I’m very sorry to report that Dave Hilton passed away early yesterday, after a five year battle with cancer (Multiple Myeloma). Dave was a great mentor and friend to me (and many others) and well-loved and highly respected in the fields of noble gases, stable isotope geochemistry and volcanology. He completed his PhD at Cambridge, ran labs in Berlin and Amsterdam, before moving to Scripps Institution of Oceanography in the mid-90s. Dave was passionate about his job and loved nothing more than field-work; he was most content climbing a remote volcano to collect gas or mineral samples, or cranking away in his laboratory – pushing the limits of data quality!
Dave is survived by his daughter, wife, father and brothers. They kindly request that in lieu of flowers, please consider donating to “science, education in STEM, or just have a good medium rare steak and a beer, and think of him while you do so”.
Post Doctoral Research Associate
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3AN
United Kingdom
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