The course will be held in Tenerife from April 3 to 9 2017 and is devoted to undergraduate students, but graduate students are also welcome.
It will also provide 2 ECTD (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) from University of La Laguna (ULL).
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the subject of Volcano Monitoring “hands on” by alternating lectures with practical laboratory and field activities. Lessons will be given by researchers having an international scientific background and first-hand experience on Volcano Monitoring. Nowadays monitoring of volcanoes is a highly multidisciplinary field which covers different discipline. The course topics will cover Seismology (basic theory and analysis of seismo-volcanic events), Geodesy (measurement and modeling of ground deformation), Geochemistry (collection, analysis and interpretation of fluids samples) as well as other topics (thermal imagery, volcano infrasound, methods for eruption forecasting). Field activities include visits to the monitoring networks managed by INVOLCAN, as well as in practical demonstrations of geochemical measurements on the field. Two field trips will be done at Teide volcano and Las Cañadas caldera and to outcrops of volcanic successions all around the island. The prerequisites for attending this course are basic skills in Earth Sciences, as well as basic knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
More information can be found at:
Luca D'Auria
Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias
____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ________
Luca D'Auria
Instituto Tecnológico y de EnergÃas Renovables, S.A. (ITER, S.A.)
PolÃgono Industrial de Granadilla, s/n 38600 - Granadilla de AbonaSanta Cruz de Tenerife - España (Spain)
TEL: + 34 922-747-700; FAX: +34 922-747-701
____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ________
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From: "Luca D'Auria" <ldauria@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Tenerife International Training Course on Volcano Monitoring
The organizing committee announces that there is still room for more students (max. 40). The registration deadline is March 3rd 2017!
The course will be held in Tenerife from April 3 to 9 2017 and is devoted to undergraduate students, but graduate students are also welcome.
It will also provide 2 ECTD (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) from University of La Laguna (ULL).
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the subject of Volcano Monitoring “hands on” by alternating lectures with practical laboratory and field activities. Lessons will be given by researchers having an international scientific background and first-hand experience on Volcano Monitoring. Nowadays monitoring of volcanoes is a highly multidisciplinary field which covers different discipline. The course topics will cover Seismology (basic theory and analysis of seismo-volcanic events), Geodesy (measurement and modeling of ground deformation), Geochemistry (collection, analysis and interpretation of fluids samples) as well as other topics (thermal imagery, volcano infrasound, methods for eruption forecasting). Field activities include visits to the monitoring networks managed by INVOLCAN, as well as in practical demonstrations of geochemical measurements on the field. Two field trips will be done at Teide volcano and Las Cañadas caldera and to outcrops of volcanic successions all around the island. The prerequisites for attending this course are basic skills in Earth Sciences, as well as basic knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
More information can be found at:
Luca D'Auria
Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias
Luca D'Auria
Instituto Tecnológico y de EnergÃas Renovables, S.A. (ITER, S.A.)
PolÃgono Industrial de Granadilla, s/n 38600 - Granadilla de AbonaSanta Cruz de Tenerife - España (Spain)
TEL: + 34 922-747-700; FAX: +34 922-747-701
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Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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