The COSIV (Commission on Statistics in Volcanology) working group on volcanic record completeness are running a workshop http://iavcei2017.
We anticipate four main presentation themes:
1. Why completeness matters
2. Eruption record sources
3. Databases
4. Current state of play
And three discussion themes:
A. Completeness
B. Hazards
C. Working group future and activities
We are aiming for a cosy, discussion-led workshop, with invited presentations from (so far) Koji Kiyosugi, Sue Loughlin, Stuart Mead, Chris Newhall, Sarah Ogburn, Tom Sheldrake, Ed Venzke and Ting Wang. A link to a web page with further details will be forthcoming once the program is finalized.
Funds are available from Earth Observatory of Singapore to support workshop registration costs for a small number of Early Career Researchers (loosely defined as PhD students, or those within 5 years of completion). To apply, please write to susanna.jenkins@xxxxxxxxxx
Susanna Jenkins and Mark Bebbington
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