PhD Position in volcano-seismology
In the framework of FNSNF funded project (GENERATE) the Group of Crustal Deformation and Fluid Flow (more info can be found here) in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, has an opening for a PhD candidate to work on the effects of passing seismic waves on high-enthalpy hydrothermal systems. The successful candidate will investigate the Irazu-Rio Sucio Fault-Turrialba (IRT) system in Costa Rica combining seismic data and geophysical methods. The candidate will deploy (and maintain) a seismic network around the IRT system and process data to assess the effects of external forcing on hydrothermal systems. The project will be carried on in collaboration with OVSICORI and INGV.
Project Description: The goal of this project will be to assess the seismic activity beneath the IRT system and investigate dynamic triggering with a dense seismic network. Results will be combined with geological, geochemical and geophysical data.
Qualifications: We are looking for a volcano-seismologist, seismologist, physicist (or from a closely related field) interested in the understanding of fluid flow in the upper crust and its relationship with external forcing. The candidate should expect to spend several months in Costa Rica to carry on fieldwork and work closely with OVSICORI scientists. An MSc degree (or equivalent) in Geophysics, Physics, Earth Sciences, or related subject and excellent communication skills in English are also mandatory. An attitude towards fieldwork and knowledge of Spanish would be a strong asset.
Roles and Responsibilities: The successful candidate is expected to be part of a multidisciplinary team. He/she will be working with Prof. Matteo Lupi (UNIGE), Dr. Javier F. Pacheco (OVSICORI), Dr. Geoffroy Avard (OVSICORI), and Dr. Tullio Ricci (INGV). For questions contact Prof. Matteo Lupi (matteo.lupi@xxxxxxxx). The application material should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact information of three referees. The files should be send by email to matteo.lupi@xxxxxxxx. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
Expected starting date: September 2017.
Duration: 3 years.
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