Cari colleghi, vi segnaliamo la sessione P26 di vostro possibile interesse, al congresso della SGI-SIMP che si terrà a Catania dal 12 al 14 settembre 2018 (http://www.sgicatania201
La deadline per la sottomissione degli abstracts è fissata al 21 Maggio 2018.
Grazie ed un saluto,
Mimmo, Antonio, Matteo
P26. Linking deep and surface processes: advances in volcanology from a multidisciplinary perspective
Proposers: Mimmo Palano (INGV, Catania), Antonio Paonita (INGV, Palermo), Matteo Trolese (Univ. Roma Tre)
Invited: Marco Viccaro (Univ. Catania), Marcello Liotta (INGV, Palermo)
Volcanic processes encompass an impressive range of geochemical, petrological, geophysical and geological signatures. Our capacity to monitor and understand active volcanoes has been greatly enhanced by the continuous development of a large number of disciplines and approaches aimed to detect and study these signatures. At the same time, our current understanding of how volcanoes work is incomplete. How do eruptions initiate, evolve and end? How long does it take for magma to reach the surface and which conditions determine whether magma will erupt? Are there any unrest patterns that may be used to predict a future eruption? Answering these long-standing challenges requires an interdisciplinary approach combining monitoring of active volcanoes, studies on past eruptions and the development of quantitative models of volcanic processes. This session aims at bringing together a multidisciplinary audience to discuss the integration of volcanological observations and monitoring data, in order to advance available methods and models and, in turn, to better understand the dynamics of volcanoes.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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