Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, is looking for a postdoc on volcano deformation using Synthetic Aperture Radar. Our group has a privilege of free access to a large number of ALOS and ALOS-2 images through a contract between Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and ERI. A successful candidate is expected to conduct 1) an innovative research using spaceborne SAR images including, but not limited to, ALOS and ALOS-2 images and 2) an innovative research using ground-based SAR whose development is ongoing within our research group.
The position is one year, starting no later than 1 July 2017, and usually renewable for the second year.
Those who are interested in this position should submit:
1) CV
2) Publication list
3) Research statement
4) Contact information of three references
to Dr. Yosuke Aoki (yaoki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by email.
The review of applications starts on 1 April 2016 but the position is open until filled.
Any questions about the position should be directed to Yosuke Aoki (yaoki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Best Regards,
From: yosuke aoki <yaoki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Postdoc position on volcano deformation at ERI UTokyo
Dear Colleagues,
Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, is looking for a postdoc on volcano deformation using Synthetic Aperture Radar. Our group has a privilege of free access to a large number of ALOS and ALOS-2 images through a contract between Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and ERI. A successful candidate is expected to conduct 1) an innovative research using spaceborne SAR images including, but not limited to, ALOS and ALOS-2 images and 2) an innovative research using ground-based SAR whose development is ongoing within our research group.
The position is one year, starting no later than 1 July 2017, and usually renewable for the second year.
Those who are interested in this position should submit:
1) CV
2) Publication list
3) Research statement
4) Contact information of three references
to Dr. Yosuke Aoki (yaoki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by email.
The review of applications starts on 1 April 2016 but the position is open until filled.
Any questions about the position should be directed to Yosuke Aoki (yaoki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Best Regards,
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