CALL FOR GSA AWARDS: Nomination Deadline: 31 March 2017
Take some time and nominate a deserving scientist.
1. Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology and VOLCANOLOGY (MGPV) Division: Distinguished Geological Career Award
The MGPV Distinguished Geological Career Award will go to an individual who, throughout his/her career, has made distinguished contributions in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions. This award emphasizes a geological and multidisciplinary approach. Geological work is by nature general and has an important field component, with Earth as the natural laboratory. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and membership in the Geological Society of America is not required. The award will not be given posthumously.
The Award: Consists of Fellowship in GSA, a wall plaque, a $1,000 cash award, and some travel assistance. The Award will be presented at the Division reception at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, with a brief (5 minute) citation from the nominator, followed by a brief (5 minute) acceptance speech by the awardee.
2. MGPV Division Early Career Award
The MGPV Early Career Award will go to an individual near the beginning of his/her professional career who has already made distinguished contributions in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions. This is a new award that was generously endowed by the estate of James B. Thompson Jr., who believed in the importance to geology of understanding minerals - both their internal characteristics, and their external "social lives" (his term for their relations with each other). This award emphasizes a geological and multidisciplinary approach. Geological work is by nature generalistic and has an important field component, with Earth as the natural laboratory. J. B. Thompson’s work, regardless of subject, was always based on solid field observations. In his acceptance speech for the Day Medal in 1964 he said, “True success in the laboratory should stimulate field investigations rather than discourage them. It would be embarrassing indeed if we were to construct an internally consistent geology, chemically and physically sound, perfect in fact but for one flaw: the lack of a planet to fit it.”
The individual must either be [1] before the age of 36 or [2] within 7 years of the awarding of the terminal degree. If the former, the candidate must be 36 or less on January 1 of the year the award is decided. If the latter, the award must be decided prior to December 31 of the seventh year past the terminal degree. These time limits for the award can be extended for up to two years based on circumstances that have interrupted the nominee's career (i.e., serious illness, child birth, care giver, etc.). Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and membership in the Geological Society of America is not required. The award will not be given posthumously.
The Award: Consists of a wall plaque, a $1,000 cash award, and some travel assistance. The Award will be presented at the Division reception at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, with a brief (5 minute) citation from the nominator, followed by a brief (5 minute) acceptance speech by the awardee.
Nomination Procedure for either award
Nominations will be from the Division membership at large, and should consist of:
(1) A nomination letter from an MGPV Division member, no longer than 3 pages, summarizing the nominee's most important accomplishments in geological approaches to mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology. Special attention should be paid to describing how the nominee’s published work demonstrates field-based multidisciplinary geological accomplishments of a groundbreaking nature. The letter should include the name, address, and contact information of the nominator as well as those from whom letters of support can be expected.
(2) Curriculum Vitae of the nominee.
(3) An additional three letters of support. These letters of support may be submitted by anyone, membership of GSA or the MGPV Division is not required.
Nominations should be forwarded to the Division Secretary-Treasurer, J. Alex Speer at: jaspeer@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dossiers of nominees who did not receive the award in any given year will be retained and considered for two succeeding years (as long as the eight-year time limit continues to be met); thus, nominations are active for a total of three years even if not updated or re-submitted. Updated information or resubmitted nominations for such candidates may be sent to the Division Secretary-Treasurer during subsequent calls for award nominations for consideration beyond that time.
From: Anita Grunder <grundera@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CALL FOR GSA AWARDS: Nomination Deadline: 31 March 2017
Take some time and nominate a deserving scientist.
1. Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology and VOLCANOLOGY (MGPV) Division: Distinguished Geological Career Award
The MGPV Distinguished Geological Career Award will go to an individual who, throughout his/her career, has made distinguished contributions in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions. This award emphasizes a geological and multidisciplinary approach. Geological work is by nature general and has an important field component, with Earth as the natural laboratory. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and membership in the Geological Society of America is not required. The award will not be given posthumously.
The Award: Consists of Fellowship in GSA, a wall plaque, a $1,000 cash award, and some travel assistance. The Award will be presented at the Division reception at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, with a brief (5 minute) citation from the nominator, followed by a brief (5 minute) acceptance speech by the awardee.
2. MGPV Division Early Career Award
The MGPV Early Career Award will go to an individual near the beginning of his/her professional career who has already made distinguished contributions in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions. This is a new award that was generously endowed by the estate of James B. Thompson Jr., who believed in the importance to geology of understanding minerals - both their internal characteristics, and their external "social lives" (his term for their relations with each other). This award emphasizes a geological and multidisciplinary approach. Geological work is by nature generalistic and has an important field component, with Earth as the natural laboratory. J. B. Thompson’s work, regardless of subject, was always based on solid field observations. In his acceptance speech for the Day Medal in 1964 he said, “True success in the laboratory should stimulate field investigations rather than discourage them. It would be embarrassing indeed if we were to construct an internally consistent geology, chemically and physically sound, perfect in fact but for one flaw: the lack of a planet to fit it.”
The individual must either be [1] before the age of 36 or [2] within 7 years of the awarding of the terminal degree. If the former, the candidate must be 36 or less on January 1 of the year the award is decided. If the latter, the award must be decided prior to December 31 of the seventh year past the terminal degree. These time limits for the award can be extended for up to two years based on circumstances that have interrupted the nominee's career (i.e., serious illness, child birth, care giver, etc.). Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and membership in the Geological Society of America is not required. The award will not be given posthumously.
The Award: Consists of a wall plaque, a $1,000 cash award, and some travel assistance. The Award will be presented at the Division reception at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, with a brief (5 minute) citation from the nominator, followed by a brief (5 minute) acceptance speech by the awardee.
Nomination Procedure for either award
Nominations will be from the Division membership at large, and should consist of:
(1) A nomination letter from an MGPV Division member, no longer than 3 pages, summarizing the nominee's most important accomplishments in geological approaches to mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology. Special attention should be paid to describing how the nominee’s published work demonstrates field-based multidisciplinary geological accomplishments of a groundbreaking nature. The letter should include the name, address, and contact information of the nominator as well as those from whom letters of support can be expected.
(2) Curriculum Vitae of the nominee.
(3) An additional three letters of support. These letters of support may be submitted by anyone, membership of GSA or the MGPV Division is not required.
Nominations should be forwarded to the Division Secretary-Treasurer, J. Alex Speer at: jaspeer@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dossiers of nominees who did not receive the award in any given year will be retained and considered for two succeeding years (as long as the eight-year time limit continues to be met); thus, nominations are active for a total of three years even if not updated or re-submitted. Updated information or resubmitted nominations for such candidates may be sent to the Division Secretary-Treasurer during subsequent calls for award nominations for consideration beyond that time.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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