*************************************************************************Subject: Yellowstone Caldera post-IAVCEI field trip
Here's one last reminder about the post-meeting field trip to Yellowstone in association with the IAVCEI2017 meeting. There is still space available, though registration closes on June 1 so that we can finalize trip logistics.
Monitoring the Yellowstone Caldera: Geologic History, Geothermal Activity, Earthquakes, and Ongoing Unrest
This is a 6+ day field trip that includes 4 nights within Yellowstone National Park (two at Old Faithful and two at Yellowstone Lake).
Our final night and culminating dinner will be held at Chico Hot Springs, a classic hot springs resort just north of Yellowstone.
The trip begins and ends in Bozeman, MT. Cost is $750, not including travel to Bozeman, most dinners and breakfasts. It DOES include all lodging, within-trip transportation, lunches, and the final dinner.
The trip is multidisciplinary in nature, covering aspects of volcanology, geophysics, monitoring and geothermal activity at Yellowstone.
Registration is through the IAVCEI 2017 website.
Jake Lowenstern, USGS
Jamie Farrell, University of Utah
Lisa Morgan, USGS emeritus
Pat Shanks, USGS emeritus
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