We are pleased to invite you to submit a contribution to the following session of Symposium 2 at the next “Cities of Volcanoes 10” held in Naples (Italy) from 2 to 7 September 2018:
S2.8 - Coordination of Civil Protection and Scientific community: best practices to support the management of volcanic crises and the long-term risk mitigation plans
Preservation of lives and goods and management of hazard zones are the main objectives of the activity carried out by national civil protections and/or local decision-makers. The scientific community (research institutes, universities, observatories) maintains monitoring networks and laboratories that provide primary input to decision makers, such as unrest detection, early-warning, possible eruption forecasting, alert issuance, eruption monitoring, volcanic hazard and risk estimation. Based on their expertise, scientists can provide robust scientific grounds for actions to be taken by decision makers (both during quiet and crisis times), who must also account for their political and societal mandates. To implement this principle, effective communication and cooperation between scientists and decision makers is crucial. Indeed communication is required to direct scientists toward research outputs useful for decision making, and to keep decision makers aware of the limitations of scientific knowledge, including unavoidable uncertainties. This implies the continual construction of common ground for increasing awareness of the reciprocal needs and limitations. We seek contributions that discuss the management of the interface between science and decision making, ranging between the real time management of volcanic crises to the definition of procedures for risk reduction plans. This includes recommendations on how monitoring data and scientific interpretations can be most effectively communicated, examples of procedures, formats for bullettins and advices released from volcanic observatories and scientific advisory committees, as well as experience of collaborations involving science and decision making communities in building procedures leading to defensible decisions based on solid science and successful communication of uncertainties.
This session has the sponsorship of the Project EPOS (European Plate Observing System) and of the WOVO IAVCEI commission.
The deadline for the abstract submission is May 10, 2018.
Please, contribute to disseminate this announcement to any interested person and feel free to contact the Conveners for any further information.
We hope to see you in Naples!
The Convenors
Rosa Anna Corsaro, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy, rosanna.corsaro@xxxxxxx
John Pallister, United States Geological Survey, USA, jpallist@xxxxxxxx
Stefano Ciolli, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Italy, stefano.ciolli@protezio
Marta Lucia Calvache, Servicio Geologico Nacional, Bogota, Colombia, mcalvache@xxxxxxxxxx
Susanna Jenkins, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, susanna.jenkins@ntu
Jean-Claude Thouret, Université Clermont-Auvergne, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, France, J-Claude.THOURET@uca.f
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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