We would like to draw your attention to Session SE29- Understanding Active Volcanoes Using Multidisciplinary Approaches, AOGS 2018 (3-8 June 2018, Honolulu, USA).
The session is a broad-subject one and focuses on studies which use a combined petrological/geochemical/geophysical approach to study the magmatic plumbing system structure and dynamics of active volcanoes.
For more information on the AOGS 2018 conference, please visit:
The conference will include 4 days of scientific sessions which will combine keynote speakers, oral presentations and posters. Several field trips are also planned (Pre and Post meeting field trips).
The deadline to submit abstracts is 19 January 2018. For further information about abstract submission please feel free to contact the convener.
Session description
Session SE29: Understanding Active Volcanoes Using Multidisciplinary Approaches
Convener: Clara Solaro
Co-Conveners: Helena Albert-Minguez, Fidel Costa, Paul Okubo, Yosuke Aoki
Asia and Oceania present regions with the highest concentration and number of active volcanoes on Earth. Many of them are capable of large explosive eruptions, producing high eruptive plumes or pyroclastic density currents. Tephra material can thus be spread over considerable distances and affect human settlements over large areas and/or long timescales, which makes studies of these volcanoes even more important.
A large panel of data and observations on the activity of these volcanoes should allow greater constraint of their eruptive systems. In particular, it is important to unravel the link between volcanic plumbing systems and the resulting eruption dynamics. Geophysical methods (seismology, deformation, infrasound), geochemical monitoring (gas emission, hydrothermalism), petrology/mineralogy studies and physical modelling are all valuable means for acquiring a better understanding of volcanic systems and processes. However, combining multiple areas of study on the same target (e.g. petrology with seismology or gas emission data) is key to significantly improving our understanding of volcanic systems.
In this session, we will explore the state-of-the-art of on-going research focusing on studies of magmatic plumbing system structure and dynamics that use a multiple (e.g. petrological plus geophysical) approach. We appreciate contributions from volcanological field and lab observations, as well as modelling and experimental results. We aim to foster the use of interdisciplinary approaches for the study of volcanic processes, representing progress toward possible interpretations of signs of unrest in terms of causal subterranean plumbing system process.
We hope you consider submitting an abstract and attending the conference.
Dr. Clara Solaro
University of Hawaii at Manoa
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, SOEST
1680 East-West Road POST 614
Honolulu, HI 96822
Dr. Helena Albert Minguez
Earth Observatory of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 639798
Prof. Fidel Costa
Earth Observatory of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 639798
Dr. Paul Okubo
United States Geological Survey
Volcano Science Center- Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
United States · Hawaii National Park, HI
Prof. Yosuke Aoki
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
1-1 Yayoi 1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
From: Clara Solaro <solaro@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: AOGS 2018 conference- Honolulu June 2018
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to Session SE29- Understanding Active Volcanoes Using Multidisciplinary Approaches, AOGS 2018 (3-8 June 2018, Honolulu, USA).
The session is a broad-subject one and focuses on studies which use a combined petrological/geochemical/geoph
For more information on the AOGS 2018 conference, please visit:
The conference will include 4 days of scientific sessions which will combine keynote speakers, oral presentations and posters. Several field trips are also planned (Pre and Post meeting field trips).
The deadline to submit abstracts is 19 January 2018. For further information about abstract submission please feel free to contact the convener.
Session description
Session SE29: Understanding Active Volcanoes Using Multidisciplinary Approaches
Convener: Clara Solaro
Co-Conveners: Helena Albert-Minguez, Fidel Costa, Paul Okubo, Yosuke Aoki
Asia and Oceania present regions with the highest concentration and number of active volcanoes on Earth. Many of them are capable of large explosive eruptions, producing high eruptive plumes or pyroclastic density currents. Tephra material can thus be spread over considerable distances and affect human settlements over large areas and/or long timescales, which makes studies of these volcanoes even more important.
A large panel of data and observations on the activity of these volcanoes should allow greater constraint of their eruptive systems. In particular, it is important to unravel the link between volcanic plumbing systems and the resulting eruption dynamics. Geophysical methods (seismology, deformation, infrasound), geochemical monitoring (gas emission, hydrothermalism), petrology/mineralogy studies and physical modelling are all valuable means for acquiring a better understanding of volcanic systems and processes. However, combining multiple areas of study on the same target (e.g. petrology with seismology or gas emission data) is key to significantly improving our understanding of volcanic systems.
In this session, we will explore the state-of-the-art of on-going research focusing on studies of magmatic plumbing system structure and dynamics that use a multiple (e.g. petrological plus geophysical) approach. We appreciate contributions from volcanological field and lab observations, as well as modelling and experimental results. We aim to foster the use of interdisciplinary approaches for the study of volcanic processes, representing progress toward possible interpretations of signs of unrest in terms of causal subterranean plumbing system process.
We hope you consider submitting an abstract and attending the conference.
Dr. Clara Solaro
University of Hawaii at Manoa
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, SOEST
1680 East-West Road POST 614
Honolulu, HI 96822
Dr. Helena Albert Minguez
Earth Observatory of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 639798
Prof. Fidel Costa
Earth Observatory of Singapore
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore 639798
Dr. Paul Okubo
United States Geological Survey
Volcano Science Center- Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
United States · Hawaii National Park, HI
Prof. Yosuke Aoki
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
1-1 Yayoi 1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
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