From: <guilhem.douillet@xxxxxxibe.ch >
Subject: Volcaniclastic sediments session (EGU2018)
Dear volcano-sediment researchers,
It would be a pleasure to have you presenting your recent work in the session on "Volcaniclastic sediments" that Ulrich Kueppers and myself will convene at the next EGU 2018 General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April 2018).
• Processes of ash dispersal in tephra clouds and their deposition under the effect of wind, rain or accretion.
• Transport in and deposition from pyroclastic currents, from concentrated flows to very dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and co-PDC clouds.
• Hazard assessment via the study of deposits
• Resuspension of volcanic ash and related impacts.
• Generation of lahars in the light of primary deposit characteristics and meteorological conditions.
• Tephrachronology
The session shall focus on all aspects of the formation and study of volcaniclastic sediments, including but not limited to:
• Processes of ash dispersal in tephra clouds and their deposition under the effect of wind, rain or accretion.
• Transport in and deposition from pyroclastic currents, from concentrated flows to very dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and co-PDC clouds.
• Hazard assessment via the study of deposits
• Resuspension of volcanic ash and related impacts.
• Generation of lahars in the light of primary deposit characteristics and meteorological conditions.
• Tephrachronology
Our invited speaker will be Vernon Manville from Leeds, UK. (http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/people/v.manville )
Note that the session will have the PICO format i.e. all presenters receive each a 3 minute oral slot to introduce their work. After this oral part, a presentation with interactive content will be available on screens to follow the discussions in more details in smaller groups.
The call for abstracts is open until 10 January 2018, with a closer deadline on 01 December 2017 for the applications to travel support for early career and established scientists (Roland Schlich travel support).
Here are some relevant links for more information:
-Session Description:http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/session/26887
-EGU2018 General Assembly: egu2018.eu
-About the PICO format: https://egu2018.eu/pico.html
-Travel support: https://egu2018.eu/roland_schlich_travel_support.html
Please contact us for any question or interest, and do not hesitate to spread the word about this session with your colleagues. Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.
Best regards,
Guilhem & Ulrich Kueppers
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