The world’s first free open access volcanology journal
"Free to discover" is the credo of the newly launched diamond open access volcanology journal VOLCANICA, which is devoted to making scientific research in volcanology free to publish for researchers and free to read for everyone.
VOLCANICA, the first diamond open access journal for volcanology launches today, providing open access to scientific volcanology research for both, authors and readers, and free to share.
VOLCANICA is a broad-scope open-access international journal promoting research into all aspects of volcanology, including physical phenomena and their impact on society, health, and the environment.
Based on the idea that knowledge should be easily, and foremost freely, accessible, researchers from top international universities joined forces to create this free-for-all online volcanology journal. As well as removing barriers to submission and access in the scholarly community, this innovative project will allow this research to become freely available to the public: the taxpayers, the policy-makers, the civil protection authorities, the interested lay-people.
While there are inherent costs involved in academic publishing, financial endorsement from an institutional publishing house (Presses universitaires de Strasbourg) facilitates these costs, ensuring that they are not passed on to authors or subscribers. All publications are subject to a stringent peer review system to assure impartial assessment of quality scientific research.
VOLCANICA also encourages readers to sign up for the publishing notification service for this journal, which requires registering on their homepage. This registration will result in the reader receiving regular updates by email for each new issue of the journal. This list will also enable the journal to claim a certain level of support or readership.
VOLCANICA invites researchers who are interested in submitting to this journal to visit the website to learn more about the journals policies and authors guidelines.
About the journal
VOLCANICA is committed to establishing a publication system that allows free open access to published content, whilst also removing publication fees and article processing charges.
In practice, this means that submitting a manuscript is completely free for authors, and accessing content is completely free for readers. Moreover, authors retain copyright to their work, so your work can be shared freely and openly. More information is available on our Policies page
VOLCANICA accepts original research in Research article, Short communication and Report format. For more information, check out the Author Guidelines page. Articles may be submitted in Microsoft Word, Open Office, or LaTeX format.VOLCANICA provides templates for Word and Latex on the website.
About the Team
We are a group of dedicated volcano scientists from universities in France, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America with a diversified background. Our intention is to make the first step towards making scientific research available for everyone.
Keep up-to-date on our twitter page: @WeAreVolcanica
Press Contact
Rebecca Coats & Jenny Schauroth
Outreach and Social Mediaoutreach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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