From: Michael Perfit <mperfit@xxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit an abstract to theme session T157. Origin and Evolution of the Continental Crust: A Celebration of the Career of Paul Mueller.
Contributions are encouraged to celebrate the impacts made by Paul Mueller toward understanding the genesis and evolution of continental crust and tectonic assembly of Laurentia using the tools of geochronology, isotopic geochemistry, and whole-rock geochemistry. We are exploring publication of a follow-on GSA Special publication, so please submit your contributions early! Invited speakers are Joe Wooden, Pat Bickford and Carol Frost.
The abstract deadline is August 1, and abstracts can be submitted on line at: http://community.geosociety.org/gsa2017/science-careers/sessions/abstracts
David W. Mogk, David A. Foster, Robert Stern (co-conveners)
Sponsored by GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
Sponsored by GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
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