Dear all,
We invite you to submit an abstract to Volcanic Resources session at the next EGU General Assembly (8-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria). This session is co-organised by the divisions of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology; Energy, Resources and the Environment; and Natural Hazards.
Abstract deadline is 10 January 2018.
Submit abstracts here: http://meetingorganizer.
Session details:
GMPV6.6/ERE3.6/NH2.10 |
Convener: Evgenia Ilyinskaya |
What good is a volcano? This session explores how volcanoes and volcanic activity can be used as resources to benefit societal development.
An important example is the harnessing of volcanic geothermal energy as an alternative to fossil fuel. They can also be water resources, holding, for example, in the Andes large and important aquifers that are at risk from climate change. Agriculture and volcanism have a complicated relationship, as volcanic emissions of ash and gas can destroy pastures, but also stimulate growth under the right conditions.
Volcanoes are large and long-lived mountain terrains that support highly dynamic ecosystems and thus are often motors for biodiversity and evolution. Volcanoes are also a large tourist attraction, both to those who want to see a volcano in action (e.g. Masaya lava lake), and those who want to be active themselves (e.g. ‘volcano boarding’ on Cerro Negro, backcountry skiing on Fujiyama, trekking, or enjoying thermal waters). At the same time, volcano tourism can lead to enhanced risk, and the balance of economic benefit versus hazard is a complicated topic.
Volcanoes can inspire artistic creativity, and their rock is used for building and sculpture. Over-exploitation of these resources can lead to degradation of the volcanic scenery, but can also provide windows into the volcanic interior, without destroying the landscape.
We invite presentations that touch on the many aspects related to this multidisciplinary topic. We particularly invite contributions with collaboration of industrial partners and governmental agencies.
Best wishes,
Evgenia Ilyinskaya
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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