European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy 2019
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 August-5 September 2017
- VOLCANO: Fellowship Opportunities at Smithsonian
- VOLCANO: Announcement Special Volume
- VOLCANO: Magma Chamber Simulator workshop at annual GSA meeting in Seattle
- VOLCANO: Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- VOLCANO: Special volume ''Dust Events in the Environment'' - Sustainability journal
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest – July & August 2017
- VOLCANO: SfM photogrammetry: Special issue of Progress in Physical Geography
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 August 2017
- VOLCANO: Position at Boise State University
- VOLCANO: Second international course on “Methods of investigation of volcanic and geothermal fluids” at Caviahue (Nuequen, Argentina)
- VOLCANO: IMAGE final conference
- VOLCANO: Anniversary of the plinian eruption of Vesuvius on 25 August 79 A.D.
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 August 2017
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 August 2017
- VOLCANO: 2nd correction per felt reports (7 only): USGS-HVO News Release -- M-4.1 earthquake east of the Island Hawaiʻi
- VOLCANO: PNW Cenozoic volcanism animation available
- VOLCANO: Are you willing to collaborate with "EUROPEAN VOLCANOES' NIGHT 2017"?
- VOLCANO: Commission on Volcanogenic sediments meeting
- VOLCANO: USGS Alaska Volcano Observatory hiring a Research Geophysicist
- VOLCANO: Anticipated positions in Petrology and Mineralogy at Smithsonian
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 August 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Townhall: New Volcano Initiatives at Lucky Lab Beer Hall
- VOLCANO: Open position: Professorship of Geochemistry (W2) (6 years/tenure track) at LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN
- VOLCANO: COMSOL Multiphysics in Volcanology @ IAVCEI2017
- VOLCANO: The Pennsylvania State University - Faculty Position
- VOLCANO: Full time position opening
- VOLCANO: Posting - Assistant Professorship in Natural Hazards at SFU
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 July-1 August 2017
- VOLCANO: Department Head Position at Penn State University
- VOLCANO: Last call: AGU Session "Combining Physical Simulation and Machine Learning across Geophysical Sciences"
- VOLCANO: Release of Tremometer 1.0 - Matlab code for automated detection and characterization of harmonic tremor
- VOLCANO: AGU Session S012: Geophysical Acoustics
- VOLCANO: 2nd AntVolc (SCAR Expert group on Antarctic Volcanism) Workshop
- VOLCANO: Melt and fluid inclusion session at GSA
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release -- M-4.2 earthquake between Maui and Hawaiʻi
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI commission on volcano geodesy -- meeting at Scientific Assembly
- VOLCANO: Annonce de recrutement d'un directeur.trice de l'Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de Martinique - Recruiting a Director for the Volcanological and Seismological observatory of Martinique (Lesser Antilles)
- VOLCANO: Session AGU 2017 - V038: “Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in Plutons, Chambers, and Reservoirs in the Earth’s Lithosphere”
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 Session | The Mixing of Magmas: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
- VOLCANO: Inaugural IAVCEI Open Mic
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position available
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 July 2017
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - session V008
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 call for abstracts: V033: Understanding monogenetic volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Hydrothermal systems and mud volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Cities on Volcanoes 10 Announcement; First Circular, Call for Sessions/Workshops
- VOLCANO: Drilling Magma Chambers at Fall AGU
- VOLCANO: 2nd call AGU Fall Meeting Session - V030: Sulfur: Nature and properties
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 Session V004: Continental Intraplate Mafic Volcanism
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 Session V003 - Conduit and surface dynamics of silicic magmas and lavas
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017: Call for input: ECR panel discussion - Scientific Communication during a Crisis
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 July 2017
- VOLCANO: Late-breaking IAVCEI workshop on science communication
- VOLCANO: Reminder note for 2017 GSA Annual Meeting session "Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System"
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017. Melt generation, transport, and extraction in the on- and off-axis mid-ocean ridge environment (V019)
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position available soon
- VOLCANO: Discounted IAVCEI 2017 rates for headquarter hotel to expire July 23
- VOLCANO: AGU Special Session on Large Igneous Provinces, from Mantle to Atmosphere
- VOLCANO: Final Reminder: GSA, Seattle T165 Recent advances in understanding volcanism of the Yellowstone hotspot
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI field trip C3: Volcanic Transect of the Pacific Northwest
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 July 2017
- VOLCANO: Cities and Volcano Commission of IAVCEI - membership update
- VOLCANO: CVC school
- VOLCANO: PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, June 2017
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 session - The Mixing of Magmas: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017. Under pressure: understanding the storage, activation, and transport processes in magmatic systems (V032)
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017. Integrated view of the Gulf of California and adjacent western Mexico and U.S.A. plate boundary
- VOLCANO: Vesuvius webpage The Making of a Catastrophe
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - A047: Heterogeneous Reactions
- VOLCANO: T157. Origin and Evolution of the Continental Crust: A Celebration of the Career of Paul Mueller
- VOLCANO: 2018 CERG-C training on geological and climate related risk
- VOLCANO: AGU Session - A028: Combining Physical Simulation and Machine Learning across Geophysical Sciences
- VOLCANO: Session AGU 2017 - V038: “Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in Plutons, Chambers, and Reservoirs in the Earth’s Lithosphere”
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - PA014: Immersive and Engaging Experiences in the Geosciences
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - session V008
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 Session: Crystal, Melt, and Fluid Inclusions
- VOLCANO: The Masaya Lava Lake Laboratory
- VOLCANO: Explore and communicate through data-driven collaborations across, art, design and geoscience
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 June-4 July 2017
- VOLCANO: July 15 Abstract Submission Deadline for IAVCEI Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases 13th Gas Workshop
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017: Session on volcano deformation modeling (V023)
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - V018: Lava Flow Hazard Monitoring
- VOLCANO: Special Issue on "Volcanic Plumes: Impacts on the Atmosphere and Insights into Volcanic Processes"
- VOLCANO: 2017 European Seismological Commission (ESC) meeting 23-30 September, Port Vila and Tanna, Vanuatu
- VOLCANO: Advertisement for PhD position in geochronology of young volcanic systems
- VOLCANO: AGU Session V004: Continental Intraplate Mafic Volcanism
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - V030: Sulfur: Nature and properties
- VOLCANO: 2017 GSA Annual Meeting session "Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System"
- VOLCANO: Advertisement for Posdoctoral Research Fellowships
- VOLCANO: Frontiers Research Topic on Explosive Activity
- VOLCANO: Malcolm Fletcher Howells
- VOLCANO: Technician Vacancy at GEOMAR: Drones for volcanological research
- VOLCANO: Advertisement for PhD position in volcano structural geology/geophysics in La Réunion
- VOLCANO: AGU Fall Mtg Session V005 Crystals: Microscale archives of macroscale igneous processes
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 June 2017
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 session: NH011: Geoscience with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 June 2017
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release -- M-4.5 earthquake southeast of Hawaiian Ocean View
- VOLCANO: "Natural aerosols in the atmosphere" session at American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (January 2018, Austin TX)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI is turning 100 in 2019!
- VOLCANO: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session - V036: Volcanic Ash—Generation, Transport, Impacts, and Applications
- VOLCANO: Stromboli volcano photos 9-16 June 2017
- VOLCANO: AGU Fall Meeting Session V033 Understanding monogenetic volcanoes
- VOLCANO: Electron Microprobe Lab Manager Position at LSU
- VOLCANO: Proposed announcement for Volcano Listserv
- VOLCANO: Update on IAVCEI Tephra workshop, Portland, Sat 19 Aug 2017
- VOLCANO: Call for contribution to the Frontiers Research Topic "Understanding, Exploring and Exploiting Georesources in Volcanic Areas"
- VOLCANO: Electron Microprobe Lab Manager Position at LSU
- VOLCANO: AGU Fall Meeting Session V033 Understanding monogenetic volcanoes
- VOLCANO: HOTVOLC Observing System
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 June 2017
- VOLCANO: AGU 2017 session on: Geophysics of Satellites and Dwarf Planets (P016)
- VOLCANO: PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, May 2017
- VOLCANO: PhD position in Petrology of Kilauea magmas at the University of Hawaii
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 201 early bird registration deadline approaching; rates increase
- VOLCANO: EGU Awards & Medals in Natural Hazards - Nominations deadline 15.06.2017 (tomorrow!!!)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 workshop registration re-opened
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI early bird and field trip registration
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release --M-5.3 earthquake on Kilauea Volcano's south flank
- VOLCANO: Ustica workshop
- VOLCANO: Visas for IAVCEI Portland meeting
- VOLCANO: GSA Seattle T165 Recent Advances in Understanding Volcanism of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- VOLCANO: Pyroclastic Density Currents at IMS2017 Toulouse (France)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Postmeeting field trip C3 - There's still space
- VOLCANO: NO COST pre-IAVCEI workshop for Early Career Researchers
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 May-6 June 2017
- VOLCANO: The Dance of Arcs: Causes of Arc Migrations, Flare-Ups and Magmatic Focusing, GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA - 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI volcano geodesy commission kick-off meeting in Portland
- VOLCANO: Call for contribution to the Frontiers Research Topic "Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in the Earth’s Lithosphere"
- VOLCANO: Field Technician and Analyst – University of Alaska Fairbanks
- VOLCANO: EGU Awards & Medals in Natural Hazards - Nominations deadline 15.06.2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017: short message on conference hotel availability
- VOLCANO: Call for student volunteers to help with 2017 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 May 2017
- VOLCANO: Doctorate Student (PhD) fellowship in magmatic petrology at ETH Zurich
- VOLCANO: Post-IAVCEI field trip C2: Mafic volcanism of the central Oregon Cascades
- VOLCANO: Looming deadline for IAVCEI 2017 field trip and workshop registration
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral/Assistant Scientist Position in Volcanology/Space Geodesy
- VOLCANO: Invitación a participar. Mapas de peligros volcánicos: Una perspectiva global
- VOLCANO: Specialist in electron microbeam technique(s), Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zürich, 80-100%
- VOLCANO: Invitation to participate: A global review of volcanic hazard maps
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 May 2017
- VOLCANO: Post-IAVCEI 2017 workshop: A4 - Saturday August 19, 2017
- VOLCANO: 2017 IAVCEI California Cascades field trip
- VOLCANO: Expected post-doc position on timescales of caldera-forming eruptions (Japan-NZ-US collaboration)
- VOLCANO: Intensive Course on the formation and evolution of LIPs
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI CRB fieldtrilp
- VOLCANO: Geofluids Special Isssue call for papers: Remote Sensing as Tool in Geofluids Dynamics and Related Risks
- VOLCANO: Yellowstone Caldera post-IAVCEI field trip
- VOLCANO: 1 Postdoc position in Hydrogeochemistry at INVOLCAN (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Workshop to advertise
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Early Career Researcher Roommate Board
- VOLCANO: pre-IAVCEI 2017 field trip - Ohanapecosh Fm
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 May 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Portland pre-meeting field trip to Mount St. Helens
- VOLCANO: SZ4D Initiative final report and 1-pager available
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Apr 2017 (and thanks to Tom Jones!)
- VOLCANO: The Pennsylvania State University - Faculty Position
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017: process and deadline for space requests for meetings, events, etc.
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly early bird registration deadline extended
- VOLCANO: Assistant or Associate Tenure Track Position in Hydrogeophysics at the University of Hawaii
- VOLCANO: Job vacancy in Geochemistry (IGN, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 May 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 workshop announcement and reminder to register
- VOLCANO: Job vacancy in Computer Engineer (IGN, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI (Portland, August, 2017)workshop on the Magma Chamber Simulator
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Portland registration deadlines
- VOLCANO: Field exercise at Craters of the Moon
- VOLCANO: Geology video contest deadline 21 May
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI pre-meeting Field Trip A9
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position in Volcano Seismology (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: PhD position at the University of Bologna
- VOLCANO: 2 Postdoc positions for isotope geochemistry (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- VOLCANO: Ph.D. course at Aarhus Univ: Forging links between petrology and geophysics
- VOLCANO: 2 Postdoc positions for crustal resisitiviy studies using magnetotellurics
- VOLCANO: Pre-IAVCEI 2017 MSNoise workshop
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstract session P34, SIMP-SGI-AIV-SoGei "Geosciences: a tool in a changing world" Pisa (Italy), 4-6 September 2017
- VOLCANO: EGU Science Officer for Volcanic Hazards
- VOLCANO: Pre-IAVCEI volcanic record completeness workshop - Sunday 13 August
- VOLCANO: Pre-IAVCEI workshop: Modeling volcanic processes using MELTS
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 April-2 May 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Tephra Workshop - August 19
- VOLCANO: Post-IAVCEI Workshop on Numerical Modeling with OpenFOAM for Volcanological Applications
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI post-meeting workshop and field trip "Statistics in Volcanology: The Hazards of Lassen Volcano"
- VOLCANO: Early Career workshop at IAVCEI Scientific Assembly
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Pre-Meeting Workshop on GPS Geodesy
- VOLCANO: The Italian Association of Volcanology - 2017 International Summer School for PhD students and Early Career Researchers
- VOLCANO: Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, Science meets Practice 2017 - deadline extension
- VOLCANO: Extension of Long Valley field trip registration
- VOLCANO: Proposal of new book on Martian volcanism
- VOLCANO: What Emplaced This Deposit?
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI pre-meeting field trip to Mount Hood
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Field Trip C7: Columbia River flood basalts, associated rhyolites, and diverse post-plume volcanism in eastern Oregon
- VOLCANO: Correct Web Address - New Zealand Geology Camp January 2018
- VOLCANO: JVGR Special Issue - Maar and environment change - monogenetic volcanism in changing environments
- VOLCANO: FINAL REMINDER: Seeking new Executive Editor for Bulletin of Volcanology
- VOLCANO: Scope of JVGR Special Issue
- VOLCANO: 2017 Central Andes Volcanology Field Course
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 19 April-25 April 2017
- VOLCANO: New Zealand Geology Camp - January 2018
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 pre-meeting workshop: State of the Hazard Map 3
- VOLCANO: 7th International Maar Conference - 1st circular
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Field Trip C7: Evolution of the Columbia River Basalt Province
- VOLCANO: JVGR Special Issue call for papers
- VOLCANO: Ustica workshop on explosive volcanism in the Mediterranean area
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Mount Hood Field Trip
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 April 2017
- VOLCANO: Report on state of volcano science
- VOLCANO: PhD Position at the University of Geneva
- VOLCANO: International PhD school "Carbon forms paths and processes in the Earth"
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Field trip -- Recent and ancient volcaniclastic processes and deposits at Mount St. Helens
- VOLCANO: CSDCO Science Planning Workshop 2
- VOLCANO: USGS internship in meteorological modeling around volcanoes for NSF-supported PhD students
- VOLCANO: Announcement about an IAVCEI field trip
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral position on the impact of volcanic gases and aerosols on the atmosphere
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 April 2017
- VOLCANO: PhD position in geophysics, study of Surtsey, University of Iceland
- VOLCANO: Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory Manager/Specialist/Research Scientist at the University of Michigan
- VOLCANO: The Italian Association of Volcanology - 2017 International Summer School for PhD students and Early Career Researchers
- VOLCANO: PhD Grant on La Réunion hotspot
- VOLCANO: Call for Participation: Session on "Geological evolution of oceanic islands” - RCANS 2017 (10-13 July, Ponta Delgada, Azores)
- VOLCANO: Vacancy: Lectureship in Physical Geography at University of Cambridge
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI volcano geodesy commission -- splinter meeting at EGU
- VOLCANO: PhD fluid dynamic modelling submarine explosive eruption
- VOLCANO: SZO Workshop Report - Draft Available for Comment
- VOLCANO: Deadline approaching: Continental Scientific Drilling Science Planning Workshop
- VOLCANO: Travel grants to attend the Course on Application of LA-ICP-MS to Earth Sciences | Perugia, Italy | 07-09 - June, 2017
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 March-4 April 2017
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest – March 2017
- VOLCANO: Crater Lake and Newberry volcano IAVCEI field trip
- VOLCANO: Position focused on modelling volcanic tephra fallout
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Frontiers Research Topic - Ocean Island Volcanoes: Genesis, Evolution and Impact
- VOLCANO: Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, Science meets Practice 2017
- VOLCANO: European Current Research On Fluid and melt Inclusions - ECROFI 2017 Nancy - Extended deadline : April 15, 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 workshop: Using Small Unmanned Systems in Volcanology
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 March 2017
- VOLCANO: Survey about the new IAVCEI Commission on Submarine Volcanism
- VOLCANO: Fluid and Melt Inclusions at Goldschmidt2017, Paris
- VOLCANO: Educational info on Ecuador volcanoes via Blog Ceniza Ecuador
- VOLCANO: VolFilm projects
- VOLCANO: Magnitude 4.4 Earthquake on Kīlauea Volcano’s south flank
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 March 2017
- VOLCANO: Post-IAVCEI Workshop on Numerical Modeling with OpenFOAM for Volcanological Applications
- VOLCANO: IRIS WEBINAR: Geoscience education research at the post-secondary and professional level - 3/29, 10:30 AM Eastern
- VOLCANO: Session notification: Goldschmidt 2017
- VOLCANO: Special issue for eastern Aleutian interdisciplinary research
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2017 Kleinman Grant Awards for Volcano Research
- VOLCANO: Deadline extension to March 30th for IAVCEI awards candidatures
- VOLCANO: Reminder - IAVCEI 2017 Session III.4 - Multidisciplinary constraints on volcanic eruption triggers
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Portland Field trip registration
- VOLCANO: Volcaniclastic sediments at Mount St. Helens and Mount Hood--premeeting field trip A6, IAVCEI 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Session VIII.4: Visualization Tools And Image Processing In Volcanology
- VOLCANO: Pre-IAVCEI Workshop on Volcanic Record Completeness
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 abstract remind for VI.3 Application of geological mapping and field surveys to different exploitation contexts (geothermal and ore deposits)
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 March 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Session: Continental large igneous provinces: understanding processes of magma formation, storage, evolution, and eruption
- VOLCANO: Update and reminder IAVCEI session II.5: Using geochronology and quantitative petrology to understand the P-T-t-X evolution of magmatic systems leading up to volcanic eruptions
- VOLCANO: Final Reminder: IAVCEI 2017 session on Planetary Volcanology
- VOLCANO: Session II.4. Experimental volcanology: from magma generation to the transport and emplacement of pyroclastic materials - IAVCEI 2017
- VOLCANO: Deadline extended to March 22: Invitation to submit abstract to IAVCEI session V.6 Volcanic ash and gas: Generation, transport and impacts on infrastructure, aviation, and climate
- VOLCANO: Remind for abstract submission to the session III.8 - IAVCEI 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017: Volcano Geology, geological maps and long term hazard assessment - reminder
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Workshop: Best practices in tephra collection, analysis, and reporting – leading toward better tephra databases
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Newsletter # 1- 2017
- VOLCANO: Lectureship in Geodynamics, Fluid dynamics, or Seismic Tomography
- VOLCANO: Update and Reminder IAVCEI session I.4 "“Arc evolution: space, time, morphology, and longevity of volcanic arcs”
- VOLCANO: Abstract deadline extension for IAVCEI 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session II.1 Viscous Lava Flows and Domes
- VOLCANO: Deadline extension for IAVCEI awards
- VOLCANO: Registration OPEN for IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly
- VOLCANO: Fluids and Melts at Goldschmidt 2017
- VOLCANO: Upcoming special issue of Earth, Planets, Space on forecasting phreatic eruptions
- VOLCANO: Reminder: IAVCEI session VIII.1 New approaches using statistical methods in volcanology
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session III.3 reminder
- VOLCANO: Call for participation: CSDCO Science Planning
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release -- M-4.2 earthquake north of Molokai
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session III.1 Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions
- VOLCANO: Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, Science meets Practice 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 pre-meeting workshop in volcano geodesy
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 March 2017
- VOLCANO: Reminder for IAVCEI 2017 Session V.1 - Lava flow dynamics and hazard assessment
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI sessson V.2 Volcano geomorphology and sedimentology
- VOLCANO: 2nd Circular for the CCVG 13th Gas Workshop Ecuador 2017
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Session Reminder VII.1 Managing Volcanic Risk in Developing Countries
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest – February 2017
- VOLCANO: Reminder note Call for Abstract IAVCEI 2017 - V.5 Evaluating hazards by mapping and interpreting volcanic deposits
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI2017 - Session II.10 A tribute to the life and work of Jon Davidson (1959-2016)
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Commission on Statistics in Volcanology Newsletter
- VOLCANO: Session V.4 "Just add water: hazards variation in lava flows, steam-driven and hydromagmatic explosive eruptions", IAVCEI 2017
- VOLCANO: New MODVOLC interface
- VOLCANO: Reminder for IAVCEI 2017 Session I.2 Relating magmatic-tectonic processes and volcano flank stability
- VOLCANO: Goldschmidt 5h: Transport of Volatiles, Halogens and Redox Sensitive Elements between the Crust and the Mantle
- VOLCANO: Reminder note for IAVCEI 2017 Planetary Volcanology session
- VOLCANO: CAM - 2017 Conference on Accessory Minerals Sept 13 - 17, 2017 Vienna
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session IV.4 "Volcanic plumes and clouds: from injection to dispersion"
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release -- Earthquake flurry on Kilauea's upper East Rift Zone
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 February 2017
- VOLCANO: Post-Doctoral Research Associate Vacancy - Probabilistic modelling of volcanic hazards
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Reminder for Abstracts to the III.8 Session
- VOLCANO: Invitation to submit abstract to IAVCEI 2017 Session II.4 Experimental volcanology: from magma generation to the transport and emplacement of pyroclastic materials
- VOLCANO: REMINDER Wet Volcanoes Session IAVCEI-2017
- VOLCANO: PhD positions in geophysics at the University of Iceland
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session I.4 “Arc evolution: space, time, morphology, and longevity of volcanic arcs”
- VOLCANO: Invitation to submit abstract to IAVCEI session IV.6 Magma Fragmentation and the production of Volcanic Ash
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position on volcano deformation at ERI UTokyo
- VOLCANO: Abstracts for IAVCEI session 1.3
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 - Session III.7 Linking monitoring data with volcanic processes
- VOLCANO: 4th International Volcano Geology Workshop, October 8-14, 2017, Romania
- VOLCANO: Reminder: Invitation to submit abstract to IAVCEI session V.6 Volcanic ash and gas: Generation, transport and impacts on infrastructure, aviation, and climate
- VOLCANO: Trail by Fire
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 February 2017
- VOLCANO: Seasonal employment opportunities with Mount St. Helens Institute
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Session IV.3 The role of volatiles and degassing in magmatic and eruptive processes
- VOLCANO: Visiting faculty position available
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 pre-meeting workshop: State of the Hazard Map 3
- VOLCANO: Requesting nomination to lead the IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session announcement
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 scientific assembly - registration and IAVCEI membership
- VOLCANO: Call for papers - Special Issue in Geofluids - Fluids, Metals, and Mineral/Ore Deposits
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 VI.3 Application of geological mapping and field surveys to different exploitation contexts (geothermal and ore deposits)
- VOLCANO: Tenerife International Training Course on Volcano Monitoring
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstract IAVCEI 2017 Session VI.1
- VOLCANO: USGS-HVO News Release -- Magnitude 4.6 earthquake NW of Hawaiʻi
- VOLCANO: Statement from IAVCEI 2017 local planning committee
- VOLCANO: In the Company of Volcanoes: It's all for you, girl! A message to girls everywhere from the women in volcanology
- VOLCANO: Postdoctoral researcher, igneous petrology-geochemistry
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 February 2017
- VOLCANO: Frontiers Research Topic on "Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in the Earth’s Lithosphere" is now online! Call for participation
- VOLCANO: Q-LavHA: a GIS plugin to simulate lava flows
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Health Session
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 session on remote sensing of volcanic gases
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI workshop: Best practices in tephra collection, analysis, and reporting – leading toward better tephra databases
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2017 call for abstracts: PS15: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI: session II.8 'Investigating conduit processes and eruption dynamics by integrating experiments, numerical modelling, observations, and sample analysis'
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 – Session VII.4 : Integrated Volcanic Risk Assessment
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017- Session III.2 Geophysical multi-parameters techniques for monitoring active volcanoes.
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017: Volcano Geology, geological maps and long term hazard assessment
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI Session II.10 A tribute to the life and work of Jon Davidson (1959-2016) - Call for abstracts
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstract IAVCEI 2017 - V.5 Evaluating hazards by mapping and interpreting volcanic deposits .
- VOLCANO: Election for a new Secretary for the IAVCEI/IACS Joint Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions
- VOLCANO: Research Fellow (Volcanologist) at Montserrat Volcano Observatory Vacancy Notice
- VOLCANO: Statement from IAVCEI EC
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 - Session III.4 Multidisciplinary constraints on volcanic eruption triggers
- VOLCANO: IAVECEI 2017 meeting: III.8 session "Combining geological data and numerical simulations for understanding the eruption dynamics and depositional processes"
- VOLCANO: Statement from IAVCEI EC for the 2017 Portland meeting
- VOLCANO: Consider to Submit your Work to IAVCEI 2017 - VOLCANIC GEOHERITAGE session
- VOLCANO: Active Lava Lakes session at IAVCEI 2017
- VOLCANO: Call for Abstracts - IAVCEI 2017 - Processes leading to monogenetic volcanism
- VOLCANO: Positions at Universidad Mayor-Chile
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session II.6: "Volcanism and magmatism under water or ice"
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 February 2017
- VOLCANO: Volcano Stories book
- VOLCANO: Volcanic Petrology PhD project on Pumice Rafts at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
- VOLCANO: Short Course on Application of LA-ICP-MS to Earth Sciences | Perugia 07-09 June 2017
- VOLCANO: Erta Ale volcano (Ethiopia): lava lake overflows 16-19 Jan 2017
- VOLCANO: Multi-Volcanic Hazard Impact - PhD Scholarship - NZ
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session VI.2: "New approaches to understanding magma and volatile evolution, sub-volcanic intrusions and porphyry ore mineralisation"
- VOLCANO: AOGS 2017 call for abstracts: SE10: Connecting Field, Laboratory, and Volcanic Monitoring Data to Magmatic Processes
- VOLCANO: Fluids and Melts Inside Planets at Goldschmidt 2017
- VOLCANO: Announcing the 2017 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- VOLCANO: Call for submissions to our Submarine Volcanism Session at the GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting
- VOLCANO: Invitation to contribute to the session II.7 Architecture of magmatic plumbing systems @ IAVCEI Portland
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI session VI.2: "New approaches to understanding magma and volatile evolution, sub-volcanic intrusions and porphyry ore mineralisation"
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Planetary Volcanology session
- VOLCANO: PhD studentship at Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK
- VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest – January 2017
- VOLCANO: Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 January 2017
- VOLCANO: New website and updates of the IAVCEI-Commission on Volcanic Lakes
- VOLCANO: Subject: Final Call for submissions: Geoarchaeology in Hawai‘i and Oceania
- VOLCANO: Volcanology PhD studentship at Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK
- VOLCANO: Invitation to submit abstract: VII. 6 Successful information coordination among scientists, civil protection groups, and local officials during a crisis
- VOLCANO: Frontiers Research Topic - Ocean Island Volcanoes: Genesis, Evolution and Impact
- VOLCANO: May 2017 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting: Volcano Hazard Communications
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Session VIII.1 New approaches using statistical methods in volcanology
- VOLCANO: LIVE streaming of keynote presentations for the AGU Chapman Submarine volcanism
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2017 Session VIII.3: Start spreading the news: Diverse and effective methods for communicating about volcanoes
- VOLCANO: IAVCEI commission on volcano geodesy
- VOLCANO: Petrology Job Announcement - Utah Valley University
- VOLCANO: Postdoc position in geological fluid dynamics
- VOLCANO: Frontiers Research Topic: Volumes, Timescales, and Frequency of Magmatic Processes in the Earth’s Lithosphere
[Index of Archives]
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