PhD position at the University of Geneva
The Group of Physical Volcanology and Geological Risk of the Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland) is opening a
Ph.D. position to perform experimental and field investigations of particle aggregation associated with explosive volcanic eruptions
The Swiss National Science
Foundation is supporting a
three-year PhD project on “Experimental
and field investigations of particle aggregation” at
the Section of Earth
and environmental sciences, University of Geneva (Switzerland).
In particular, we are planning
to run experiments
for both dry and wet aggregation of volcanic particles using a
vertical wind tunnel, which has been built in collaboration with
the Ecole
d'ingénieurs de Genève (CMEFE - Groupe de compétences en
mécanique des fluides
et procédés énergétiques / IMEC) for the study of particle
sedimentation. We
are also planning to carry out field observations on a selection
of volcanic
deposits in order to
advance in our understanding of how ash aggregation processes
may influence the
stratigraphic record.
We are looking for an enthusiastic, independent and dynamic PhD student with strong quantitative skills. Applicants must hold a diploma/master degree, or an equivalent level of education, in Geology, Physics, Engineering or Geophysics. Experience in the lab would be favored but it is not necessary, as the PhD candidate will have the opportunity to acquire lab skills during the project and to work in a dynamic environment interacting with other PhD students already working on this topic. More details on the Group of Physical Volcanology and Geological Risk of the University of Geneva can be found at:
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