V.2 Volcano geomorphology and sedimentology: topography, processes, and deposits
Geomorphic functioning at volcanoes is a principal driver of landscape response to eruptions, spatial and temporal evolution of volcanic hazards, and overall landform evolution. It influences many aspects of responses to eruptions, such as posteruption rainfall-runoff relations, posteruption ecological recovery, interpretation of volcaniclastic sediment, and topographic development of volcanic landscapes at annual to millennial timescales. Recent advances in geomorphic data collection, modelling, and linkage understandings have increased our ability to more fully evaluate volcano hazards and predict trajectories of post-eruption landscape response. In this session we provide a forum to explore the nature and pace of geomorphic and ecologic responses to eruptions, linkages between geomorphic processes and resulting deposits, and methods for gathering, analyzing, and utilizing critical topographic data. Greater understanding of geomorphic functioning at volcanoes, and its relation to hydrologic and ecologic functioning, will increase the ability of scientists to better anticipate future hazards, to develop improved hazard maps, and to more fully recognize the types of information that need to be communicated to land managers. We invite contributions that address all aspects of geomorphic functioning at volcanoes, particularly those that touch upon linkages among geomorphology, sedimentology, and ecology and which allow reliable interpretations linking processes, deposits, and topography.
We look forward to receiving your abstract.
Angela K. Diefenbach, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory; adiefenbach@usgs.
Jon J. Major, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory; jjmajor@xxxxxxxx
Kristin Sweeney, University of Portland; sweeneyk@xxxxxx
Marco Pistolesi, Università di Firenze, Italy; marco.pistolesi@unifi.
Thomas Pierson, USGS CVO; tpierson@xxxxxxxx
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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