Hi All,
Apologies for cross-postings. Richard Ernst and I would like to pass on some information on a Large Igneous Province session and related short course to be held at Resourcing Future Generations (RFG) 2018 from June 16 to 21 next year in Vancouver, Canada:
Session Title: MIN11: Multi-Commodity, Multi-Scale Exploration Targeting Using the Large Igneous Province Record
Convenors: Drs. Richard Ernst and Simon Jowitt
The Large Igneous Province (LIP) record is becoming important as a tool in exploration targeting for a wide range of commodities and at regional to local scales. Presentations are welcome on all aspects of LIPs (and associated silicic, carbonatite and kimberlite magmatism) that can contribute to exploration targeting. Abstracts can be submitted here: https://security.gibsong
Short Course on LIPs and Resource Exploration and Climate Change, Friday June 22nd, 2018. More details will be given here shortly: http://rfg2018.org/en
Instructors: Drs. Richard Ernst and Simon Jowitt
This one-day short course will provide a comprehensive overview of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) with a focus on research frontiers related to resource exploration and environmental/ climate change. The basics will be covered in the morning sessions: continental and oceanic flood basalts and their plumbing systems (layered intrusions, sills, dykes and deep crustal underplating). There will be an overview of additional topics: Archean LIPs, planetary analogues, associated Silicic LIPs (SLIPs), carbonatites and kimberlites, origin (plumes and alternatives), links to continental breakup and the supercontinent cycle, geochemistry, associated topographic effects (regional uplift and basin formation) and associated compressional tectonics.
The afternoon will focus on links with resource implications (metallogeny, oil/gas and aquifer systems). The links with a broad range of commodity types are captured in our 5-part classification system and we will also present our latest strategies for using the LIPs record in multi- commodity, multi-scale exploration targeting. The afternoon will also cover rapidly developing links with dramatic environmental and climate change, including mass extinction events. We will summarise the latest research on the role of LIPs (and SLIPs) in dramatically changing atmospheric and oceanic composition through time: global warming, glaciations, anoxia, step-wise oxygenation, acid rain/ocean acidification, enhanced hydrothermal and terrestrial nutrient fluxes, and mercury poisoning.
If you have any questions about either the session or the short course please do not hesitate to contact me (simon.jowitt@xxxxxxxx) or Richard (richard.ernst@ernstgeoscience
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